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Theatre Thread

Gus Mears

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Oh I saw Slave Play recenly. Which has just ended it's run so recommending it is probably useless. I loved it but it's the sort of thing that's totally up my street. A bit scrappy, erudite and weird - conveying a perspective on modern society that is coming from a person greatly different than I am. Jeremy O Harris said that art is all "half thoughts" and that's definitely this.. If you can enjoy things for being half thoughts rather than some comprehensive statement it shines.

Anyone trying to suggest or engage with it as some sort of powerful treatise on racism and white guilt and whatnot it will find it lacking. As a very witty, subversive and clever comedy it's great. It's trying to provoke a little but knows it is and is questioning that too? There's some genuinely very thoughtful and well observed parts but it's also just really interested in throwing out a lot of ideas and jokes and mocking most everything. The characters are all too wrapped up in their own shit to actually deal with anything in any meaningful way and I'm fairly sure that's the point. Simulated pegging was certainly a new theatre moment for me. Also Jon Snow has a reassuringly small penis for a sex symbol

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