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Eternal Darkness is very good, and so is Pikmin. Both are pretty cheap in places like Game, or on somewhere like Amazon marketplace. Pikmin 2 is obviously good as well, though isn't cheap.Animal Crossing, and Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life are good as well, so get them if you want something a bit more sedate (I should point out that Animal Crossing isn't that cheap to get either though).Super Monkey Ball 2. Haven't played the first, but the second is quite good and quite challenging at times.The only trouble I have found with the GC, is that some games are quite expensive and/or hard to find second hand. So I still haven't got Smash Brothers Melee :(

Edited by jerichoholictufcfan
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Ooh, I just remembered: also get Paper mario: Thousand Year Door. A stunning take on an RPG, actually making it fun rather than a tiresome pretty dice-rolling game. Very funny to boot.

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I recently got into DK: Jungle Climber. I hadn't heard of the first game, King of Swing, but apparently I've done well by skipping straight to the sequel. It's great - when you first hear about the new controls you might be put off, but it's really intuitive. Feels like I'm discovering platformers all over again.

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Ooh, I just remembered: also get Paper mario: Thousand Year Door. A stunning take on an RPG, actually making it fun rather than a tiresome pretty dice-rolling game. Very funny to boot.

You think? I am struggling to get in to it still. I would recommend any of the Mario Party games as longas you have friends to play with as solo they are quite boring and repetitive. Resi 4 as it is one of the best games ever made for any system. Pikmin is a class apart from other games I felt. I also loved Mario Golf.Oh, and Luigis Mansion. I thought that was realy good. Only game I kept going back to other than Resi 4. Edited by rubbafish
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Ooh, I just remembered: also get Paper mario: Thousand Year Door. A stunning take on an RPG, actually making it fun rather than a tiresome pretty dice-rolling game. Very funny to boot.

You think? I am struggling to get in to it still.
As long as you don't think you're playing a true Mario game, I think it works a treat. You also have to bend your mind around the 2D/3D concept sometimes. It has a touch of the backtracking about it but it seems very common in games these days.
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Here's a question for you guys on Monkey Ball...


Do you play the main game much? And what mini games do you play?


When I play this with friends, the only thing we ever play is the Monkey Target minigame (where you roll off the ramp, open your ball, glide towards the target and try to land on points, collecting bananas on the way).

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The mini/crazy golf is magnificent. Even with Wii sports bowling and Pangya! Golf with style in the collection, we still pull out Monkey ball Deluxe for some mini golf.

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Didn't want to start a new thread for this, in case someone left a smelly turd on my doorstep or something.But if the only way you could attend last night's Raw was to commit to several days in Birmingham, and you've ever wanted to play a real-life game of Pac-Man, then by jingo, you're in luck:

If you show up at the Plus International Design Festival in Birmingham this week, you will be able to take part in an enormous and life-sized game of Pac-Man.The event runs between 17th and 21st October, and will let groups of five live out their old arcade fantasies in a specially created maze.One human will take the role of Pac-Man and be guided around by Player One, who has an overview of the whole maze and radio communication to the yellow blob-man.Meanwhile two other humans will take up arms as the Ghosts and be put to work by Player Two, who also has radio communication to them and an overview of the maze.Unlike the arcade game, however, there will be no dots to gobble-up and and the Ghosts will not actually eat Pac-Man when they catch him. There will be Power Pills, though, that let you turn tables and eat the Ghosts, and a sound will play to alert everyone that you have picked one up.All you have to do to join in is show up at the event and say hello yes I would like to take part. Games are said to last about 10 minutes, although there is no time limit so it could go on for ever.Head over to the Plus International Design Festival website for more information on how to attend.

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Hurrah, an excuse to post this:




Apologies if it's been on the forum a bunch of times already, but I love it. The Umpatriots' Superman gag is also magnificent:



As for WHAT PLAY I? I haven't chipped in for a while, so...


Halo 3. Lots of this. Tore through the campaign on Heroic with a friend in the first week. I think the campaign mode has been overly slated as I found it thoroughly enjoyable. The Grunt dialog is funnier than ever ("He was my best friend!" :() and mass brawls with tonnes of Brutes are suitably chaotic. Seeing my friend fall victim to a Brute Shot barrage after hearing "YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE KILLED MY BROTHER, DEMON!" was fantastic. Also, the Grunt suicide bombers are the best thing ever.


Since then it has been almost non-stop online deathmatching. Awesome, awesome stuff and it would justify the selling price even if there was no campaign mode. Also, I notice a lot of people criticising the visuals. Personally I think the theatre mode shows off just how beautiful the game actually is if you look closely. That said, graphics aren't really my main concern with videogames.


Other things...


Metal Slug Anthology. Brought my Wii back home to play a couple of my single player games that never see the light of day. This collection is alright, but I only bought it for Metal Slug 6 because it won't run on my preferred emulators and because I'm a Metal Slug obsessive. The conversions aren't as good as they should be and it doesn't have the cool extras like Fat Island or Combat School from the individual releases.


Also, there are loading times which suck and some of the large enemies and bosses don't flash when you hit them. The latter is a minor point, but if you're used to the games it's quite jarring the first few times, especially with some bosses that can only be hit in certain weak spots and thus you can't tell if you're actually damaging them. Lastly, there's slow-down in a number of places, which is bloody awful. The Xbox releases of individual 'slug games were far superior.


The plus points are that you get 7 games (well 6 and a re-make of number 2) on one disc and that the unlockable art and interviews are pretty cool. Unlockable artwork is normally something I don't give a crap about as a videogame extra, but Metal Slug's design is so damn cool that the sketches are worth a look.


Oh yeah, and my cousin got Streets of Rage 2 for his Wii Virtual Console, so we blasted through that on Mania for old times' sake. Never, ever gets old.

Edited by JLM
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