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The UKFF [Nearly-Official] Questions Thread


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Does anyone have any Idea how the DDP Vs Jay Z lawsuit is going, over use of the "diamond cutter" sign?Also is there any lawsuits going down over who owns the term "The Game" because, I'm sure I read somewhere, the WWE, were trying to stop The Game ( the rapper ) using the name.

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Guest Josh Jenkins

Also is there any lawsuits going down over who owns the term "The Game" because, I'm sure I read somewhere, the WWE, were trying to stop The Game ( the rapper ) using the name.

Yeah it's true. There's an ongoing lawsuit between Triple H and The Game.
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Does anyone have any Idea how the DDP Vs Jay Z lawsuit is going, over use of the "diamond cutter" sign?

I read recently (I think in the Observer) that it's likely to be concluded soon and Page "will be happy with the outcome".
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  • Paid Members

Does anyone have any Idea how the DDP Vs Jay Z lawsuit is going, over use of the "diamond cutter" sign?

In F4W this week, they said that it was ending with an out of court settlement. DDP is pleased apparantly.No one is sure how much money is involved.Edit - whoops, damn you Lister! Edited by Rob Lowe
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has kenta kobashi returned to in ring action yet?

From: http://www.puroresupower.com/

(NOAH) Kenta Kobashi wants to return within the year and compete with Yoshihiro Takayama.

Here is a recent pic -20070718-00000035-spnavi-fight-view-000.jpg
A further update -

(7/20/07) - (NOAH) Tokyo Sports indicated in a report yesterday that Kenta Kobashi's target date for a return is between October and December (the two months with NOAH having a Budokan show booked).

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