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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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Do not understand the outcome of the rock cena match at all. Makes no sense to have Rock go over their biggest name who is full time.

Really? Doesn't it? Do you know their long-term booking strategy?


Where would Cena go after beating The Rock exactly? If you believe it makes more sense to put John Cena over The Rock then do tell what you think that would do for him, and how it'd open a lot of opportunities for him going forward etc. Or perhaps it's not as easy as "this guy is staying so he must win"..?


Can only imagine that this was the contracted finish by Johnson in order to put this thing together.


Indeed that's what you're doing isn't it .. imagining, because you don't have a clue. If you think it's all about simple wins and losses then you don't have a clue.


Cena looks so weak now, be interesting to see where they go now...

Does he? Strange that you say it's 'interesting' to see where they go now - would you have been MORE interested if Cena had won? Or would that have actually been a predictable 'Super Cena' route which would've left them right back where they started?


Were you watching the same match I was, where Cena was presented as The Rock's equal through most of it? In fact, he nearly made the guy pass out, and he was dominant over him for portions of the match. So 'he looks weak'..? Really? What about HOW he lost? Or again does that not matter? You seem to be a very black and white kinda guy.


Was convinced we would seel a heel turn at mania ala Austin at mania 17, so think they dropped the ball there.

Not sure what a heel turn reaction would get at the moment. It would almost be a face turn, as would likely be met with cheers.

Contradictory to say the least. In fact you almost cancel out what you said. You think they dropped the ball by not having a heel turn, yet you're not sure what reaction it would've got.


Why? I mean what would the point be? If you don't even think it would've got a good reaction then why bother? Just for the sake of being surprising/shocking? Austin worked because it was literally SHOCKING. People have been calling for this 'heel turn' for so long that it'd actually be quite predictable and boring if they went through with it, unless they can find a really really good way of doing it, which is going to be hard. Last night sure as hell wasn't the place to be doing it.


How do you genuinely think a 'heel turn' with that crowd would've gone down? If you were in charge, would you have done it? Utterly bizarre if you would have, as that shows no understanding of the audience whatsoever.

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Im sorry are you guys high?

this years Wrestlemania was terrible.


the two matches that had potential to steal the show were punk and Jericho and Sheamus and Dan Bryan.

that was a travesty having Bryan go out like he did there.

especially when you factor in the pop he got on his entrance.

you could ave shaved a few mins and about 10 chair shots off the Taker / HHH match and totally cut Brodus clay and given them a 5- 10 min match.



Bryan got his comeuppance for how he won the title in the first place. If anything losing in that fashion did more for him than losing a 5 minute match ever could.

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The only thing that bothers me about the opener is now we have Sheamus cutting about with the belt which is going to lead to more of his shit promos.


What the fuck was Cody wearing on his way out? Beth is a fucking mess sensed whilst she was walking the ramp she knew she looked a cunt.


Loved the HITC (Didn't like WM 27 match.) One thing that struck me was hearing all this mad noise coming from the crowd but never seeing them which i thought was great for the match.

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Jesus Christ. So much bullshit there.


Here's a positive for you. People are obviously so, so desperate to see a proper Bryan/Sheamus match that the Extreme Rules buy rate has got to be massive. Right?


That makes absolutely no sense at all in terms of the opinions people have expressed in this thread.

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I'd say last night was the perfect night for the heel turn to be honest. As being that it was in Miami, the crowd weren't gonna cheer Cena even if he turned.

An even better place would be a place that has a lot of kids, that love Cena for being Cena, although I'm not sure where that would be.


I do wanna see the heel turn, just unsure on how good it will be and/ or go.


Was convinced we would seel a heel turn at mania ala Austin at mania 17, so think they dropped the ball there.

Not sure what a heel turn reaction would get at the moment. It would almost be a face turn, as would likely be met with cheers.


Contradictory to say the least. In fact you almost cancel out what you said. You think they dropped the ball by not having a heel turn, yet you're not sure what reaction it would've got.



Sorry,when I mention the heel turn I mean after Mania has now passed.

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Im sorry are you guys high?

this years Wrestlemania was terrible.


If you truly believe that then I think you should stop watching WWE.


I am not going to say it was a flawless show as it wasn

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