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I'm more of a realistic racing type, and I thought from the reviews that it was more that than power-sliding craziness. If it isn't, I may well be dissuaded. They're doing F1 next, so if this is good it bodes well for the recently-shit F1 licence.

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Been bored with games recently.Still trucking along with GTA4 but on the PC have played a bit of Conan Hyborian Adventures which is okay my machine doesn't really cope with it well though.Becuase of that I found myself digging out Star Trek - Birth of the Federation which is fun until it starts slowing down horribly in later stages, so played "Star Wars - Supremacy" instead and remembered how much I enjoyed that game and how I wish it could be updated not to change it too much just to add 'newer' ships etc... Fun game.Anyway. I'll probably play Doomdarks Revenge again soon as I'm on a retro kick :D

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I have no motivation at all to play GTAIV. It is completely going to waste. I just can't turn my Xbox on and not put Halo 3 or Virtua Fighter 5 in it. I enjoy playing both of them infinitely more despite GTA's obvious quality. Other than the above, I recently got King of Fighters XI for the PS2. Another KOF game really, nothing earth-shattering but fun stuff and well worth

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Momoko is one of the best efforts at 2D capoeira

Better than Bob from FF3? :O

SNK have actually out-cheaped their own masterpieces from all previous games.

Cheaper than Geese from AOF2?Where did you get it for
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I have no motivation at all to play GTAIV. It is completely going to waste. I just can't turn my Xbox on and not put Halo 3 or Virtua Fighter 5 in it. I enjoy playing both of them infinitely more despite GTA's obvious quality.

I'm the same except it's still COD4 and PES 2008 I can't stop playing even though I've hardly done anything on GTA yet.
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PES would usually be on my list too. Unfortunately I've taken to the new one a whole lot better than my friends and as such a lot of the fun has gone out of it because I beat them too easily and they're unhappy about it. We were all closely matched on PES6 but the new one favours more use of R2 skills, shot feints and give-and-goes than any of the previous games, and none of them really use that stuff. Shame really.

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Just spent a couple of hours on this:


Shot Online


It's a FREE MMO Golf Sim. Gotta say it's a bit rough around the edges but it's a lot of fun if you like golf games. The golf itself is pretty nifty. Okay it's not fabulous but it's fun enough. Seems like a giggle anyway.


There's a shop you can buy stuff in real money from but it's not really needed so it's free unless you're golfleet....



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Been playing Conan recently...fun in a Non-WOW sort of way...and I get a kick out of the fatalities (the one handed hammer one being particularly sickening :crazy: )Big shock, Guitar Hero IV's got a drumkit. Looks nice. More surprising, there seems to be a music creator in the game.

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Since I still do not have enough for the ps3 im stuck on the ps2 on fifa 08 making the Euros and playing through that and then a mate has borrowed me Hitman: Blood Money so I am getting stuck into that when I should be revising.

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got alone in the dark friday.fucking awesome game. there is about 3 ways to do everything in the game. for example theres a door with a key code that you don't know. there are two ways of getting through it. 1-you can shoot the keypad and wire the two wires together to blow the lock. or 2-shot the lock then use a fire extuisger (sp?) to break the door down.brilliant game pick it up now

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