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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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Finally, LaGoosh and I agree on a film!Oldboy is one of my favourites, and the nemesis of the piece is one of my favourite characters in cinema history.

I tink we usually agree on films, just as long as their not directed by Peter Jackson.
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"When the last sword is drawn"Made in the style of 'Twilight Samurai' this film follows a samurai who's fallen on bad times and has left his home to earn money. He comes into the service of a powerful group of Samurai where he meets a man who hates everything around him. The story centers on their relationship while also focusing on the main character's slowly unraveling story.This film has some amazing moments, and it actually makes you not like the main character for while before explaining why he does things the way he does and you grow to understand him and even respect him in a land that doesn't respect his way of life.The main issue I had with this film is that it was a bit too long, they could've trimmed half an hour off the time and had a 'superb' film, instead there are some scenes that are too drawn out, also once in a while it's easy to get lost on the plot as 'remberance/dream' scenes aren't clearly marked.But still it's a nice peice that you'll enjoy if you're into Japanese movies.6.5/10

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The Machinist****May contain VERY VAGUE spoilers****One of the best films i've seen in a long time!! I've gotten really into psycological thrillers recently and am a big Christian Bale fan, so i was drooling over the prospect of this one and i wasnt dissapointed.Somewhat confusing at times, in its early stages the film seems to lack direction as it introduces you to the main charecters relationships with those around him, but nothing seems to stem from them, however things soon start to get interesting and what follows is a complicated journey into the mind of a man who after a year without sleep is a mental and physical wreck, tormented by an increased state of paranoia.Its true that this film borrows elements from films like Fight Club and Memento, but its message is far more grounded and hard hitting than both movies and its closing moments make you realise that whilst the subject of the film is haunted by something of his past which you would normally frown upon, you have to feel for him, as his charecter is finally at peace.All in all a well paced film with first class acting, two good twists, one of which is predictable, the other not so, beautifully shot and lit throughout and one of those which you are guaranteed to have to re-visit in order to understand some elements - i for one had to visit some spoiler sites for clarity on some parts, only to watch it again and appreciate it even more when more aware of what i was watching.****1/2 out of 5

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Watched Batman Begins tonight. Been putting it off for ages because Katie Holmes bugs me.Enjoyable romp. Interesting cast. Wouldn't the microwave weapon effect the water in people's cells though?Watched Heart Of The Dragon (AKA: The First Mission) last night. Twice. Once in Cantonese with subs, and once with Bey Logan's commentary. Much more enjoyable than the English dub.Found the Easter Egg. It's the end credits from the Japanese release, and features an out-take of a stunt going horribly wrong.

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Watched Batman Begins tonight. Been putting it off for ages because Katie Holmes bugs me.Enjoyable romp. Interesting cast. Wouldn't the microwave weapon effect the water in people's cells though?

Shhhhhh... ;) Did you think the Scarecrow was horribly underused?
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Watched Batman Begins tonight. Been putting it off for ages because Katie Holmes bugs me.Enjoyable romp. Interesting cast. Wouldn't the microwave weapon effect the water in people's cells though?

Shhhhhh... ;) Did you think the Scarecrow was horribly underused?
Not only horribly underused, but also horribly under-introduced when you consider he's one of the less well known villains to the casual Batman viewer.
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Watched Heart Of The Dragon (AKA: The First Mission) last night. Twice. Once in Cantonese with subs, and once with Bey Logan's commentary. Much more enjoyable than the English dub.Found the Easter Egg. It's the end credits from the Japanese release, and features an out-take of a stunt going horribly wrong.

Bey Logan's commentaries are excellent, that guy knows fucking everything.
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took advantage of my buy one get one free voucher from mcdonalds at blockbuster so i picked up these...


Shallow Ground - been wanting to see this for awhile, this could have been excellent, the actual idea is great..a blood covered boy enters a police station refuses to talk and all weird shit starts to go down. id say 75% of this was excellent, the actual ending kinda ruins it, it's good in theory but they dont quite pull it off...overall, if you fancy an origional kinda horror movie check this out, it aint your usual slasher flick. Look out for an excellent last scare too, which whilst it dont make much sense, is fucking wicked.


The Cave - i think most people are put of my this cause seeing it as a crappy version of The Descent (they both came out at roughly the same time), this is actually nowhere near as bad as i expected. The story is kinda similar to the Descent's but this film is more akin in feel to something like Alien Vs Predator, just dumb-ass fun film...worth a viewing.

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Watched Heart Of The Dragon (AKA: The First Mission) last night. Twice. Once in Cantonese with subs, and once with Bey Logan's commentary. Much more enjoyable than the English dub.Found the Easter Egg. It's the end credits from the Japanese release, and features an out-take of a stunt going horribly wrong.

Bey Logan's commentaries are excellent, that guy knows fucking everything.
Bey's commentaries are often better than the film itself. The best thing about them is the fact that it never sounds scripted or researched, it's basically Bey watching the movie and just rambling into a tape recorder whatever he thinks of, and yet it's never uninteresting.
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I just watched King Kong, through rather illicit means it must be said, and I must say it was a helluva lot better than I thought it would be-I actually found myself laughing out loud at the 'every time she gets away from the dinosaur she gets thrown towards the other one' bit....and it definitely keep me thoroughly entertained throughout. Thought they got the 'humanity' of Kong out well too.It's not going to be hailed as 'intelligent cinema' but its still a very nice looking film

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The Nest

A great action movie, which takes alot from Assault on Precinct 13, but still manages to be better than most similar action films coming out of Hollywood. The movie has a great premise, believable characters, and good acting by all of the main cast. It is not a dialog-heavy movie, but is still easy to follow and understand, with a good build-up in the first 30-minutes of the film, of the main characters to be used in the rest of the movie. It also has great action scenes (violent, bloody, exciting), and some good special effects. Similar in part to films like Assault on Precinct 13, SWAT, Transporter, Die Hard, and even Night of the Living Dead.


The DVD extras seem at first glance to be limited, but they include 6-minutes of deleted scenes (with comments by the director), a very interesting and in-depth 52-minute Making of Featurette, and the theatrical trailer.



Easily worth the

Edited by DJM
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