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UKFF'ers going to WrestleMania Thread


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I'm on the 21.15 British Airways flight out of Atlanta on the Tuesday, and I imagine there will be a hell of a lot of other wrestling fans knocking about the place around that time too. The airport won't be much fun that day, with the majority of us trying to get home on the Tuesday.

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I'm on the 21.15 British Airways flight out of Atlanta on the Tuesday, and I imagine there will be a hell of a lot of other wrestling fans knocking about the place around that time too. The airport won't be much fun that day, with the majority of us trying to get home on the Tuesday.


Yip Tuesday travel day is a cunt. Normally I have a stinking hangover as well. Luckily this year we are taking the tuesday as a total chill out day with no wrestling at all before hitting the road again Wednesday.

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Forget about when everyone is flying to the States, I can't imagine how many wrestling fans will be in the airport on the Monday/Tuesday after WM/RAW.

Phoenix on the Tuesday morning last year was a zoo. Not the best place for Jack Swagger to be catching a ride incognito. He got mobbed, and thus everyone realised he was cashing in MITB that night as he boarded a flight to Las Vegas. (He was on the Raw roster at the time; SD was being taped in Vegas that night, and a lot of fans were making the trip)



(Me, Swagger, and the briefcase. Harking back to the earlier discussion about milling about wearing championship belts, note the fan loitering in the background. A belt on each shoulder. This was a common sight.)

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Feel a bit lonely now, Im heading out from gatwick at 9.30am on the friday with delta. Im sure I wont be the only wrestling fan on their surely?


Last thing about my decision with dragon gate usa, I have the fan axxess on sunday morning and that doesnt finish until 12, exactly when the dragon gate show just over an hour away starts. Im also going to axxess on the saturday afternoon. Will I get to see/do everything in that 1 and a half session of axxess if I leave sunday early? I have never been to an axxess before so it will all be fairly new but I have no interest in quing for autographs from the superstars (divas, primo etc.) roster when I could be at a top notch wrestling show.

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I'm getting the Delta flight home to Gatwick (flying out of heathrow) because I'm a spenk and didn't double-check before booking. Tuesday evening flight arriving Gatwick 7am-ish. I should expect most of you will be milling about in ATL that evening.

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I'm packing a suit jacket for the hall of fame, throwing it over jeans and a t-shirt. Packing a whole suit would be far too much trouble.


For those curious you can check out some of the Wrestlemania merchandise already at WWEshop.com (click me)


Probably pick up the grey tee, hoody, bag and a skin for my iPhone.

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Today's forecast is highs of 27c, no clouds. Up to Wednesday temperature ranges between highs of 19c and 27c. Lows around 11-14c. I've been following the weather for a month or so. They have as recently as two days ago had rain so there's a good possibility we'll get some whilst we are there.

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Today's forecast is highs of 27c, no clouds. Up to Wednesday temperature ranges between highs of 19c and 27c. Lows around 11-14c. I've been following the weather for a month or so. They have as recently as two days ago had rain so there's a good possibility we'll get some whilst we are there.


I have also been following the weather :) My report seems to be similar to yours with the last couple of weeks have been in the 20's with limited rain.


Should be quite nice weather when we get out there

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