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big mickey

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This is another excellent one, about the effect the riots could have on the causes of the left.




They are a catastrophe for communities traumatised by looting, arson and petrol bombs - in many cases, such as Tottenham and Hackney, among the poorest areas in Britain. "It's poor people like who suffer because of these riots," one young woman told me just off Mare Street - where the worst of Monday's rioting in Hackney took place - her obviously shaken child clutching her leg.


They are a catastrophe for residents of London, Birmingham, Manchester and elsewhere, who feel terrorised in their own cities and even besieged in their own homes. Like all Londoners, I was pretty anxious on Monday as I cycled through Hackney at 10pm. There is a disconcerting feeling that trouble could flare up anywhere, at any time. Normal life still feels suspended.


They are a catastrophe for those who took part in the rioting and looting. I won't make a habit of quoting David Cameron, but when he told rioters that "you are potentially ruining your own lives, too", he had a point. There will be irresistible demands for the harshest possible sentences; Westminster council is already threatening to evict tenants involved in the disorder; and those who have taken part in the disturbances - on however big or small a scale - may well pay for the rest of their lives.

But the riots are a political catastrophe, too. The right was already the great beneficiary of the economic crisis. They are now set to emerge strengthened from these riots, too.


This is far from an unpredictable consequence. When riots shook US cities in the 1960s and 1970s, millions of formerly Democratic-voting, white working-class people drifted into the waiting arms of the populist right. It was called

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I won't lie i'm still fuming and heartbroken at what they have done to Tottenham but i don't see this as a right against left issue.


My thought's haven't changed much. The inner cities need a far bigger police presence. Walking around Tottenham on a day to day basis you rarely see a bobby on the beat and that's something that needs to change. Make it harder to commit petty crimes, make it as hard as possible, hopefully this will put off young potential gang members when they see these gangs struggling to make money.


I also think the punishments and prison system need to be re-thought. Their simply not enough of a deterrant at the moment. I'm not sure of the answer to that one but it's something that needs to be thought out.


Alongside that of course these areas need money and lots of it pumped in. Places like the Broadwater farm estate in Tottenham need to be knocked down, social housing needs to be spread out so were all mixing.


Oh and the reason i'm posting this, if the Tories go ahead and cut the police budget, i'll never ever vote for them. And i'm someone who is firmly in the middle waiting to be convinced.

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When all of this broke out, i never saw it as a politics game. It wasn't long before certain things started being thrown around though, mainly the ammount of insane racial comments posted quite openly accross the net.


Once that started, it became an open book for people to explain their points which obviously led to political discussion. What i hate and despise, is that this will casue so much political bullshit spin in the upcoming weeks from all sides of the political See Saw, politicians using it for party gain and favour. I think Cameron has been pretty cak during this and IMO has proved he does not have what it takes to run a country (just my opinion), but i dont need other party members trying to convince me that they could have done it better, using this horrible situation to their gain.


Which will clearly happen. It always does.

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if the Tories go ahead and cut the police budget, i'll never ever vote for them. And i'm someone who is firmly in the middle waiting to be convinced.


I honestly think after the events of the last few days where an undermanned Police Force was part of the problem if they still make the cuts Cameron may as well come out and say "Don't bother voting for us next time" in seriousness if they do he will get so much shit I doubt he or the Tories will ever be able to recover from it.

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When all of this broke out, i never saw it as a politics game. It wasn't long before certain things started being thrown around though, mainly the ammount of insane racial comments posted quite openly accross the net.


Once that started, it became an open book for people to explain their points which obviously led to political discussion. What i hate and despise, is that this will casue so much political bullshit spin in the upcoming weeks from all sides of the political See Saw, politicians using it for party gain and favour. I think Cameron has been pretty cak during this and IMO has proved he does not have what it takes to run a country (just my opinion), but i dont need other party members trying to convince me that they could have done it better, using this horrible situation to their gain.


Which will clearly happen. It always does.


I feel really uncomfortable with what i feel is an underlying feeling that the looting/rioting is a black thing. Seen many different colours doing it. This isn't a race thing.

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