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Raw Discussion 12th March 2012


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It looks like Beth is heading toward a match with some minor US celeb at Mania then.Even Madusa Vs Beth would be better than this.

Fuck off, Maria Menounounounounonunousnous is brilliant. Definitely more worthy of a WrestleMania divas title match than any of the divas on the roster.


They should get that American female news reporter who went spasticated live on air. Her promos would be must see.

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Just watched RAW.


- Loved Cena coming out to his whole them and did enjoy the rap but i thought he was going to stay true to himself despite the hate.


- Through my torrent Dolph was holding Sheamus hand throughout this match. Dolph is awesome. Like watching Sheamus in-ring but not sold yet on the whole. Think Bryan might get the win at Mania.


- Loved Eve's tits.


- Brodus Clay is dogshit.


- Taker/Michaels was awful. WHAT!!


- Punk/Jericho seemed desperate to me but then again 1 of them is holding the WWE title yet I'm looking forward to 4 matches more than it.


- I thought the actor was a laugh.


- I liked the Rock concert sure he panders the crowd but the guy was out there 15 mins(?) and had me laughing a lot. That cunt with the white blazer was there i fucking hate him. The Queen bit was awful though.

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at present I am considering not buying Mania for the first time since I've been a fan


running down the matches this is my take on things


Rock and Cena havent had any physicality and sound like two mates bantering with insults, there doesnt feel like there is enough animosity between them


The Hunter / Taker thing has a ref stealing their thunder and one of the participants doesnt really want to be in it


The GMs thing is full of people fighting cos they're being told to


Punk / Jericho feels ridiculously forced and uninteresting, no reason for me to care


Sheamus / Bryan has no real animosity and that would be fine if they're building it about the belt but I dont get that either


all in all there feels like there is very little passion or heat in any of the "feuds" and I dont care who wins or not in any of them so I have nothing to get invested in


there are 2 or 3 Raws left to save things but its gonna nee to change gears quickly for me

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at present I am considering not buying Mania for the first time since I've been a fan


running down the matches this is my take on things


Rock and Cena havent had any physicality and sound like two mates bantering with insults, there doesnt feel like there is enough animosity between them


The Hunter / Taker thing has a ref stealing their thunder and one of the participants doesnt really want to be in it


The GMs thing is full of people fighting cos they're being told to


Punk / Jericho feels ridiculously forced and uninteresting, no reason for me to care


Sheamus / Bryan has no real animosity and that would be fine if they're building it about the belt but I dont get that either


all in all there feels like there is very little passion or heat in any of the "feuds" and I dont care who wins or not in any of them so I have nothing to get invested in

there are 2 or 3 Raws left to save things but its gonna nee to change gears quickly for me

If you can't invest in the Rock vs John Cena then my friend there is absolutely nothing in the wrestling biz these days that you can invest in so you should probably stop watching wrestling ... also you feel the ref is taking away the hell in the cell match prestige then again short of austin rolling back 14 years of his life and coming back then there is nothing for you to watch in wrestling these days,

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Quite shocked that it's mostly negative feedback for The Rock concert. I thought it was a slight return to form from him, and the only problem is he laughs at his own jokes all the time now. The Rock never used to do that, far too smiley.


I also liked the twist in the Jericho/Punk angle. Then again, I've been enjoying WWE for ages while people have been hating on it, and analysing every little detail. I enjoyed the show this week again.

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at present I am considering not buying Mania for the first time since I've been a fan


running down the matches this is my take on things


Rock and Cena havent had any physicality and sound like two mates bantering with insults, there doesnt feel like there is enough animosity between them


The Hunter / Taker thing has a ref stealing their thunder and one of the participants doesnt really want to be in it


The GMs thing is full of people fighting cos they're being told to


Punk / Jericho feels ridiculously forced and uninteresting, no reason for me to care


Sheamus / Bryan has no real animosity and that would be fine if they're building it about the belt but I dont get that either


all in all there feels like there is very little passion or heat in any of the "feuds" and I dont care who wins or not in any of them so I have nothing to get invested in

there are 2 or 3 Raws left to save things but its gonna nee to change gears quickly for me

If you can't invest in the Rock vs John Cena then my friend there is absolutely nothing in the wrestling biz these days that you can invest in so you should probably stop watching wrestling ... also you feel the ref is taking away the hell in the cell match prestige then again short of austin rolling back 14 years of his life and coming back then there is nothing for you to watch in wrestling these days,


I actually enjoyed both Cena and Rock last night and have enjoyed Cena the last few weeks but until they get really in each other's faces I wont totally buy into their dislike for each other, right now they saying nothing worse than me and my mates say to each other on a daily basis in harmless banter


I was right into the rematch for Hunter and Taker but dont feel Shawn needs to be there personally, thats not an opinion only I have, lots have it so I am going to stick with it


I will still be watching until Mania and if I dont get intrigued enough I will watch a download but right now I dont see the need to pay

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Just watched some of RAW myself, skipped most of it, but the thing about Rock and Cena is that The Rock just looked like he was having a great time, just taking the piss out of Cena for a laugh while Cena came out looking like an absolute bellend and reminded me why I gave up watching WWE regularly years ago. His pseudo-seriousness against Rock just getting the crowd going doesn't work at all.

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at present I am considering not buying Mania for the first time since I've been a fan


running down the matches this is my take on things


Rock and Cena havent had any physicality and sound like two mates bantering with insults, there doesnt feel like there is enough animosity between them


The Hunter / Taker thing has a ref stealing their thunder and one of the participants doesnt really want to be in it


The GMs thing is full of people fighting cos they're being told to


Punk / Jericho feels ridiculously forced and uninteresting, no reason for me to care


Sheamus / Bryan has no real animosity and that would be fine if they're building it about the belt but I dont get that either


all in all there feels like there is very little passion or heat in any of the "feuds" and I dont care who wins or not in any of them so I have nothing to get invested in

there are 2 or 3 Raws left to save things but its gonna nee to change gears quickly for me

If you can't invest in the Rock vs John Cena then my friend there is absolutely nothing in the wrestling biz these days that you can invest in so you should probably stop watching wrestling ... also you feel the ref is taking away the hell in the cell match prestige then again short of austin rolling back 14 years of his life and coming back then there is nothing for you to watch in wrestling these days,


I actually enjoyed both Cena and Rock last night and have enjoyed Cena the last few weeks but until they get really in each other's faces I wont totally buy into their dislike for each other, right now they saying nothing worse than me and my mates say to each other on a daily basis in harmless banter


I was right into the rematch for Hunter and Taker but dont feel Shawn needs to be there personally, thats not an opinion only I have, lots have it so I am going to stick with it


I will still be watching until Mania and if I dont get intrigued enough I will watch a download but right now I dont see the need to pay

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