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big mickey

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Was criticising him for thinking that the circumstances were justification for their behaviour. Would you say that people who recognise abuse in childhood as the root of a paedophile's behaviour is an excuse for it?

It would depend on the context in which they were discussing it. If, in the middle of some paedophiles rampaging around London, someone goes "them paedophiles are bad sods, aren't they?" and said recogniser chimes in with "well actually, no, they're not bad sods. You see, it goes back to..." then yeah, they're trying to excuse it.


To paraphrase Loki and LaGoosh, you can simultaneously recognise society's ills and still recognise that these looters are wankers. Being brought up in a shithole might be a contributing factor, but it's no excuse, and constantly presenting it in the context of solving the current problem is pointless. This time next week, we can build some youth clubs and music studios for the looter's little brother who hasn't ransacked a Curry's yet. In the meantime, citing reasons society is to blame is just intellectual masturbation.


As to whether I "really think now is the best time" - I'm holed up in my fucking house,having had to cancel a date and afraid to go out because there's looting and rioting right round the corner from my house. What else would you suggest I be doing with this free time?

Getting me some wrestling figures from the nearest Argos, you lazy sod.

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A bit like how an irresponsible and thoughtless child would behave if allowed to get older, I think. I think there's disregard for fellow humans there, and that should be dealt with severely, but I don't know if one could claim there's murderous intent.


any arson runs that risk on a massive scale, no justifying it, regardless of age, education or level of responsibility

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It's difficult, for sure - there's so much mistrust right now, and the fact that it is an "Us vs. Them" situation at all is sad enough. As Terry Pratchett tried to say through his City Watch, "a Watchman IS a citizen" - there shouldn't be that divide.

Which are the two sides in the "Us vs. Them"? Looters and police?

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