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Brit Wres at Edinburgh Fringe


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Hey, saw this online and couldn't see it mentioned on the UKFF so I joined because I thought it looked really interesting.




I was just watching the Max Voltage v. Ricky Marvin bonus match from the NOAH dvd and wandering what had become of him and it turns out his carved a career as one half of an emerging comedy duo. Not only that but he is combining his two lives with a night that has a load of top comedians interacting with some of the finest Brit Wres has to offer and many of Max's old FWA:Academy mates. Not only does this look like a top night but it could offer a new platform for the many great talents in the UK. Imagine some TV executive prepared to cheer along 'ironically' and then having his mind blone by PAC or Mastiff's asai moonsault. It could do in one night what the FWA has been trying to do in the last 18 months. Maybe i'm been over enthusiatic about this and I would love to hear other UKFFers thoughts especially Mark Sloan.


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I might give this a try, depending on how I feel Monday night, could be a decent laugh.



That's assuming it all goes ahead like. This city's cursed for wrestling shows, no lie.

  • Paid Members
I might give this a try, depending on how I feel Monday night, could be a decent laugh.



That's assuming it all goes ahead like. This city's cursed for wrestling shows, no lie.


That's weird, I didn't know you were fae Edinburgh, had Glasgow in ma heid for some reason.

Sounds interesting, although the pedant in me woke up when he saw Dave Mastiff described a 6 foot tall. I'm sure Dave is a good few inchs off that mark.


Are there ANY wrestlers who are as big as they are billed?


I'm curious to see the critical reaction to this. There was talk of bringing the Arches 'Wrestling' play to the festival earlier in the year as that had gained a lot of critical acclaim (and broke attendance records - not quite a Mania level, but not bad for a wrestling show in an artsy theater).


I was surprised by the positive reactions by arts critics with that - but at the Fringe, there'll hopefully be far more attention as long as it doesn't get lost in the shuffle.


I can't go as the event starts at 11pm at night and would not be able to get public transport home back to Glasgow the same night.

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IIRC Max also did FWA:A DVD commentary, can't imagine that voice doing comedy. Will look at the clip when I get home though...


Was through at the Fringe last night, saw a poster for this. My friend who doesnt like wrestling just gave me a look so I didnt bother. Saw Tom Green though who was great!


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