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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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The 6 man tag match was inoffensive filler but was fun seeing Zach Ryder made to look like such a bitch. Future endevours on the horizon?


Yes, because the last person to get kicked in the balls by a Diva at WrestleMania didn't do much afterwards.


And not with the amount of merch that sells with his name on it.

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Daniel Bryan was booked PERFECTLY! It was a great momment for him, as much as you ROH marks refuse to accept it I bet Bryan was pretty chuffed with his match. It made sense for his character and provided a memorable Mania momment


I enjoyed the show but do feel it was a let down

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Something I forgot to add. Was a bit concerned when JR came out as hes lost a lot of weight, without knowing better I thought he might have a bad illness or something, remembering what happened to Gorilla Monsoon. Thankfully it seemed this isnt the case and him calling the HITC match just made it even better.

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I bet Bryan was pretty chuffed with his match. It made sense for his character


I do completely agree with this sentiment that in the context of a story, Bryan getting his commuppance like this did make sense and can continue things down the road (no doubt he'll be blaming AJ for it etc).


However for the paying public in the stadium and watching elsewhere who no doubt wanted to watch a match, it just felt like a complete anti-climax.

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I bet Bryan was pretty chuffed with his match. It made sense for his character


I do completely agree with this sentiment that in the context of a story, Bryan getting his commuppance like this did make sense and can continue things down the road (no doubt he'll be blaming AJ for it etc).


However for the paying public in the stadium and watching elsewhere who no doubt wanted to watch a match, it just felt like a complete anti-climax.


They and we still got a full 4 hours without *that* much filler (not compared to previous years), 3 belting matches, 3 decent and 1 throwaway. Setting the running order for a show like that has always got to be tricky, but for the most part they got it right. I wasn't happy with what happened at the time, but now having seen the overall show I don't mind in the slightest.

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Somehow need to work today and then go to a 2 hour football meeting tonight on 4 hours sleep but I still think it was totally worth it.


Opener was surprising but I honestly think it hurts Bryan far less to lose this way than to have lost a competitive match. It wasn't a squash, it was a fluke. Bryan will get so much character development from moaning about it and blaming AJ and you've got plenty of rematch possibilities and a match that would main event any other PPV. It's perfect now for extreme rules.


Orton-Kane wasn't great. Orton did his best but it was hard work. The finish was a massive coupon buster. Paddy Power is still laughing. Nothing offensive about the match but no reason to care. Again, the finish gives rematch possibilities or makes Kane a credible challenger for Punk.


Cody-Show was perfect. Short, sweet, made the IC title look important, didn't harm Cosy and didn't overshadow anything else. The Divas match was what it was. I wasn't really watching it. Twitter was alive with skidmark chatter. The first hour wasn't bad, I've seen far, far worse on WrestleMania's that everyone loves. Couple of daft skits thrown in but again, totally inoffensive. They need to make money somewhow!


Tripper vs. Undi was magnificent. A fantastic piece of drama. It looked violent, they were both believable, I bought into the finishes. I was pretty certain that Michaels wouldn't really ring the bell but otherwise, I could really see Tripper winning. The shot of Undertaker standing on the sledgehammer needs to be remembered come Moment of the Year time. it was truly brilliant. What a fantastic look. Taker looked OK when he revealed his hair. He could've shaved the sides closer to make the mohawk bit stand out a bit more but otherwise, fine. Absolutely loved the finish. And JR saying "That's called respect" like only JR can just made it.


The 12 man tag was good filler at this point. In fact, the whole show was beautifully paced. Really terrific production effort aside from a couple of signal problems. The finish was the right one. Fuck off Teddy.


I've not always been a CM Punk fan. He's made me a fan in the past year. Seeing him walk down that ramp with the camera following him, looking like a million dollars must have been great for long time fans. The match was excellent. Would have been match of the night on any other show but wasn't as great as Tripper vs. Undi. Jericho's character is shit and his promos are no longer great but he rarely fails to deliver in ring. Again, I bought the finishes and the result was really the right one. It was beautifully done. That spot where Jericho reversed the top rope huricanrana into a lion tamer was brilliant.


I'm not normally a fan of the music acts on shows but both were absolutely perfect for this. Not only did it let the crowd rest but it gave the match an even more big time feel. Cena was gold all night, interacting with people and taking in the atmosphere. The Rock didn't look the same. I know he's not the same but it didn't feel the same. The match was good. Cena selling shock at the rock pulling out some moves worked well and Cena trying to wear down The Rock as he hadn't wrestled in years made sense. The rock's sharpshooter is still abysmal. The STF wasn't any better. I was surprised at the finish but it was beautifully done. Cena mimicking the peoples elbow was such a sweet, sweet heel move. Glorious. I thought the crowd were very into Cena. Can barely remember a "Rocky" chant. The dueling "Fruity pebbles", "Tooth Fairy" chant was good but never took off. The aftermath with Rock's celebration and Cena coming to terms with the loss was great. Such a great finish to a great show.


Glad I didn't rely on recording it, my sky+ had cut off the end.


