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1PW show off........time to pay up now Danny Boy!


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What did you have in mind, and why?


I wouldn't like to go into what but one the asset in mind doesnt seem to be controlled by 1pw anymore, not sure legally or not so offering cash to help with the refund situation might not be viable.


But considering the punters are the ones who have lost out anything that can help should be done.

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(remember SAS who cooked up more fake owners than 1PW to avoid a DVD refund?).


Just noticed this, which is utter bullshit.


Firstly, Andrew Maddock quit SAS just before the third show.


Secondly, nobody has ever asked SAS for a re-fund for DVDs, seeing as all SAS DVDs ordered were sent out.


Thirdly, SAS only ever had one owner, which was "Charming" Don Charles, who has since quit the business altogether.


Fourthly, you're probably talking about the old Shooting Star Video debacle. Don Charles offered, albeit belatedly, to do the only thing he actually could, which was give away a load of free SAS DVDs and merch, and nobody came forward.

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oh SAS i had massive problems with them(ANDY MADDOCK) back in the day but DID get soeted out after many months


Really?! Must've been after I got there (not saying the change had anything to do with me, though), because Maddock was only there for two shows, and I debuted on the third one. From then on, I was a regular at the promotion, and never heard anything about problems with DVDs.

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Buy the belts, that's normally a trouble free move.

You would think. Lionheart currently has the Heavyweight title and is inviting offers for it on Facebook.

God knows if Noam Dar and Fight Club are holding the other belts too.

Remember Fight Club held on to the tag belts last year due to not being paid by Rodd. So it's not outwith the realms of possibility that Danny doesn't even have the belts to sell.


Edit : You were being sarcastic. It's late and I'm tired. :duh:

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Just noticed this, which is utter bullshit.


Firstly, Andrew Maddock quit SAS just before the third show.


Secondly, nobody has ever asked SAS for a re-fund for DVDs, seeing as all SAS DVDs ordered were sent out.


Thirdly, SAS only ever had one owner, which was "Charming" Don Charles, who has since quit the business altogether.


Fourthly, you're probably talking about the old Shooting Star Video debacle. Don Charles offered, albeit belatedly, to do the only thing he actually could, which was give away a load of free SAS DVDs and merch, and nobody came forward.


I'm talking about the figurefourfilm thing. Where I ordered a DVD never got it, was told 3 times they'd posted others out, was told Maddock was ill yet when I got a friend to e-mail him asking about something else it was Maddock who responding to emails. The someone else e-mailed me back for some random reason to do with the 2nd guy. But yes it was in the 1st few shows so I'd say it was before Don Charles.

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Fucksake. Have you sent an audition video into Big Brother as well? That's as likely to get you your money back as Watchdog is.


Why did he have to reassure you about refunds when you spoke to him in February anyway? Because you already knew he was a lying, conning twat?

i haven't sent a tape yet but will get onto that asap but at least I'm trying to do something about it no harm in trying

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Lionheart ended up bailing Rodd out on one of the previous shows, paying the airfairs for his opponent. It's not unthinkable that Rodd's taken advantage of him again, or not paid him back from the previous occassion.

Well that's my track of thinking, surely he couldn't be so dumb to have loaned him more money after everything that's happened previously. If he has, then he's dumber than anyone ever thought. Since he's paid for many an import to come over to wrestle him, maybe he shelled out 5 grand to sit at the same table as HBK at the gala dinner. He should probably put his side across sometime if its not him then speaking up can only benefit him.

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Well that's my track of thinking, surely he couldn't be so dumb to have loaned him more money after everything that's happened previously. If he has, then he's dumber than anyone ever thought. Since he's paid for many an import to come over to wrestle him, maybe he shelled out 5 grand to sit at the same table as HBK at the gala dinner. He should probably put his side across sometime if its not him then speaking up can only benefit him.

Who can honestly say they'll miss 1PW when they eventually die? I know I will, juicy gossip and drama like this is always good!

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At this point with Danny seemingly giving out maurices email address out despite the fact that he left the company shortly after the last show, I would now be very surprised to see anyone get refunds at all which fucking sickens me.


The money is gone it went bye bye and disappeared into thin air. I heard the numbers when it was announced that HBK was coming and were talking pretty big numbers to the point of the ramifications go much much further than your typical Indy audience.

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One would think Lionheart having the 1PW World Title has won a watch as he runs his own company and would be possibly looking to have his company to have a title soon. He could save money buying a new belt by just getting the 1PW logo taken off the world title and putting his own company logo on. I suppose this depends on the design of the belt.

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One would think Lionheart having the 1PW World Title has won a watch as he runs his own company and would be possibly looking to have his company to have a title soon. He could save money buying a new belt by just getting the 1PW logo taken off the world title and putting his own company logo on. I suppose this depends on the design of the belt.


It's an etched belt. You can't change it. LH would have to overlay the 1PW lettering with custom etched and matched plating. Tough stuff.


Also, LH has to make sure he keeps his nose clean as if HMRC or the cops get involved, the belt is a business asset - sticky stuff.

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