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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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Suicide vs Sangrieto was fun for what it was, although how they want people to believe its a brand new luchador from mexico is beyond me, its clearly Red.


Thats the point, he raised his mask a little bit at one point and gestured to the crowd to keep the 'secret'. It ties into the 'x guys not getting used' storyline.

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One thing that bugs me is how often we hear from fortune 'this is the house we built' etc it just kinda annoys me it seems more of a heel thing do say, same when Jarrett always says 'the company I founded'.


Roodes promo last week at Hogan was annoying aswell, he spoke about his blue collar work ethic and that kinda stuff but gimmick-wise isnt he rich from wallstreet? even if that was from a previous character hes still the money in beer money.


Not liking RVD vs Sting again, I watched it in person last year at slammeversary and it was terrible, there styles just dont mix.


Other than that Ive enjoyed the shows recently, hopefully Jeff Hardy will be back at some point clean back to a decent standard.

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Full Spoilers for May 19th


*Impact opens with an Immortal promo saying Hulk Hogan and Mick Foley are in New York City meeting with the Network and Immortal is in charge tonight. Brian Kendrick leads a group of X-Division wrestlers out to interrupt. Eric Bischoff books them into matches, then Immortal attacks them and lays them out. Fortune hits the ring for the save and there is a huge brawl.


*TNA Knockouts champion Mickie James & Tara & Miss Tessmacher defeated Sarita & Rosita & Madison Rayne when Tara pinned Rosita with a sitdown powerbomb.


*Abyss defeated Kazarian to win the X-Division championship.


*Samoa Joe defeated The Amazing Red in about a minute. He keeps trashing Red and Crimson makes the save.


*Tommy Dreamer and AJ Styles, wearing a neck brace, go back and forth in the ring. It leads to Dreamer laying out Styles. Christopher Daniels makes the save and they brawl. Bully Ray attacks Styles in the ring. Dreamer ends up on top of Styles, beating the hell out of him. Styles is helped out.


*Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett go back and forth to set up a match at Slammiversary where the winner will be the new number one contender for the TNA title. Angle says that after Sacrifice, Karen is gone. Jeff adds a stipulation that if he beats Jarrett, he gets Kurt's gold medals. Karen comes out in a wheelchair but Velvet Sky shows up and shoves her down the ramp.


*Matt Hardy and Eric Bishoff defeated Generation Me. Bischoff scored the pin.


*Velvet Sky defeated Angelina Love and Winter with a rollup on Love. After the match, ODB returned and laid out Sky.


*There is a back and forth segment with Ric Flair and Robert Roode. It ends up with Immortal attacking Roode and injuring his shoulder as revenge for Flair being hurt at Lockdown.

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Abyss is X division champ, Bischoff wins a match, ODB returns and shitty Tommy Dreamer kicks the shit out of AJ Styles. Is TNA's aim to put on the shittest product they can every week?

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