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big mickey

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Yet the product of their labor is.


Only in monetary terms. If the world worked on fairness from the beginning the most valued workers would be those who produced food, drink and industry to ensure safety. They are the basic needs of humanity, yet many who work to meet those needs (farmers across the world especially) are paid next to nothing in comparison to a divorce lawyer who is providing a service of far less value. Do you believe this to be fair?


Change it to what, you berk? To every job pays the same across the board?


Those who earn more should contribute more to areas of poverty. Of course, the tax system should facilitate this (and would do to some extent with higher tax bands for higher earners, if the government spread their resources properly), but since politics is utterly corrupt and mostly works for the rich rather than the poor this clearly does not work.

Edited by RIP Diva Sunny
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Why live with it? Why not try and change it? No human being is worth more than another.

Oh fuck off.


Someone with only the ability to stack shelves in Tesco is, of course, going to be much less worth to society as a whole than a surgeon saving peoples lives daily. Are you suggesting that the surgeon shouldn't earn a higher wage?


Are you also suggesting that the manager of that same Tesco shouldn't be earning a higher wage than the guy stacking the shelves, when not only does the manager have to make sure the staff are working, but also has to take the blame when things go wrong, even if it's one of the staff that fuck up?


Yes, there are some people getting more money than they deserve, like those running banks who still get bonuses when the banks lose money. But that doesn't mean the majority are like that. Nor does it mean everyone should have the same set wage across the board. If you do a higher risk job, you deserve more money, if you do a job that's required years of training and expertise in a specialist area, you deserve more money for it. To say otherwise just proves you haven't got a clue.

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Why live with it? Why not try and change it? No human being is worth more than another.

Honestly. To a business, of course they are. My boss is paid more than me because i'm not capable of doing his job.

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Why live with it? Why not try and change it? No human being is worth more than another.


You going to City tonight? The game is either going to be the centre of the trouble, or will take up enough officers that it will act as a diversion for rioters elsewhere.


Why don't the cleaner get a better job? maybe go back to college or uni and better them self so they can get a better high paying job? A cleaner maybe works harder but the point is the millionaire worked hard his whole life to get where they are. Everybody circumstances are different, the 1's getting paid the most are the 1's who worked the hardest and are allot more opportunistic, If you don't like your job get a new 1 simple don't like your wage ask for more money easy. Its people who sit there and moan about there jobs who normally don't help themselves.

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Kay Burley is really fucking awful. I dont usually watch Sky News (but its smoking BBC) so I haven't really seen much of her before.


http://thewestlondoner.wordpress.com/ is back up with updates.


Also, RIP Diva Sunny is a tit. Im glad I've finished Uni now as it's full of people who spout idealistic crap like him.

Edited by KJHenley
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Someone with only the ability to stack shelves in Tesco is, of course, going to be much less worth to society as a whole than a surgeon saving peoples lives daily. Are you suggesting that the surgeon shouldn't earn a higher wage?


The surgeon is a good example of someone who provides an excellent service to society and deserves a large wage; even they get paid less than other people providing far less important contributions to society. Often people 'stacking shelves' have the talent and ability to achieve far more than this in life, yet due to poor opportunities and the cycle of the poor staying poor and the rich staying rich they never get to achieve these opportunities. When they get sick of their place in society, shit kicks off as seen in the last few days. Why is it you never seen anyone from a rich background stacking shelves? It's always the poorest of the poor who are strangled by their start in life.


It's a society based on contacts and 'who you know' and where you come from rather than natural ability.


My boss is paid more than me because i'm not capable of doing his job.


Do you not feel you may be able to do his job with the correct training? Is the pay separation in line with the difference in difficulty of the two jobs? It's not situations like this that are completely wrong, it's more situations of people who contribute little to wider society yet somehoiw make millions and millions and horde it themselves, not using it to improve society as a whole.


Why don't the cleaner get a better job? maybe go back to college or uni and better them self so they can get a better high paying job?


You make it sound easy, as if they have all these opportunities. College and Uni is expensive, especially with a family, so often they are stuck with their lot without the resources to change it.

Edited by RIP Diva Sunny
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Probably a bit like North Korea. No riots there.


If what I read a while back is true they instigate riots in South Korea instead.




17.02 Police are calling up all available reserves, including volunteers and retired officers:


The Met is facing a significant challenge in responding to the unprecedented levels of violence we have seen on the streets of London. To free as many police officers up as possible to police the streets we are gratefully using those volunteers and retired officers to support us. If you are a MPS volunteer or a retired officer who wishes to come and assist us at this time please contact 020 7109 6526.

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I'm hardly an expert on this techno-babble sort of stuff, but couldn't they just use Proxy Sites to get back onto Facebook?


Seeing as they used their own Facebook accounts to post on the page, they can expect a knock on their doors fairly quick.


These aren't the sharpest tools in the box.

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