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Scottish Football Discussion Thread 2010/11

The Cum Doctor

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Here's a question to the Celtic contingent on here, a genuine question. Any idea why some Celtic fans have taken offence to us adopting Roy Orbison's "Penny Arcade" as our new anthem? It's been sung in Rangers pubs for years but they've only just started playing it before the teams come out at Ibrox

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I think that's a completely fictitious story that probably started on Follow Follow or something. I have seen threads on several Celtic forums that are named things like "Why do the Huns think we are offended by 'Penny Arcade?'" I for one certainly am not. I honestly couldn't care less what plays over the tannoy at Ibrox. Anything beats that horrible tin whistle shite that blares over the stadium incessantly for most of the pre-match/half time.


The game yesterday was great. We played well, HORRIBLE conditions but we kept ourselves warm by jumping about like loons. I honestly believe we have the most colourful, vocal and lively away support in Britain at the moment.

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I think that's a completely fictitious story that probably started on Follow Follow or something. I have seen threads on several Celtic forums that are named things like "Why do the Huns think we are offended by 'Penny Arcade?'" I for one certainly am not. I honestly couldn't care less what plays over the tannoy at Ibrox. Anything beats that horrible tin whistle shite that blares over the stadium incessantly for most of the pre-match/half time.


The game yesterday was great. We played well, HORRIBLE conditions but we kept ourselves warm by jumping about like loons. I honestly believe we have the most colourful, vocal and lively away support in Britain at the moment.


At least we agree on something.

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Here's a question to the Celtic contingent on here, a genuine question. Any idea why some Celtic fans have taken offence to us adopting Roy Orbison's "Penny Arcade" as our new anthem? It's been sung in Rangers pubs for years but they've only just started playing it before the teams come out at Ibrox

I've not heard of anyone taking offence to that particular song.


I think it shows that Rangers fans at least have a sense of humour to be singing a song about a hopeless gambling addict.

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Rangers and Celtic are provincial. Hearts and Hibs are not. If we are going to slate clubs then at least acknowledge that Edinburgh and not Glasgow is the capital.



Doesn't make it the capital.


Doesn't make them provincial either. Go check the meaning.

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Motherwell and Kilmarnock casuals. What is the world coming too to? Was it three men and a dog like their usual support?

The words of a knuckle-dragging glory hunter indeed. Oh, and I've corrected your little spelling error there ;)


Glory Hunter, hahaha. I've been going to Rangers games since I was 5 years old and had a season ticket since I was 9. If I was only in it for the glory I'd have subscribed to SKY.

But the wee provincial clubs fans like to call us Glory hunters cause their teams never amount to fuck all.




"Step up and play each machine seemed to say as I walked round and round the Penny Arcade"



"When I see Celtic, I go out of my head, and I just cant get enough"


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