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Oh sure, Metroid Prime is more like an action platformer type thing than a true FPS, but either way it's not friendly to novices. The first one is better, but still get them both. Resident Evil is definitely better as it's a more complete game. For newcomers to Resi as a whole it's not the most welcoming introduction though, it's pretty damn hard. Resident Evil 0 is more of a bonus side story that runs alongside (and slightly before) the timeline of Resident Evil. It's only worth a go if you love the first one and are hankering for more. I'd say Resi 4 is the pinnacle of the series though, and not far off the pinnacle of videogames as a medium. Also, to enjoy Resi 4 you don't need a whole lot of knowledge of the series. Yes, they use Leon and Ada from Resi 2 along with another more notorious figure, but you can certainly enjoy it as a standalone adventure and not lose out. Monkey Ball on the 'cube is just controlled via a single analogue stick yeah. You control the landscape rather than the ball and the 'cube stick suits it beautifully. However, if you didn't like the similar bits of Mario Galaxy and didn't like the DS version, it's unlikely to convert you. Personally I'd buy it for the golf anyway, but I wouldn't try and sell it to you based solely on the party games. Monkey Target is tremendous as well, yes. Hage, I have Monkey Ball deluxe for Xbox, I will give it a go on my 360 and report my findings.

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Cheers... There seems to be a fair few copies available on ebay for a good price so if it does work then that will cure my Super Monkey Withdrawal Deluxe.Also -

Monkey Ball on the 'cube is just controlled via a single analogue stick yeah. You control the landscape rather than the ball and the 'cube stick suits it beautifully. However, if you didn't like the similar bits of Mario Galaxy and didn't like the DS version, it's unlikely to convert you. Personally I'd buy it for the golf anyway, but I wouldn't try and sell it to you based solely on the party games. Monkey Target is tremendous as well, yes.

Really? I have barely played the main game at all, but have spent countless hours on the Party Games (90% of which has been Monkey Target).. Oh, and I wasn't too nuts about the Monkey Ball-esque bits on Mario Galaxy either... Edited by Who has called me Hage?
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I honestly only play it for the golf and barely touch the main game too, but in this age where people are reviewing and slating Halo 3 whilst completely ignoring the online play, I have to acknowledge that some people want more than hat.

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Metroid Prime 1 and 2 are both essential. Neither are particularly welcoming to the novice FPS player but with a bit of practice and perseverance you'll get through them. They're not often unfairly difficult, but don't expect to breeze through either of them. Both are absolutely worth the effort.

See I'd say the opposite is true. As a seasoned FPS player I found getting used to the controls in Metriod an absolute fucking nightmare, it may be from a first person perspective and be about shooting but it is nothing like an FPS.Oh, and get the first one as it is much better. The seond has too much fannying about with having to hop between the two worlds whereas the first one it quite simply awesome in every imaginable way.
The Lion knows what he's talking about. Metroid Prime 2 was awesome until about halfway in, then you just get sick of backtracking through the two worlds.Stick with the first one.
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Downloaded 'Da Blob' and 'Wario Land: The Shake' for the Wii last night. Not been much by way of really good titles over recent months just the usual genre of games that are ok with the boys round then the Wii goes into cold storage for another three weeks but these look really good. Friend says Wario Land is the best game on the Wii since Galaxy which can only be a good thing and Da Blob i was intrigued by the title more than anything else but having read some reviews it seems like the only thing it could be compared to is Jet Set Radio which can never be a bad thing. Fingers crossed they are good :)

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Downloaded 'Da Blob' and 'Wario Land: The Shake' for the Wii last night. Not been much by way of really good titles over recent months just the usual genre of games that are ok with the boys round then the Wii goes into cold storage for another three weeks but these look really good. Friend says Wario Land is the best game on the Wii since Galaxy which can only be a good thing and Da Blob i was intrigued by the title more than anything else but having read some reviews it seems like the only thing it could be compared to is Jet Set Radio which can never be a bad thing. Fingers crossed they are good :)

Downloaded it?
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Downloaded 'Da Blob' and 'Wario Land: The Shake' for the Wii last night. Not been much by way of really good titles over recent months just the usual genre of games that are ok with the boys round then the Wii goes into cold storage for another three weeks but these look really good. Friend says Wario Land is the best game on the Wii since Galaxy which can only be a good thing and Da Blob i was intrigued by the title more than anything else but having read some reviews it seems like the only thing it could be compared to is Jet Set Radio which can never be a bad thing. Fingers crossed they are good :)

Downloaded it?
Chipped WiiIts worth every penny if that is what hes done, getting games early, and getting games that are never released over here, cant beat that!
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Downloaded 'Da Blob' and 'Wario Land: The Shake' for the Wii last night. Not been much by way of really good titles over recent months just the usual genre of games that are ok with the boys round then the Wii goes into cold storage for another three weeks but these look really good. Friend says Wario Land is the best game on the Wii since Galaxy which can only be a good thing and Da Blob i was intrigued by the title more than anything else but having read some reviews it seems like the only thing it could be compared to is Jet Set Radio which can never be a bad thing. Fingers crossed they are good :)

Downloaded it?
Chipped WiiIts worth every penny if that is what hes done, getting games early, and getting games that are never released over here, cant beat that!
Aye sorry you can get Wii's chipped just like the old Playstations. Download a burn ISO to DVD normal 4gb+ files and works a treat. Get the odd one which is a pain in the arse as it's not totally Region Free at the moment and some games from Nintendos own publishers try and force a firmware upgrade but you can patch the games in two seconds before burning them to block against any updates, etc. Had it around eighteen months now and not a bit of bother.
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My laptop died.I LOST ALL MY MUGEN DATA. Needless to say, i'm not all that happy. I need a favour, any Mugen players here who can help me out? :(

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Possibly. What do you need? I started from scratch a while ago so I only have a limited selection of stages and characters. I use "Mugen Fighting Jam" with the snazzy Capcom Fighting Jam front end and gigantomungous character select screen. If my PC will avoid crashing for longer than thirty seconds I might be able to assist. P.S. I have nude Rainbow Mika, so you can invent your own mini-games. ;););)Masturbation. ;)

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