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Snake's WWE Invasion 'Royal Mafia Rumble'

Snake Plissken

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No, the 'defensive' argument isn't silly, ESPECIALLY when it's a vote like mine, because why try to defend yourself to a vote solely based on an opinion on the way you post?


If someone were to give a pretty much throwaway vote as mine to myself, I wouldn't really worry about, I'd if anything just concentrate on no-one else voting for me.


And I will say this to you Ron, your defence to such a throwaway vote, for me personally, is condemning

No offence, but that's absolutely ridiculous. No vote should be a throwaway - there's no point playing the game if you're town and you're putting no thought into who you're voting for. You vote for the person you think should be lynched, not "just because". (*1)


And you also shouldn't judge whether someone's scum based on the fact they don't play how you do. That's a hugely flawed strategy.(*2)


So much so that I'm beginning to suspect that it's a scum strategy. I'm not sure enough to place a vote yet, but I'm certainly suspicious.(*3)


1 - It's not throwaway in MY MIND, I believe hand on heart YOU are scum. However you're obviously going to say your Town, and if you are, then such a vote in YOUR MIND should be considered throwaway, the fact you're taking such a vote, a singular vote, that isn't actually pushing for everyone to jump on board to lynch you is very interesting indeed. I wouldn't have even bothered with this inane debacle.


2 - NEVER said that, I said I think you're scum from the way you have acted throughout, it just comes across scummier than most IMO, I don't care how people play. Example of that? TripleA and his gung-ho approach, I personally don't like it, I do believe however that his actions are for the benefit of Town, I don't believe yours are, simple.


3 - Alls fair to ya, to me, personally, your fixation with my vote, your eagerness to bandy scum back around onto me because of my vote, the inability to understand/desire to put words I've never said and basically what SMS came up with, as well as your demeanour really does believe I've made the right decision.


To everyone else, as previously mentioned somewhere above, I am also suss of Dan, if a change of vote is needed to gain the lynch I may help out in that regard.

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Carbomb - Throughout most of yesterday (in game time) you said Nexus was your number one suspect. However, you voted for SMS. What swayed it for you, and who is your number one suspect at the moment?


What swayed it for me for SMS was firstly the "once we get rid of Ron" statement, which, by itself, was a bit scummy, but add to that the fact that he didn't provide a satisfactory explanation and rather seemed to lean back on his absence as a point from which to attack people for casting suspicion on him, and it looks bad. Add to that further the fact that when I asked him to provide a coherent explanation for the post on the last real time day before the lynch, so as to give himself a chance to prevent me from voting for him, he completely and utterly failed to do so, answering only a few other people, and ignoring my post to him.


Nexus is still up there for me, but it's partially tempered by the fact that (sorry, Nexus) he's a very reckless player, Scum or Town, in most of the games I've seen him in, and I can quite easily believe he screwed up a plan rather than because he's Scum. However, I'm still very suspicious of him - to be a bit WIFOM, there's every chance he knows he has this rep, and could be playing on it, or it might simply be that he just didn't think out his Scum strategy properly.

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Mesacret, Bugsey and Corey - right now, who do you suspect of being scum? Why is that? What do you make of The Randy Savage dying? Do you have anything to ask me or anyone else?

Corey - I notice you are online right now.


Please could you answer these for me?

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IIRC, not to speak for Mesacret, as I don't know the guy, but I remember a short while back he had to be replaced in a game because he couldn't participate owing to personal problems - it could be that they've re-surfaced and he just hasn't had time to come on here to notify Snake.

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Just checking in....sorry for the low posts but I'm still on my phone til Monday (so start of next day phase hopefully.) From reading bits and pieces when I can, its been quite a slow day phase so far. I don't have any further suspicions other than those I had on day 1. Namely Ron and nexus (see last phase for detailed reasons why) and I think my vote will go with one of the two unless something comes up in the next couple of days.

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The interplay between Chris B and Mike Castle has been quite interesting. There's such vigor in their defense and questioning that I can't believe at least one of them isn't scum. Triple A's also coming off in much the same way, but that does seem to be his general playing style (scummy and aggressive even as town). This doesn't mean I 100% trust him to be town, and I don't think anyone else should since he could be getting a bit of a free ride with people thinking "oh, that's just how Triple A plays".


At the moment I want to say Mike Castle is my top suspect, but if it turns out he's town I have a strong feeling Chris B will turn out to be mafia.

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Just checking in....sorry for the low posts but I'm still on my phone til Monday (so start of next day phase hopefully.) From reading bits and pieces when I can, its been quite a slow day phase so far. I don't have any further suspicions other than those I had on day 1. Namely Ron and nexus (see last phase for detailed reasons why) and I think my vote will go with one of the two unless something comes up in the next couple of days.

Really?! How much of today have you read exactly? Yesterday too...What about Dan Williams? What do you make of the Mike/Chris arguments? What about Family Guys 'direction of the game' comment?


