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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Can I have some opinions on the films below.. thinking of watching one tonight.


Crazy Heart

Men who stare at goats

long kiss goodnight

The last samurai.


That one is top notch, i really reall like this movie. Tom cruise is fucking pure gold acting wise in this, spot on! Id recommend this by a country mile!

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The Town - I honestly don't know why I didn't watch this sooner. The trailer appealed, the reviews were universally excellent but for some reason it passed me by. This would've definitely made my top 5 of last year, everything about the film is excellent. The acting is superb across the board, it's tense, sad & funny without ever being overly predictable or cheesy. After 'Gone Baby Gone' & now this Affleck is turning into a filmaker to keep an eye on. 5 stars.

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For all you Kung Fu fans, finally got round to watching Ip Man 2.

With Donnie Yen in fine form as always and Sammo popping up too.


All the fights are amazing; there is a point to them, with Yen squaring off against Sammo on small table being the highlight fight.

Sammo once again does the fight choreography.


The makers have obviously decided to hold off from introducing Bruce Lee until the third movie but you do get to see a young Bruce turning up at the end.


Fans have said part 2 was disappointing but I disagree

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Went on a bit of a cinema spree the last few days, and here's what I saw...


The Next Three Days

It was an interesting one this, it was good but just felt like there was something missing. The first 2 thirds seemed pretty long winded and there was a lot of Russell Crowe looking at bits of paper and looking up things on YouTube. In the end its decent but pretty a standard thriller that has its moments. It's to put a finger on exactly whats missing, I enjoyed it but wouldn't be in any rush to see it again. ***


The King's Speech

I didn't know much of this film until a few weeks ago to be honest, I didn't even know it was about George VI until then. Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush are absolutely brilliant in this. I guess its a drama at heart, but it does have quirky and quite amusing parts. The script is brilliantly written and the casting is spot on. It's interesting to see Firth in a role like this, almost a polar opposite from his perfectly spoken usual roles. Well worth a watch. ****


127 Hours

It's always an art in the execution of making a film that 99% of viewers know exactly what happens in the story before they see it, and its achieved very well here. James Franco puts in an awesome performance and it's really his turn that the film was riding on, as it is pretty much just him. I really loved the style of the film, having not seen a Danny Boyle film before I definately need to start. The climax is particularly gruesome, but it really is an uplifting story, if a little uncomfortable. Brilliant. ****1/2


Season of the Witch

For every good film Nicolas Cage does, there's a bad one round the corner. So it's probably no surprise that after a couple of great turns last year in Bad Lieutenant and Kick-Ass, that this is rubbish. It's about what you'd expect by looking at it, there's a wafer thin story that culminates in some dodgy CGI and poorly written dialogue. Before the film, a friend of mine mentioned that Ron Perlman looks a little like Ron Burgundy, so I spent most of the film playing in my head that that was Ron Burgundy. It made it better. Not the worst film you'll ever see, but there's definately way, way better. Pretty lame Milhouse. **

Edited by Harvey Dent
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I have CLUE!! Very good little film, yes there is about 5 or 6 different endings. Also quite possibly Tim Curry's best performance in a FILM (before anyone starts about Pennywise) apart from Rocky Horror.


Have got it on my hard drive so if anyone wants a copy PM away.

What about muppet treasure island? Thats a great tim curry shout, either that or (although the film it self was cack) Oscar (with sly stallone). Although i never noticed but he was in a few movies that id seen, although i just didnt recognise him without his beard!

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I watched MicMacs as it was a christmas present and I loved it. The colours, the plot and the actors all make a brilliant film, strongly recommend for anyone who wants a cool funny film with a real fun plot and great visual effects.

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Superman Returns: Seen this before of course and still love it. Traditional Superman who can do anything he wants against an evil ruthless Lex Luther played brilliantly by Kevin Spacey with a ruddy big lump of kryptonite - can't go wrong!


Anti-Christ: If you want to see a fucked up film, watch this. Haven't worked out if I liked it or not yet, it's certainly different. In a nutshell, a couple come to terms with the loss of their infant son with the father experiencing hallucinations and the mother becoming a borderline rapist. Includes some BRUTAL mutilation scenes - not one for the kids!

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Watched the 2009 version of Dorian Gray last week and remembered how much I love this film. Ben Barnes is very convincing as Dorian and Colin Firth puts in a great performance as his mentor.


And last night I saw The Kings Speech - one word for you: Amazing! A great storyline, a number of well known actors playing excellent parts and even some laughs which I wasn't expecting.

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