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Scottish Football Discussion Thread 2010/11

The Cum Doctor

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Am I watching different footage from everything else?! Lennon goes over to McCoist, shakes his hand and gives him a CUDDLE for fuck's sake! McCoist whispers something in Lenny's ear which sets him off. I am not condoning Lennon's actions in this particular instance as I am not a violent person, but we don't know what was said. It could have been disgusting. If people are going to speculate that Lennon racially abused Diouf/Bartley (which I don't believe for a second, as he has played with black team-mates for years, not to mention the dugout area was surrounded by police), then I'm going to speculate that whatever McCoist said was bang out.


Some perspective is required here. To me, the witch hunt against Lennon is fuelled as a result of Rangers having to deflect the attention from themselves: they were a showing up on the park in terms of performance and of behaviour. Their support, as usual, were a showing up. To me, so much emphasis on Lennon makes it seem like Rangers and their fans feel that some of the blame for last night's debacle (which was entirely of their own doing) needs to be placed at Celtic's door. Let's not forget that McCoist is the man who applauded Daniel Cousin for braining Stephen McManus in an Old Firm game in 2007. Walter Smith physically manhandled Mixu Paatelainen at Ibrox a few years back, and not much was made of it. I think Lennon is being made a scapegoat for problems that are entirely Rangers'.


It's also a curious coincidence that so much is being made of the potential powder keg that an Old Firm game brings to Glasgow and its inhabitants when Neil Lennon is at the helm for Celtic, and not only that, is winning. There was no moaning about policing or violence in the town when Tony Mowbray was content to be shagged up the arse and cheated every time he played Rangers. Say what you want about Lennon, but at this moment in time, he has Walter Smith's number. Smith's "tactics" are non-existent: there is no masterstroke involved in defending for your lives and hoping to get a goal on the break, with no plan B in place. Lenny has demonstrated a wide range of tactical nous this season and his ideas/philosophies about how football should be played in 2011 is beginning to show Wattie up for the dinosaur he really is.


Official statement from Celtic:


Composure and discipline the key to Celtic's victory


By: Newsroom Staff on 03 Mar, 2011 14:25


CELTIC’S 1-0 victory over Rangers booked their place in the quarter-final of the Scottish Cup as Neil Lennon’s side continue to chase trophies on three fronts.


It was a dramatic night at Celtic Park, and after the dust had settled on another victory over Rangers, Neil Lennon praised his players for their performance.


“It was a victory we thoroughly deserved and it was very pleasing to see the reaction we got from the players after last Sunday’s disappointment,” the Celtic manager said.


“We tried to play football throughout the game and, over and above that, I was delighted that, in such an atmosphere, the team remained composed and disciplined during what was, at times, a difficult game.


“There was an incident on the touchline at the final whistle between myself and Ally McCoist, and obviously it’s one that has attracted a lot of attention.


“We’ve both got a lot of experience of this fixture and know that sometimes, in the heat of the moment things can be said and words exchanged. It is a passionate game and both of us want our team to win.


“However, we were still able to sit down after the game and as far as we are concerned the matter is closed.


“But we’re pleased to be in the next round of the Scottish Cup and we’re looking forward to what I’m sure will be a tough game at Inverness.”


The victory over Rangers produced another memorable atmosphere at Paradise, with a sell-out Celtic crowd roaring the team on to victory.


And Chief Executive Peter Lawwell praised the Celtic support for the incredible backing they gave the team from first minute to last.


“It was a tremendous win for the team and the supporters responded to what was another great performance,” the Chief Executive said.


“Our fans once again provided an excellent display of how to support the team in a positive and inspiring manner. Our players, too, deserve great praise, not just for winning the match but also in the manner of the victory. They should be congratulated on their discipline.


“Stewart Regan, Chief Executive of the SFA, has issued a statement this morning and while we will clearly co-operate fully with any SFA investigation, we must take issue with elements of Stewart’s statement.


“My prime concern is Celtic and I can only comment on our Club. However, I believe that events should be put into some perspective.


“Celtic had three players booked last night. To put this in the context of other matches, St. Johnstone last night received two bookings in their match against Aberdeen, while Motherwell received five bookings against Celtic last Sunday.


“Contrary to Stewart’s statement I do not think that our players showed a lack of respect to officials.


“The team remained composed throughout what was, at times, a difficult game, and the fact that only three of our players were booked is evidence of that composure and discipline which provided the foundation for us to go and win the match. They should be congratulated in this regard.


“Neil has made a statement in terms of the incident with Ally McCoist and I believe they met after the match. While I understand that this will be part of the SFA investigation, I know that both Neil and Ally have moved on from this in the correct manner."

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The whole Lennon & McCoist saga has been blown completely out of proportion.


The two of them probably had a good laugh about it over a couple of beers last night, such is their relationship away from football.