I'm not looking forward to Cena vs A-Train, either. And that wouldn't be happening yet anyway, surely. They'd be hard-pushed to get from "hey, that's that shit bald bloke from years ago" to "he looks like a threat against Cena" to "oh, Cena's beat him" in about four weeks without it being rubbish.

I think they need to give him the Umaga treatment first. To be fair though, Cena is good enough to get it over quickly if they did go with it. Looking forward to a blockbuster Raw tonight.

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Thoroughly enjoyed Mania this year.


I thought the venue, the pyro and the atmosphere were all absolutely spectacular. I was worried that in my cynical and jaded state that it wouldn't have that big event Wrestlemania feel but it absolutely did.


The Sheamus/Bryan match had no build, so I can't say I cared at all about it being a non-match. It's not as if the two have a super hot feud that needs a blood and thunder Wrestlemania blow off match. It gives Bryan's heel character more ammo to work with and it gets the belt on Sheamus in a surprising and memorable fashion. Sheamus' story was that he won the rumble and got to challenge for the belt at Mania, not so much that he desperately wanted to fight Daniel Bryan at mania. The Sheamus vs Bryan match itself wasn't really the point, or at least it was never built or booked as such. Also, you can argue that Bryan didn't get beaten clean at all and can bitch about the cheap shot for weeks now.


Team Johnny vs Team Teddy was as expected and I'm happy with the result. I don't watch Smackdown but I don't want Teddy Long on Raw because he bores me senseless. Zach Ryder is such a pathetic chump.


cody vs Big Show was decent and had the right result. You can't end that feud with Big Show losing the 'mania match, and I'd hope that Cody can move on to something a bit more important than the Intercontinental title.


Kane/Orton was exactly what I expected aside from the result. Very disappointed with that as I was hoping that Orton would just beat him clean and move on because it's such a painfully uninteresting feud. Also it royally fucked up my accumulator.


The divas match was fine for what it was. Kelly Kelly is such a weird one; she keeps adding these high spots and improving her timing and in ring charisma and all that good stuff but she still can't run the ropes. I do feel for Beth a bit, because it felt to me like they were starting to build up Beth vs Kharma for Mania with Beth bragging about there being no competition in the division. Kharma's real life problems appear to have derailed that and she was a total afterthought here.


Punk and Jericho was good stuff and had a very nice finishing sequence.


I expected a match of the night from HHH/Taker and they delivered it. Agreed on the sentiments about the superkick into pedigree near fall being one of the finest they've ever done. Oh, and JR being brought in to call it and playing a blinder didn't hurt it either.


Rock vs Cena was electric, and I loved the near fall off the cross body roll through into FU in particular. I desperately wanted Cena to hit that people's elbow and win the match at the end even though I knew full well it wasn't happening. But yeah, great stuff, and a fine performance from Cena.


So Mania delivered exactly what I expected and I was happy with it. The undercard was all passable to good, and the top two matches delivered what I wanted them to. Excited for Raw tonight to see how Bryan and Cena respond to their losses, if anything happens with Tensai and of course if anything comes of those rumours about that guy signing.

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I bet Bryan was pretty chuffed with his match. It made sense for his character


I do completely agree with this sentiment that in the context of a story, Bryan getting his commuppance like this did make sense and can continue things down the road (no doubt he'll be blaming AJ for it etc).


However for the paying public in the stadium and watching elsewhere who no doubt wanted to watch a match, it just felt like a complete anti-climax.


They and we still got a full 4 hours without *that* much filler (not compared to previous years), 3 belting matches, 3 decent and 1 throwaway. Setting the running order for a show like that has always got to be tricky, but for the most part they got it right. I wasn't happy with what happened at the time, but now having seen the overall show I don't mind in the slightest.


Your right about fitting things in and it wasnt anywhere near as bad certainly as last year with regards to the filler (as much as I like the Rock, last years intro section was bloody awful). I guess theres always one match that goes very short (6 man tag last year for example), I was just hoping Bryan would have grabbed the rope or something to break up the count and at least given us some sort of match. Hopefully they will be given a rematch at Extreme Rules and given a chance to put on the kind of match they are both very capable of.


The 6 man tag match was inoffensive filler but was fun seeing Zach Ryder made to look like such a bitch. Future endevours on the horizon?


Yes, because the last person to get kicked in the balls by a Diva at WrestleMania didn't do much afterwards.

Refresh my memory, who are you referring to?


Jericho at Mania 20?

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The 6 man tag match was inoffensive filler but was fun seeing Zach Ryder made to look like such a bitch. Future endevours on the horizon?


Yes, because the last person to get kicked in the balls by a Diva at WrestleMania didn't do much afterwards.

Refresh my memory, who are you referring to?


Jericho at Mania 20?



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As a pretty casual fan these days I really enjoyed it. Really surprised The Rock won as I don't quite see where they can go with it (unless Rocky is sticking around) but it was a big surprise and a great finnish. Loved the Chair shot battle in Taker/HHH and like others have said there was great drama and they put on a hell of a match. Shame they didn't utilise the cell a bit more but hardly even a notable issue. Punk/Jericho was great too even if the build up was a little flat. Best Mania for a while for me.

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