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Dave Maynard music videos


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Hopefully this is in the right place..... It's been a while!

I use to really enjoy watching music videos of wrestling back in the day. Especially those made by Dave Maynard and have been feeling rather nostalgic recently and wanting to rewatch them.

Now, unfortunately, these were all before YouTube and streaming media became as popular as what they are now so you had to actually download the video. Crazy, I know!

I'm essentially looking to see if anyone still has copies somewhere of these videos that could go on a cloud somewhere or another sharing service.

I'm also looking to see if anyone has any of the videos that I made all those years ago. Specifically one of CIMA Vs Susumu Yokuzuka @JLM looking at you dude!

For contents sake as well. Below is a video of a PWG event I made 12+ years ago. Seems so long!


Thanks to anyone if they can't help. If not, hopefully my account still works in another couple of years 😂

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Were the Hayabusa/Mr Gannosuke, Rey/Malenko, Toyota and Yamada/Kansai and Ozaki, and the Rey/Eddie ones his? I have a few on an old hard drive but I am far short of the full 20 he did (judging by them all being numbered "... of 20"), in fact I could never find out what exactly the full set was. BTW, it might be worth looking over at the MVzone since, iirc, Maynard was part of that crew.

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Holy shit I remember your vid. Think it was the first bit of PWG I ever saw.

I used to be big into making music videos of indie wrestling in the early 2000s. I did a 5 or 6 part one of the Eddie Kingston/Chris Hero feud which I was particularly proud of. Due to my old computer blowing up and YouTube copyright claims all my videos are lost sadly, except for these two:


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I don’t have anything saved I’m afraid. I still have my Toryumon VamoAmi episodes on VHS sitting in my parents’ attic but those Maynard videos would have been several dead PCs ago. 

I see Maynard has a YouTube channel and did those videos professionally for the NFL for a bit though. Talented guy. 


Some of his old wrestling vids are on there but no CIMA/Susumu. 

Great to see you on here Mr. JFFC, I make very rare appearances myself these days, but that period of being a hardcore Toryumon fan is definitely my favourite period of wrestling fandom. Even got a bit misty-eyed seeing a slightly more doughy CIMA on the recent AEW shows as it was just so good to see him. 

They just ran Kobe World Hall earlier in the month and they had the most amazing  throwback six man tag. 

Ultimo Dragon/Dragon Kid/Masato Yoshino vs Masaaki Mochizuki/Shuji Kondo/Takuya Sugawara. 

Or in my eyes

Ultimo/Dragon Kid/YOSSINO vs Mochi/Condotti Shuji/Henry III Sugawara. 

So much nostalgia in one match. 



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I used to make wrestling music videos as well! I did one for Dan Fitch's MEW that was mostly of PAC, an FWA one that Andy Quildan got in touch with me about afterwards wanting to use it for (I think) an IPW:UK DVD, and an ECW one set to 'FTW' by The Vines... I don't think any of them survive on YouTube but I enjoyed making them!

Edit: Fuck, I did one of the Angle-Benoit match from Royal Rumble '03 with 'Comfortably Numb' as the music. That one will not have aged well...

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I remember those, @LaGoosh! Firm faves of mine from back in the day. Might as well make this a thread about the good'ol days of MVs!

I used to be well into this. Two computer crashes and three copyright strikes have meant that all of my work went up in smoke. I was very proud of them, despite of how simple they were compared to others.

Other folk have uploaded some of my vids though, albeit in lower quality. I'm well chuffed that my work was good enough for people to download and then re-upload after my channel got deleted;

The Jeff Hardy vs RVD Saga

The Day HBK Returned

The comments under that HBK video are heart warming to see.

I also made a few other MV;s; Chris Hero vs B-Boy vs Alex Shelly, HBK vs Undertaker(Hell In A Cell), Super Dragon vs Kevin Steen vs El Generico, and a couple of general wrestling ones set to 'Not Enough' by Our Lady Peace and 'Makedamsure' by Taking Back Sunday. I also had an MV based on crazy spots I'd done on Wrestling Mpire set to Rise Against's 'Give It All', and probably more that I'm forgetting.

I had a go at making another one of these a couple of years back. I put a bit of work into sourcing the right clips, making it real good and what-not. It was going to be one of those MV's where the lyrics matched the clips, and the song was "Okay I Believe you, but my Tommy gun Don't" by Brand New. As I was adding the finishing touches, the scandal with the lead singer exploded. So I waited for that to die down, and when all seemed okay, the whole Enzo Amore shitstorm hit, and he had two 'segments' on the video so it'll probably never see the light of day at this point.

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9 hours ago, JLM said:

Great to see you on here Mr. JFFC, I make very rare appearances myself these days, but that period of being a hardcore Toryumon fan is definitely my favourite period of wrestling fandom. Even got a bit misty-eyed seeing a slightly more doughy CIMA on the recent AEW shows as it was just so good to see him. 

They just ran Kobe World Hall earlier in the month and they had the most amazing  throwback six man tag. 

Ultimo Dragon/Dragon Kid/Masato Yoshino vs Masaaki Mochizuki/Shuji Kondo/Takuya Sugawara. 

Or in my eyes

Ultimo/Dragon Kid/YOSSINO vs Mochi/Condotti Shuji/Henry III Sugawara. 

So much nostalgia in one match. 



Toryumon/DG was genuinely the last time I was really excited about wrestling or a promotion. I watch purely out of old habits now which is shame. 

I still dabble every now but my old wrestling life is well behind me. I still follow the scene loosely, but nowhere near as closely as in the past.

Good job on those videos above aswell guys. That team masturbation one is great! 

17 years a member on this forum. Probably longer as I'm sure it was rebooted. That's a loooooong old time 😂 

Edit: Wow, I've just found the old Dragon Gate thread from 2005. And the link the video I've been looking for. Unfortunately, the Rapidshare link is now dead 😢

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