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I went with XIII and Mercenaries, shall get Black another time.


Mercenaries got old quick with me but XIII was one of the best games I ever played. It was amazing, i really enjoyed the style and story and it played really well. It was one of the few games that really engrossed me fully, stuntman (the first) being another, and didn't get old as i went on but pulled me further and further in.


I hope I feel the same way about XIII as Mercenaries is pretty meh (should've gotten Black). Long load times too, although that's probably because the disc is scratched and my PS2 is pretty old. At least the delivery was nice and quick.


I was hoping XIII would arrive today but the mail has already come so... :(

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I then moved on to Half Life 2, which is sadly showing it's age. The opening segments bounce between nothing at all and relentless pursuit, not really letting you get into the game. I'm still playing for now but I might give up.

I saw it through to the end, only because I hadn't played it first time around (what with owning a shit PC and all). I can see why such a fuss was made about it at the time - there are some great moment and details - , but it screams "10-year-old PC game" on the 360. The mid-pursuit level loading is just bullshit on a console in 2009.


I gave up. There are more than enough good games out there deserving of my time rather than push through this just for the experience. I got the Gravity Gun, and it wasn't nearly as much fun as the Portal Gun.


I have Dead Space and Bioshock on the shelf awaiting playing... I'm leaning towards opening Bioshock as everything I've read about it indicates I'll love it.

I was three-quarters of the way through replaying Bioshock (to get the "good" ending to sit alongside my "bad" ending), when I got back into Fallout 3 again.


I started Bioshock last night. Holy heck, what an intro. What an incredible setting and superb atmosphere... the way the lights blink on as you approach an area, the cackling of splicers from the next room... I think I'm going to like this one.


Fallout 3 is starting to look like the best value
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I gave up. There are more than enough good games out there deserving of my time rather than push through this just for the experience. I got the Gravity Gun, and it wasn't nearly as much fun as the Portal Gun.

I can see you point. I'm done with my Orange Box, so I'm going to trade it in and just download the XBLA version of Portal as it's the only one I'm probably going to go back to. Doesn't mean I'm not interested in Half-Life: Episode III when it appears.


I started Bioshock last night. Holy heck, what an intro. What an incredible setting and superb atmosphere... the way the lights blink on as you approach an area, the cackling of splicers from the next room... I think I'm going to like this one.

:music:Jesus loves me, this I know/For the Bible tells me so... :music:


Hearing that from the next room still gives me the wiggins.


. I'm glad I played this and Bioshock a few months apart, as the period setting is a little familiar.

On the surface, there's definitely some similarities, but, as you know, once you get in they become very different, yet equally absorbing games.

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Fallout was the game of last year for me. Absolutely incredible world. Don't rush to level up. You'll hit the ceiling and won't have anywhere for your character to advance.


If you're stuck - and don't you dare venture there until you are - go to fallout.wikia.com for infinite resources.


Easily game of last year for me too, I'm still playing it thanks to the fantastic DLC and it's increase of the level cap. Looking forward to getting Point Lookout at the end of the month too.

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I got Bio Shock about a month ago. Great fuckin' game, although perhaps one level too long for my tastes and the end boss sucked. Very creepy stuff in it though and the Sander Cohen level is just brilliantly insane. "I can't take off the fucking bunny ears!"


I loved Fallout 3 so much, one of my favorite games ever but once I reached the level cap it took the fun out of the game for me because I was getting into big fights with tough monsters all the time but was getting literally no reward for my victories which took away all the gameplaying satisfaction. I completed the main storyline but there are a few side missions and locations I am yet to complete. Never found the fucking dog either. :(


Currently playing inFamous which is okay for button mashing nonsense. Jumping around the city is alot of fun but the combat is very samey. The voice actors are also beyond cliched.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Jumped back in the SFIV saddle last night to sharped a few rough edges on my Zang. Still satisfying to scare people with the range on the jab SPD.


Also nearing the end of Bioshock, which I'm enjoying a lot. Just passed the "would you kindly" twist. Excellent atmosphere and good plasmid design. The only tiny annoyance I have is to be 95% of the way through the reloading/rehypoing animation and switch, only to have to start all over again. Poop.


Also the Playeronepodcast have Moonwalker as their Game Club this week, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. I never played it originally, man it's surreal. All those flicky sparkly kicks, Bubbles guides you to the "boss" scene, but the best bit is the inter-level picture of MJ which is static apart from a mouth which animates to allow him to say "ooOOOOAAAWW!" or something equally profound. Had me in stitches.


Also played a little Fire Pro Premium X, which I haven't done in a while. Still a great engine, looking forward to a PS3 update or Virtual Console release please :)

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Also nearing the end of Bioshock, which I'm enjoying a lot. Just passed the "would you kindly" twist.


That's the games biggest flaw. After that awesome twist you aren't near the end, it starts to drag for a little while after this.

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I've been playing the absolute shit out of Virtua Tennis 2009. It's not a mesmerising game by any means, nor is it a huge improvement over VT3. But I desperately want to reach world number 1 on World Tour mode, and it takes AGES. You gain about 2 rankings per tournament victory. Which, when you consider there's 100 ranking in amateur, before the 150 on pro, means you need to win a shitload of tournaments to accomplish this particular feat.


I shall do it, though.

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iPhone/iPod Touch owners need to download "Shift". It's a really clever little platformer and only costs 59p. I'm hooked.

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