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Scottish Football Discussion Thread 2010/11

The Cum Doctor

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Further news on the Hugh Dallas email story that's picking up steam;


Irish Post journalist, Phil Mac Giolla Bhain has reported SFA Heard of Referee Development, Hugh Dallas, sent an email on the day Pope Benedict XVI visited Scotland inferring the Pope was a danger to children.


When asked by Mac Giolla Bhain, the SFA declined to comment.


The SFA has been embroiled in controversy over their failure to act against the so-called Famine Song, which encourages descendants of Irish immigrants to

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I hope the SFA look at Mark McGhee after that performance. No way Aberdeen should lose nine, even with a player sent off. He told his team to lay down, simple as.

Are you being serious?! Mark McGhee has managed a side that have BEATEN Celtic before! Besides, do you honestly think the players would comply even if he DID tell them to do that?

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It's an important match for Rangers tomorrow. If they don't win that one, I'd guess it's Celtic's title to lose. Let's face it, if Rangers can't beat this St. Mirren side, they don't deserve the title.

Are you being serious ?

Yes, because Rangers will never close that Goal Difference now. That's basically an extra point for the Celts. Lose or draw for Rangers today and it'll be very difficult. I don't see this Celtic team losing to anyone in the next few months.


I hope the SFA look at Mark McGhee after that performance. No way Aberdeen should lose nine, even with a player sent off. He told his team to lay down, simple as.

Are you being serious?! Mark McGhee has managed a side that have BEATEN Celtic before!

I didn't know that. I take that back. Sorry to Mark if he's reading! :)

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Scum isn't a strong enough word.


You're a ghoul. Your desperate need to appear as if you're venerating the GLORIOUS DEAD@~! is fiendish. It's just exploitation and it's kind of worrying that your hatred is such that you'll harp on about these "heroes" yet chant and sing about wading up to your knees in Catholic blood week-in, week-out.


Why should I wear a poppy? It's enough for me to know that I respect and honour the men and women who were dragged into the two World Wars (including members of my own family) without having to fall over myself and compete to see who has the biggest or most prominent poppy. I'm not going to honour a bunch of killers who chased my own grandmother and her family out of Ireland, plus several other injustices and transgressions. Fuck the British army.


This is an absolutely cracking post on the Dallas scandal that sums up my thoughts about it to a tee:


Many organisations have had to accept that they have fostered a culture which amounted to bias. These include the Metropolitan Police which had to accept that they had, they say inadvertently, encouraged prejudice against a section of the wider community. In the case of the Met it was against black victims and it followed their cack handed investigation of the murder of the black teenager Stephen Lawrence.


Many of us have suspected that insitutional bias was inherit in the SFA and this created a culture where a vast number of “honest mistakes” against one club was condoned. Others have claimed that it all evened out and no particular team suffered unfair prejudice. The latter were unable to rationalise the case of Jim Farry and were quick to call this a “clash of personalities” with the then Celtic owner Fergus McCann.


Recent decisions and the fact that a refere admitted to lying to the Celtic manager encouraged those who were convinced that a culture of bias was condoned and accepted. That admission was not an act of contrition but came about because of a leaked official report and the breaking of ranks by his assistant.


However, the revelation that Dallas sent a sectarian email must put the position beyond any doubt. Let’s look at the facts.


This is 2010 and all workplaces have stringent controls and policies in place in relation to emails and accepted practice. Large, or high profile, employers have to take particular care. The SFA falls into the definition of a high profile employer, especially given the sensitivities following recent events. So what does it say about a culture within the SFA which makes a senior and powerful employee, Hugh Dallas, fell safe in sending a sectarian email which makes a “joke” about child abuse? By any measure it suggests he is comfortable in his environment and safe from any repercussion in demonstrating a prejudice which will find favour with his peers and managers. In most workplaces such actions would result in gross misconduct and dismissal (subject to the due process in Employment Law). What will the SFA do? If it is nothing other than suspend and then sack him, it PROVES they are institutionally biased!

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Good to see all that Celtic crying worked, no doubt every decision will go their way for the next few months


Oh and Gary Hooper is a wanker, "big clubs always get decisons against them" yeah nice one Gary, no wonder he wasn't good enough for the English Premier League if he's that much of a spastic

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You're a ghoul. Your desperate need to appear as if you're venerating the GLORIOUS DEAD@~! is fiendish. It's just exploitation and it's kind of worrying that your hatred is such that you'll harp on about these "heroes" yet chant and sing about wading up to your knees in Catholic blood week-in, week-out.


Why should I wear a poppy? It's enough for me to know that I respect and honour the men and women who were dragged into the two World Wars (including members of my own family) without having to fall over myself and compete to see who has the biggest or most prominent poppy. I'm not going to honour a bunch of killers who chased my own grandmother and her family out of Ireland, plus several other injustices and transgressions. Fuck the British army.


It's not about forcing people to wear a poppy. That's your choice. It's about protesting against wearing one. The Green Brigade are the scum of the earth. A bunch of supposed football fans who are more interested in protesting about politics than what happens on the park.


They can't even spell either.

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It's not about forcing people to wear a poppy. That's your choice. It's about protesting against wearing one.

Are they breaking the law? Was the banner illegal or something?


Peaceful protest is still a right we have in this country, is it not?

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Does Hugh Dallas genuinely feel he can continue in his position after this latest misdemeanour? I'm not even taking the whole Dougie McDonald thing into account but if one of my staff sent that email (or any possibly offensive viral) from a works computer I'd have them up in front of the board and push for dismissal.

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What's this I'm hearing about Hibs fans throwing chairs ? This is from the BBC ...


Rudi Skacel gets to his feet and dodges some sort of debris being thrown at him by the Hibs fans.


Kevin Kyle goes for the ball over at the new stand at Easter Road and is given pelters - actual pelters, not just verbal - by disgruntled Hibs fans.


Okay, so no mention of chairs there, but that's what was suggested by a couple of people on the Pie and Bovril forum.

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What's this I'm hearing about Hibs fans throwing chairs ? This is from the BBC ...


Rudi Skacel gets to his feet and dodges some sort of debris being thrown at him by the Hibs fans.


Kevin Kyle goes for the ball over at the new stand at Easter Road and is given pelters - actual pelters, not just verbal - by disgruntled Hibs fans.


Okay, so no mention of chairs there, but that's what was suggested by a couple of people on the Pie and Bovril forum.

sure it wasn't flares? oh my, coins, bottles and parts of a chair.

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