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Robert Colossus Returns!


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If the videos weren't enough to make me hate you alone, you then bug people when no one has posted in a couple of hours?


Fucking stupid.


If you're trying to get yourself over, try being upfront about it instead of an annoying back handed cunt.


I admire the efforts some people out in but there's no point if you then ruin it by being a dick.


I just like that people resort to calling something a 'joke' and name calling like 'freaks'
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The quote was clearly stated in its original context as a comment on people that can't join in with debate and discussion properly, and simply resort to name calling and calling people idiots.


In this topic, there was no debate. I wasn't 'losing' a debate, nor did I have anything to add. It was just me calling the guy stuff because, quite simply, he was being a bit of a twat. Everyone else thinks so too.


So I wasn't originally saying I don't agree with name calling etc overall, just that it's disappointing when someone does it when there's a fair debate going on.


Even more disappointing is when someone seems to be following me into other topics and making it personal for whatever reason. Bizarre really, considering nothing I said in the other topic was anything to do with you personally.

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It just made me laugh when I came out of that topic and went into this one and read you f'ing and jeffing. I didn't go to lengths to find the post.


Ok, I take your point about not needing insults in debates but it's still just a tad of an over reaction considering his sin was to bump a thread.

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johnny_boyz Vs RepoMan is the most mindnumbing feud in history.


Unless Mason Ryan had a feud with Sin Cara that is

There's not even a feud in my mind. I've only been debating with people in another topic and sadly he feels the need to follow me around and bait me in topics like this, so sorry on his behalf.

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I'm not a twat. I take high offense to that. This is IMPORTANT, and I will not be made a TWAT of in front of the general viewing public. Burrito's are key.



Wrap that around your minds.

But, to be fair, you are a bit of a twat.

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Yes, this is a real wrestler and these will eventually lead to a return(or debut for people watching that aren't from the area he is in).


I do not believe Mr. Colossus meant for these to be funny. This is him, his life, and his legacy, so I'm sure he would take your lack of amusement as a compliment. It's not funny. It's real.

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