Some people just can't help but see red any time Neil Lennon does anything.

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The whole Lennon & McCoist saga has been blown completely out of proportion.


The two of them probably had a good laugh about it over a couple of beers last night, such is their relationship away from football.

This is probably close to the truth, but I think you'll find it's Lennon that can't help but see red. As rick says, had he kept his head Celtic would be away scot-free and Rangers would be even further in the shit.


It's probably worth me chucking in there as well, just to bring it back to football a bit, that once again Celtic beat Rangers without having to even step up a gear. Rangers practically beat themselves last night - and all this in an Old Firm match which Kyle Lafferty wasn't involved in!


Judging by that club statement, it seems we won't find out what McCoist said any time soon then.

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Neil Lennon is a tool, I agree with that. I never wanted him as a player at Celtic Park, I didnt want him as our manager apart from the fact he would put a bit of fight back into a team that was badly needing it.

You must be happy with him as manager now though, yeah?


To be honest, no. I wasnt happy when Strachan was manager even though we were winning. I just cant take to Neil Lennon at all, there's just something about him to me. I realise I'll be in a minority of Celtic fans in having that opinion but there you go. I'm happy we're winning of course if thats why you were asking.

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Neil Lennon is a tool, I agree with that. I never wanted him as a player at Celtic Park, I didnt want him as our manager apart from the fact he would put a bit of fight back into a team that was badly needing it.

You must be happy with him as manager now though, yeah?

To be honest, no. I wasnt happy when Strachan was manager even though we were winning. I just cant take to Neil Lennon at all, there's just something about him to me. I realise I'll be in a minority of Celtic fans in having that opinion but there you go. I'm happy we're winning of course if thats why you were asking.

So, you weren't happy when Strachan was manager? Why not?

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Come off it, he brings it on himself. It's a shame because he's showing signs of being a decent manager. When they are at it, this Celtic team looks the best I've seen for ages.

Neil Lennon lost his cool at the end of last night's game, that can't be disputed, and that he did no doubt went against everything he would have been saying to his players before kick-off. Nobody knows that Ally McCoist said to him, though, and it should be remembered that there were two people involved in that touchline debacle (three if you want to add Diouf's inexplicable decision to approach the Celtic technical area during the game).


I'm not wishing to excuse Lennon's reaction, but it is in no way as big a deal as some would like it to be. It certainly isn't a big deal to the two men involved.

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RANGERS Football Club issued the following statement after First Minister Alex Salmond and Strathclyde Police announced that a summit will be held next week to discuss events surrounding recent Old Firm matches.


Chief Executive Martin Bain said: "At Rangers we have spent the day looking closely at the events of last night and the widespread comments expressed.


"When the First Minister and I spoke today I said we would willingly take part in the summit and welcomed the opportunity to discuss matters surrounding these fixtures 'frankly and openly'.


"In relation to the match itself, we will be making the following points:


"There was indeed increased tension at last night's match between the clubs, mainly as a result of incidents at previous matches where two of our players were the subject of extreme verbal abuse in the tunnel and around the dug-out area at Ibrox.


"Our management team are highly regarded across the football world for their approach to the game. Our Assistant Manager, who is acutely aware of representing Rangers in the best possible way, became embroiled in a situation last night where he acted in the defence of our players. He met Neil Lennon again after the match and is now satisfied the Celtic Manager is fully aware of his views.


"The dismissal of three Rangers players and the extraordinary number of bookings we believe is a matter for the Scottish Football Association's disciplinary process.


We should point out that in recent matches between the two teams the number of bookings and sendings off has been unremarkable.


"There has been extensive criticism of referees and the SFA this season and we are now questioning the impact of that criticism. Refereeing Old Firm matches is an extremely difficult task but the number of bookings last night compared with other recent Old Firm fixtures indicates the match was not controlled in the same way.


"We regret that on one hand the SFA Chief Executive today said they had launched an investigation into the whole matter and then in the same statement immediately leapt to conclusions on two of our players.


"On the wider issues raised by the Police, we as a Club take our social responsibilities very seriously, and the work we do to tackle issues such as anti-social behaviour, sectarianism and racism has been recognised by government, police authorities and football authorities.


"As regards drunken, violent or sectarian behaviour - either at Old Firm matches or in the wider community - we are at one with the Police and Government. Indeed, we work closely with Celtic through the Old Firm Alliance and other initiatives to tackle sectarianism.


"The issue of drunken behaviour in the wider community is something that all agencies need to work together to address. As a football club we are more than willing to play our part."


Martin Bain speaks out.



This is the manager of Celtic Football Club



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He'd have saved himself a lot of time if he'd just said "a big boy done it and ran away".


:laugh: Are your lot born with short memories? You all seem to suffer from it.

Aye, because the reason last nights game was so lacking in discipline was because of "extreme verbal abuse" two derby games ago at Ibrox :laugh:

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