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Wrestlers criticised as overrated to such an extent that they became underrated


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2 hours ago, Carbomb said:

Given Watts', Mahal's, and Corbin's presence on that list, it does read as companies overpushing them being the metric - I don't think I've ever heard or read any fan rating any of those three ever.

Best dropkick in the business, brother. 


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It's a fair point that one might draw very different conclusions here depending on how you interpret the semantics of 'overrated' as a term. I suppose what I really meant was:

Wrestlers criticized by internet smark fans as being overrated by casual fans to such an extent that they became underrated by smark fans.  

There are examples of those who were overpushed but didn't initially catch on even with the casual fan base (e.g. Roman Reigns at first). Smark fans would argue Hogan, Warrior and to a lesser extent Sid were overpushed and as a result became overrated by casual fans because they got over so well. Cena is perhaps another good example - pushed hard, got over with casuals and kids and then all of a sudden it was "you can't wrestle!!". 

Edited by Maikeru
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Without being too self-fellatory, I think the reason why topics like this always end up a bit vague in definition is because this particular forum has a different understanding of how wrestling works than the rest of the IWC. This kind of discussion usually becomes a commentary on the indy fans outwith, who do dole out star ratings in proportion to the number of degrees flipped, armlocks reversed, and headdrops counted.

This thread and the replies it's generated should come as no surprise; it's long been consensus on here that Hogan, Nash, Sid, etc. are not shit or overrated. Based on the terminology above, one could argue that most Keffers are "smark casual". 

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