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How would you have booked vince's "incest" storyline


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Following on from the katie vick thread, it got me thinking about the sick idea vince is said to have come up with where it turned out vince was the father.

How do you think they would of booked this and what would people have thought about the whole idea, i mean we've put up with negrophila suggested and bosman kidnapping a dead man and oh yeah the japanese mafia chopping off val venus penis

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Dont forget Mark Henrys baby hand.




Also, regarding vince and steph... i think the reason it sounds as sick as it does is because its actually quite possible with that family.


Joking aside, it wouldn't actually phase me anymore, WWE/F have done everything they possibly can to make me sick, they have toyed with an incest storyline more than once.


Linda would have struggled to get as far as she did in politics, interestingly though, incest storylines in eastenders etc wouldnt do their actors or writers any harm, purely because everyone knows its a storyline... anyone have any idea why its just wrestling that would get a serious bad rep for such a thing? Is it down to the real life drug culture issues and young deaths that cause a media frenzy?

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Dont forget Mark Henrys baby hand.




Also, regarding vince and steph... i think the reason it sounds as sick as it does is because its actually quite possible with that family.


Joking aside, it wouldn't actually phase me anymore, WWE/F have done everything they possibly can to make me sick, they have toyed with an incest storyline more than once.


Linda would have struggled to get as far as she did in politics, interestingly though, incest storylines in eastenders etc wouldnt do their actors or writers any harm, purely because everyone knows its a storyline... anyone have any idea why its just wrestling that would get a serious bad rep for such a thing? Is it down to the real life drug culture issues and young deaths that cause a media frenzy?

easy Americans believe everything they see on TV except the moon landings they where clearly fake

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Dont forget Mark Henrys baby hand.




Also, regarding vince and steph... i think the reason it sounds as sick as it does is because its actually quite possible with that family.


Joking aside, it wouldn't actually phase me anymore, WWE/F have done everything they possibly can to make me sick, they have toyed with an incest storyline more than once.


Linda would have struggled to get as far as she did in politics, interestingly though, incest storylines in eastenders etc wouldnt do their actors or writers any harm, purely because everyone knows its a storyline... anyone have any idea why its just wrestling that would get a serious bad rep for such a thing? Is it down to the real life drug culture issues and young deaths that cause a media frenzy?

easy Americans believe everything they see on TV except the moon landings they where clearly fake


Good Call.


Moon landings and the death of Elvis too.

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To be honest, I can't think of any storylines involving sex that I've found particularly interesting. In fact, most of them have been bloody awful. Maybe the Edge/Lita one, but that's really about it.

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Linda would have struggled to get as far as she did in politics, interestingly though, incest storylines in eastenders etc wouldnt do their actors or writers any harm, purely because everyone knows its a storyline... anyone have any idea why its just wrestling that would get a serious bad rep for such a thing? Is it down to the real life drug culture issues and young deaths that cause a media frenzy?


Actually soaps do regulary get huge amounts of complaints after incest storylines and most usually end them within a few weeks.

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Dont forget Mark Henrys baby hand.




Also, regarding vince and steph... i think the reason it sounds as sick as it does is because its actually quite possible with that family.


Joking aside, it wouldn't actually phase me anymore, WWE/F have done everything they possibly can to make me sick, they have toyed with an incest storyline more than once.


Linda would have struggled to get as far as she did in politics, interestingly though, incest storylines in eastenders etc wouldnt do their actors or writers any harm, purely because everyone knows its a storyline... anyone have any idea why its just wrestling that would get a serious bad rep for such a thing? Is it down to the real life drug culture issues and young deaths that cause a media frenzy?



That kind of storyline wouldn't phase people if it happened in a soap opera because they are actors, pretending to be related and having that drama. Actually having an incest angle between actual real life family members, even if they are acting, is a bit too close to the bone I reckon!

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carbomb - Not quite sex, but during the back end of 96, Liz decided she still oved macho man, Hogan (nwo) claimed he owned her and did little video clips saying things like "i'll take real good care of her macho.. hahahahahahahahahaha, muhahahahahaha, teeeehehehehehehe, ha."


That wasn't a bad storyline.



Likewise, the benoit/woman/sullivan angle (real life) crack was canny watchable, or should i say is very watchable now we understand what was actually going on.


But yeah, neither were really sex as such.



and aye, fair points from dust and mim

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I'm glad this angle was nixed. The eventual Stephanie vs Vince feud we got was shite but with an incest edge it would have been truly awful. It is amazing thought what Vince will do to try and entertain the fans, even if we all assume nobody would have liked it Vince himself must have thought we would have.


He really doesn't mind humiliating himself for a laugh does he? It's very endearing that.

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This actually got me thinking of other close to the bone storylines relating to sex.


The thing they cant get right is any kind of 'gay' angle... billy and chuck, i mean, ive got no issue with the idea of a gay storyline, but it was done in a horrible way which was kind of stating 'look at this, its wrong'.

WWF have always had 'are they gay?' rumblings. Certain tag teams that cuddle each other at any chance 'the fab roo's' for example, do you think WWE will ever venture down that route, especially in its PG form?


I know that when Kanyon came out his life wasn't worth living, in fact the pure bastard prooved that point. Orlando Jordan seems to have worked in TNA in fairness, i think his character is actually brilliant.


Then you have got Patterson and his history of apparently flicking ring boys.. yak.


finally, surrounding all of this.. people who dont like wrestling often see it as a weird 'gay' thing, man sweating in pants performing moves that look like some sketchy sex act.


Just to state, i have no problem with the gay culture, nor am i gay, i find it very interesting how wrestling tackles the issue though. As generally, they do pretty badly.

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