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Raw Discussion thread 21/03 *Spoilers*


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Anyone know anything that's lined up for tonight's Raw? I had a quick flick around a few sites earlier on but couldn't see anything.


Orton v Rey is confirmed on wwe.com, as a 'Wrestlemania Rewind' match from Mania 22. (Minus Angle obviously)


Edit: Beaten to it :p


On twitter the WWE Universe thing said it's Randy Orton vs Rey Mysterio in a "WrestleMania 22" flashback.


Could be good I guess, wonder if Kurt will get a mention or theyl pretend WrestleMania 22 was 1 on 1


EDIT - Bloody hell, on the ball tonight!

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I heard Rey vs Orton is happening but I'm not sure if it's true or not.


Rock's said that he'll be appearing on next week's Raw (the go-home before 'Mania) so I'm interested to see what Cena (and perhaps The Miz) have to say/do tonight.


I'll be disappointed if Cole isn't involved in another awesome segment, they've been one of the highlights recently.


love cole to have a warm up match probably just against a local jobber where swagger does all the work and cole distracts the ref and then he does an over the top celebration

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Anyone know if Mysterio or Orton are appearing tonight?


I dunno. they usually start doing Wrestlemania Rewind matches around this time so maybe we'll see Randy vs Taker or something.


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