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So the cam is just an X-Divvy thing? The division is pretty dire as it is right now, possibly the weakest part of a really good show and it just has no stars that stand out from the rest of the floppers. It also doesn't help when they put Sonjay Dutt on two shows in a row, although, i must admit i marked out a little for Petey Williams.

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I don't see why this could not had been 'experimented' with on a house show. I hope they don't use it again, put me off the match.

How are they going to do that? They dont record or broadcast house shows. Also this was a taped episode of Impact, so they have seen this in production before hand and deemed it fit to air. They want the viewers reactions to it.


I presume he means when they highlight footage of a live event on iMPACT or as part of YouTube Channel.

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I remember at a wrestling show once I was waiting to meet Low Ki and was forced to make polite awkward conversation with Sonjay Dutt. He's proper rubbish, isn't he?


Far from it. There were times he was brilliant in TNA, in particular the love triangle with Val and Jay Lethal and I remember when he was released I was baffled. I'd much rather speak with Dutt than a charisma vacuum than Low Ki.

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He fooled me into thinking he had a personality when I first saw him, but he proved himself to be pretty bland and awkward.


This was ROH mostly, and then occasionally in TNA when I would try to watch it but found it terrible.


Typing Low Ki was an accident though - it was Homicide I was waiting to meet.


I did like Low Ki at the time though and would much rather have met him than Sonjay, even if just to hear his crazy Barry White voice up close in person.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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I love the story about Low Ki doing his "locker room leader" bullshit at a CZW show and kicking off because someone fucked up the finish. So a security guard (unlike the shit scared locker room) just assumed he was just the short arse he is and picked him up like a 5 year old having a kick off session and carried him to the back.


Look at him. He looks like my niece when she goes mad.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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If you've accepted that TNA is a vehicle for Hogan and Sting to do their thing, the ending to Impact was pretty great. Even if Hogan looked like his feet were nailed to the floor for the whole angle. The bit where Bully spat in Hogan's face and Hogan turned around and tore his shirt off was awesome.


Matt Morgan is still useless.

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Matt Morgan is still useless.


Yup. He should really try his hand at acting, he's a good looking bloke who obviously looks impressive. He can aspire to a Tiny Lister type career.


If things were veer going to take off for him in TNA, it would have been in late 2009 when he was paired with Angle at Bound for Glory - where he had the best match of his career. But he has been turned too many times, put in too many worthless feuds, he still hasn't got to grips with who he is supposed to be in the ring, he's just a bit of a mess. WWE didn't want him when his contract was up, his options in Japan seem to be gone... it's not looking good for him in wrestling.

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