At this stage I strongly believe at least one out of Top Man Shopper, Burchill's Buddy and Family Guy PMSL to be scum. Maybe more. I'm going to place a vote, I think and stick with my initial instinct:

Vote Family Guy PMSL

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I think the interaction between all 3 guys(Mike, Chris and TripleA) has been very interesting if slightly frustrating for the amount of insults thrown needlessly at each other and i'm inclined to believe that one of you could be scum.

I'm also quite intrigued by the TMS/Ron back and forth as well.


Now then a few questions for a few people and i apologise if some of them seem a little idiotic.


TripleA what made you change your mind on voting for SMS after you'd said you believed what he was saying and that he was a Role-Blocker? I know you'd said he'd got enough votes from everyone else because they thought he was lying but was it just this or was there something else?


Mike Castle Why are you so convinced that Ron is town? Do you have anything other than just getting a "strong town vibe" off him and saying you can prove he's town but can't say why yet?


Ron Simmons What's your opinion of this whole thing? Do you think Mike could be setting you up to take a fall somehow or do you believe he's town and he's just trying to protect who he believes to be other townies? Do you still have any suspicions on TMS for his voting for you purely on demenour and his claim that his is merely a throwaway vote that doesn't mean much right now?


Chris B Are you still convinced that Mike could be scum? Do you have any other suspects at this point and if so why?


Top Man Shopper Are you still basing your votes on the way people post at the minute? If you are can i ask why and if you are still voting in this way is there anyone else you suspect based on "how they're posting?" Do you still think Ron could be scum?

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Now then a few questions for a few people and i apologise if some of them seem a little idiotic

Don't apologize for what you ask, well done for making an effort.


OK, you've asked a few things here so I'll split up the questions.


Ron Simmons What's your opinion of this whole thing? Do you think Mike could be setting you up to take a fall somehow or do you believe he's town and he's just trying to protect who he believes to be other townies?

Having seen Mike play as scum before I'm pretty confident he's town. If he were scum I don't see why he wouldn't be pushing for my lynch. Same with Chris B. He's not really pushed on me when he quite easily could. I think it's a case of two townies arguing rather than one scum, one town. If one of the two actually is scum I'd pick Chris, but again, at this stage I think he's town. Same with Triple A, and same with Dan Williams as I've seen him play erratically before as a townie. I'm not convinced by the Nexus thing either, I think he made a stupid move then tried to make a stupid justification of it that would make him look good.


Do you still have any suspicions on TMS for his voting for you purely on demenour and his claim that his is merely a throwaway vote that doesn't mean much right now?

Absolutely. I don't see his logic at all, and I think there's a scum plot to try and get me to "bite" so that they can set me up. I'm taking a step back though so that that hopefully won't work. I got pissed off at someone earlier on and it didn't work in my favour. People accused me of "being aggressive so therefore you're scummy", but oddly these same people haven't thought anything of the aggression between Chris, Mike and Triple A. They've only told them to calm down. So because of that I think that some of these people are scum, or are being led by scum. I'm not completely convinced by TMS as town or scum, so that's why my vote lies where it currently is.


The other possibility could be that either Triple A, Mike or Chris is scum and they don't want other players to pick up on that fact. If I were going to pick one, like I said it would be Chris. But again, he's played a balanced enough game for me to not think that he's scum.


So at the moment I'm going with my first theory.

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Top Man Shopper Are you still basing your votes on the way people post at the minute? If you are can i ask why and if you are still voting in this way is there anyone else you suspect based on "how they're posting?" Do you still think Ron could be scum?

My vote isn't based on the way people post, Ron has basically flung that in my direction, and I've made it clear that's not the case, particularly as TripleA's style is frustratingly too aggressive, and I believe he to be town more than anyone else in the game if I'm honest.


My vote for Ron was (as already explained) sparked by SMS's 'going out' post, on reflection, and after reading through the entire game, I believe Ron to be scum because I personally believe he's posting in a scummy way, this for me has never been more-so blatant than his infatuation with my vote which he believes to be non-sensical, why would anyone worry about a singular vote in that instance. I believe his overly defensive approach to my vote and need to have me highlight the ins and outs of the vote are scummy too.


It's a personal opinion granted, and it is hard to put across, but you know when you just get a hunch from reading someone's posts that something's not quite right? That's what I get from Ron.


The only other person I have suspicions of is Dan, for reasons highlighted by many already so far.

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My vote for Ron was (as already explained) sparked by SMS's 'going out' post, on reflection, and after reading through the entire game, I believe Ron to be scum because I personally believe he's posting in a scummy way, this for me has never been more-so blatant than his infatuation with my vote which he believes to be non-sensical, why would anyone worry about a singular vote in that instance. I believe his overly defensive approach to my vote and need to have me highlight the ins and outs of the vote are scummy too.

But my point is why would that make me scummy? Why would scum worry about - as you say - a "single vote" any more than town?


And why is it scummy to ask why you're voting? :/


Unfortunately I think one vote can matter in this game as certain players can be led. I'm genuinely at a loss to explain why people are voting for me. I'm frustrated because I feel screwed either way, there's one extreme where people are suggesting I have an important role, then keep bringing it up (yeah I know, I've brought it up now - but at this stage I think the scum will have seen this either way) and then there's the other extreme where people are suggesting I'm scum.


