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The UKFF [Nearly-Official] Questions Thread


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I was just listening to the new podcast on Wrestle Crap Radio, and RD Reynolds said that he is writing a column for a UK wrestling magazine called "fighting spirit" that comes out on April 13th. I have looked on Google and could not find much info. Has anyone else heard of this magazine?

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Does anyone know of any promotions that have promoted, regularly promote or are going to promote shows in Cumbria? More specifically the Lake District.Also, does anyone know the results/attendance of All Star Wrestling's Skegness show tonight?

Just outside the lake district in Sunny Kendal, Shane Palmer has promoted a few times at Kendal leisure centre and Ian Mcgregor has promoted there and I believe the town hall as well.
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I was just listening to the new podcast on Wrestle Crap Radio, and RD Reynolds said that he is writing a column for a UK wrestling magazine called "fighting spirit" that comes out on April 13th. I have looked on Google and could not find much info. Has anyone else heard of this magazine?

Fighting Spirit was being pimped at 1PW this month.It's set to be a new combat magazine featuring wrestling, boxing and MMA.The first issue should be out soon...ish.
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If Undertaker's parents died in a housefire, who the hell is Paul Bearer?

According to the undertaker story, he worked at a funeral parlor owned by Mr. and Mrs. Calloway/Jacobs :laugh:
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I was just listening to the new podcast on Wrestle Crap Radio, and RD Reynolds said that he is writing a column for a UK wrestling magazine called "fighting spirit" that comes out on April 13th. I have looked on Google and could not find much info. Has anyone else heard of this magazine?

Fighting Spirit was being pimped at 1PW this month.It's set to be a new combat magazine featuring wrestling, boxing and MMA.The first issue should be out soon...ish.
Thanks for the info. :thumbsup:
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Someone on another forum I post at just said this

The main thing I want to know is what the hell Lanza said that was so bad when he inducted Bobby Heenan. I have the 2004 ceremony on DVD but it's edited heavily from what actually happened. Lanza was said to have told a hideous story that shocked the audience and made Heenan's daughter and wife cry.

Any help?
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I was there that night, and I remember people getting upset and angry at the speech.It was nothing offensive, just overly long and boring. After midnight, and after Muraco had spoken for what seemed like a fortnight a lot of people struggled to handle it.Serious answer: I don't think he told anything that might have caused that reaction. The editing throughout the dvd was just cutting down long and boring stories.

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When did shane douglas appear in ROH and what purpose did he serve?

He was on “The Future Is Now”, which was in New York the same Afternoon as ECW:ONS was on in the Evening. The idea was for him to cut a promo saying how ROH was a new way of doing things instead of another lame ECW clone, and basically put the company over. However, the fans really didn’t give a shit about lame, whiny, liar Shane Douglas and gave him a roasting, so he improvised a heel promo instead. He later came out to have another go at putting ROH over, and just about managed to choke out “ROH is the shit!” before the fans booed him out of the building.
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Question about an ECW PPV.I remembering seeing the Junkyard Dog being inducted into some sort of Hall of Fame on an ECW PPV. I'm sure Bill Eadie was there too in his Masked Superstar get-up. I *think* it was held in Atlanta, Georgia.Any help? Cheers brahs.

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