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CHIKARA: The Offical Thread

Boon Town Rat

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Yeah, it is.


Has anyone else been watching the Youtube channel for Where In The World Is Archibald Peck? Basically (spoilered just in case)...


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...at Chikarasaurus Rex, Archie took the pin in a loser leaves town tag match, and the PPV ended with a video of him walking out of Philly to sad piano music. Since then, they've put up videos of him walking morosely past loads famous landmarks, still in his gear, to the same sad piano music. He's been past the Statue of Liberty, WWE headquarters (at which he stopped, looked, then got angry and stormed off), the Olympic Stadium in Montreal, and I don't actually know where the latest one is. It's pretty funny.


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Yeah, it is.


Has anyone else been watching the Youtube channel for Where In The World Is Archibald Peck? Basically (spoilered just in case)...


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

...at Chikarasaurus Rex, Archie took the pin in a loser leaves town tag match, and the PPV ended with a video of him walking out of Philly to sad piano music. Since then, they've put up videos of him walking morosely past loads famous landmarks, still in his gear, to the same sad piano music. He's been past the Statue of Liberty, WWE headquarters (at which he stopped, looked, then got angry and stormed off), the Olympic Stadium in Montreal, and I don't actually know where the latest one is. It's pretty funny.


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Thought they would of gone for a bigger venue, think they should of gone for the National Guard Armoury in Philly or they could of gone to the Manhattan Centre. Sure they could draw for King Of Trios, Normally a huge crowd at The Arena. Sucks it closed down

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Team 8:




I need a way to catch up with Chikara... Soldier Ant is part of The Swarm?


He isn't, but Fire Ant is currently out injured. The new GM of fun, Wink something decided to create a team via the power of maths and statistics and seen as the two Swarm members and Soldier Ant had the best records, Wink created a new Ants team.

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basically Wink while not being a fully blown heel, is kinda there as the anti-thesis of fun, a character the fans can be against without ever really doing things intentionally it seems.


Though with his maths system it should have been Green Ant in the trios instead of one of the Swarm, but he decided to solve ties alphabetically and it meant 2 of the 3 members of The Swarm got in instead. Basically meaning Soldier rather than having some advantage is now at a disadvantage instead.


Expect Green in the RDV I'd imagine. Or as part of an exiles team (The Throwbacks didn't select Sugar D I'd imagine El Generico may not be a part of the usual 3.0le as they appear to be teasing 3.0kuma with Gran Akuma joining 3.0)

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Was discussing this with some mates at the weekend and one of them reckoned that Sugar will start a second Throwbacks team (I forget who with) and force Dasher to choose.


Also, I really like what they've done with Wink and the mathematical arrangement of the Swarm team. Real good storyline potential there. Chikara's booking and attention to detail is just so great.

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Wink is pretty much Mike Adamle, isn't he? He makes matches, not fully understanding the concept and comes across as heelish. Its great.


I'm interested in what's going to have with Kingston vs. Del Rey. A big part of me was expecting a Del Rey win, but with the current news, you can't expect anything other than a Kingston win. Which makes me think they might be some kind of CHIKARA swerve coming - either in the form of Del Rey winning and then immediately losing, Del Rey winning and doing a Summer of Del Rey storyline or The Swarm destroying her on her way out.

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Problem is, if Del Rey wins, who takes the belt from her?


I'd imagine one of the Swarm, possibly 17 just to tie up the Quack storyline with him, but I really can't think of a solid name right now, not already tied up in something to take the belt from King. As much as I would like it to happen.

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