You can peg all of what you're saying down to frustration. I've been put in a bad position. If I don't die today then I'm probably going to die tonight. I'm not confirming or denying a power role here, but that idea has been put out there and it's kind of screwed me over.

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TripleA what made you change your mind on voting for SMS after you'd said you believed what he was saying and that he was a Role-Blocker? I know you'd said he'd got enough votes from everyone else because they thought he was lying but was it just this or was there something else?


Well I initially voted for him because I (like everyone else) thought he was lying. When he was L-2 or L-3 he made a very truthful-seeming post and despite me being at L-1 at the time, I thought it would be better to risk myself dying as a simple Vanilla than to lose SMS who at that point I was willing to beleive was a Roleblocker. At the very worst i'd have been lynched and SMS would have died overnight, but we'd have only lost a Vanilla and a pretty much certified to die SMS anyway.

However, not even an hour had passed and SMS went full out desperate for no reason and his posting style changed back to the way he was before, which instantly squashed all my feelings of him telling the truth. I voted again, but only to put him at L-1, I didn't hammer it.




While i'm posting, i'd still like to point out to everyone that Mike completely ignored my last post, and has pretty much used the bollockings we got for getting mad to change the subject and ignore what I said. I still feel whole-heartedly that Mike is scum.

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Just checking in....sorry for the low posts but I'm still on my phone til Monday (so start of next day phase hopefully.) From reading bits and pieces when I can, its been quite a slow day phase so far. I don't have any further suspicions other than those I had on day 1. Namely Ron and nexus (see last phase for detailed reasons why) and I think my vote will go with one of the two unless something comes up in the next couple of days.

Really?! How much of today have you read exactly? Yesterday too...What about Dan Williams? What do you make of the Mike/Chris arguments? What about Family Guys 'direction of the game' comment?


At this stage I strongly believe at least one out of Top Man Shopper, Burchill's Buddy and Family Guy PMSL to be scum. Maybe more. I'm going to place a vote, I think and stick with my initial instinct:

Vote Family Guy PMSL


Any reason why, apart from the fact that you don't find it logical that I voted for you on Day 1?

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Any reason why, apart from the fact that you don't find it logical that I voted for you on Day 1?

Yeah, I thought you focussed on me heavily on day one. Tunneling almost. You also made that "direction of the game" comment. The way you played that first day is very different than the way I've seen you play before. That's left me thinking that you might be scum.


Of course, there's obviously time for you to change my opinion and I very well might. As I've said I think at least one out of yourself, Burchill's Buddy and TMS is scum. I think there's a plan to try and make me look scummy based on the fact I lost my rag on the first day. And admitedly, it's a solid foundation for scum to work from.


The reason I voted for you over BB and TMS is that I feel more familiar with your play style than theirs, and I know you're a really strong player (but don't know much about them) so I think for you to have been so focussed on me, when you ordinarily seem so rounded and balanced, I think something might be up.

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I think the interaction between all 3 guys(Mike, Chris and TripleA) has been very interesting if slightly frustrating for the amount of insults thrown needlessly at each other and i'm inclined to believe that one of you could be scum.


Can I not be tied into the insults thing, please? Absolutely, I can be an aggressive player - I tend to be when I feel someone is dodging questions, as it makes them more likely to slip up - but I've tried to avoid insults in this game. I've no problem with people suspecting me. It tends to happen in any game where I get vocal. It's part and parcel of how the game works, and I certainly shouldn't be above suspicion. Again, it's part of why I was pushing Mike - he seemed, to me, to be pushing scum investigations away from certain people.


Chris B Are you still convinced that Mike could be scum? Do you have any other suspects at this point and if so why?


I'm convinced that he could be. I'm not convinced that he is. The last game was actually quite the eye-opener for me, because Ron and I ended up on exactly the same page, despite being at each other's throats for most of the game at that point.


My list of suspects is, as ever, long. In a Steve Austin-like way, I tend not to trust anybody. It's a case of who seems to be the most likely culprits.


My main suspect is still Dan, as the case has been made on him pretty strongly. It's possible that he's been pushed to the lynch, but it seems more probable that he's walked himself there. Have I missed a V/LA, btw? I've not seen him around for a bit.


After that, Mike and Triple A, followed by Family Guy and Nexus. I don't think the Family Guy/Triple A lead I pointed out earlier is necessarily great, but it seemed to kick things off as it unconvered some potential buddying by Mike and Triple A. This makes me think Triple A is a more likely lead than Family Guy, although it could go either way. If Triple A ends up being scum, then so is Mike. And vice versa. In my opinion, anyway. I'm tempted to think they're buddying up on Ron, but it could also be that they're playing with him. For me, a lot of it comes down to how Dan flips - I think that would be the lynch that would give us the most information at this point.


Family Guy is up for similar reasons to Triple A, and on the opposite side of it. Nexus started off pretty badly, but I do think he got dealt a bad hand with the accusations of lurking, as he's been FAR from the worst on that. I'm not convinced by his answers, but I think the fact that SMS acted considerably worse and then flipped town puts a lot of question marks there.

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