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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Has anyone seen Dont Look Now on here? I picked the DVD up in a charity shop for 79p the other day as I'd heard of it but I'm still unsure if I'll like it but for that price I can't grumble.


The main shock at the end has been spoiled for me as I was watching one of those 100 scariest moment programmes and it showed you the bit with the woman in the red coat, just wondering whether its worth a watch.

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I haven't seen it. My wife says it's completely awful aside from Julie Christie getting naked. Then again, she used to like Hollyoaks and doesn't like westerns, so she can't always be trusted.

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'Don't Look Now' might be very difficult depending on what you usually watch. It is quite slow in places and has quite an unconventional narrative. The twist ending is very good and still quite frightening, even today.


Out of curiosity, what kind of DVD is it? Is it a recent one or is it like one you would get free with a Newspaper (which is how I first saw it)? 'Cause 79p is a bargain really mate.

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Out of curiosity, what kind of DVD is it? Is it a recent one or is it like one you would get free with a Newspaper (which is how I first saw it)? 'Cause 79p is a bargain really mate.

Charity Shops generally charge about

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I don't think either of them have ever gone on record to confirm or deny it - I guess it keeps some of the mystery behind the scene intact. Being a Nicolas Roeg film, I wouldn't be surprised if he encouraged them to really have it off.

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It's a good film, it's just not really a horror movie. It's a film about grief and loss. The sex scene is great, but pretty tame by modern standards. It didn't look like they were "really" doing it, to me.


Having watched the excellent documentary on Hammer horror over the weekend, I watched Brides of Dracula on Sunday. I really struggle with Hammer. I know it's the motherlode as far as horror is concerned, and hugely influential, but every time I see one I can only see the cheap sets and formulaic storylines.


Mark Gatiss is obviously a huge fan, but the product doesn't live up to his hype, and he almost completely glossed over The Wicker Man which stands head and shoulders above most of the horror output of the times.

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I saw the last part of that series the other night. It was good but I thought that he stuck to the obvious titles like Halloween and Dawn Of The Dead a bit too much. It would have been nice to see him delve into more unknown titles a bit more.


As for Hammer, their films haven't, in most cases, aged well. But Quatermass And The Pit is an all time favourite of mine and Dracula is still pretty fantastic.

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Sorry, I'm well behind reading this thread :(


I watched Disturbia


When you read that something is a "remake" of a Hitchcock classic (in this case, Rear Window) you don't generally expect much but this film took the fundamental concept (person trapped in a house thinks he sees a murder) and then totally did their own thing in it. And it worked really well for the most part. Some genuine moments of creep/tension, some good performances including Shia LeBoef, and a wonderful psycho performance from David Morse, who is one of those wonderful B-list actors that always puts in a good showing.


The last reel suffers a little from what these sorts of films always suffer from... at the end, there has to be some running around being chased by the axe-wielding murderer, which often ends up spoiling the well-built-up tension. I'm not sure how you get round that as a writer though. Unless you're Hitchcock.

I absolutely loved Disturbia, it's one of those films I didn't really know anything about when I stuck it in, but I enjoyed the whole thing. I had no idea it was a remake of Rear Window, I'll have to give that a go now I know.


I thought Land of the Dead was pretty poor, but Romero really went to shit with the two after that. He's like the Ric Flair of legendary horror directors -- you can still enjoy his stuff in a "clueless old man lol" way, but it's utter rubbish.

Land of the Dead was indeed a good film and I must say I've not felt the urge to rewatch Diary of The Dead, but I did enjoy Survival of the Dead. Certainly not the best in the series, but I don't recall it being what I'd call bad. I am a mark for Zombies though :(


Toy Story 3. It was alright. Don't know why people cried at the end though.

I don't mind admitting I had a lump in my throat when things looked dire for the toys towards the end. I didn't cry but I do think it was quite an emotional film and oddly I found I was able to relate to many parts of the film in quite a sad way.


Just got back from Paranormal Activity 2. Really liked it. I loved the first one and if you liked that then you will this one, and if not, then you probably won't.

I thought it was probably more scary than the first, but relied more on loud noise jump scary. The build-up on the scenes with the same noise soundtrack as the first works perfectly again. The cinema was packed and added to the atmosphere once the 15/16 year olds started getting into it and thankfully not get bored.

I saw this on Monday, our whole group really loved it and some where proper freaked out when they got home. During the early part of the film some of the tension and minor jumpy bits were lost on silliness from the cinema, but as things get a bit more serious, the nervous laughter did turn to screams. I had my best mate to my left half hiding his face, girl to my right burying herself into me, her brother sat like Michael Jackson in the popcorn gif and 2 more girls hiding under their coats. I of course was pure man! By that I mean jumping with the rest of them.


As everyone got home I was fine, I grew up on that shit, but my mates little brother told me he wouldn't go downstairs to get a drink my himself and totally freaked out at the cat by the backdoor! The girls were just as bad, 2 of them choosing to sleep in the same bed. Which was all nice until one elbowed the other in the night and they both thought they were about to be dragged out of bed!


In short, we all really enjoyed the film, it was well written and well delivered.



Saw 3D had reignited my interest in the series so I've started working my way through the films in preparation. I watched 4 and 5 last night, but I got a little confused. 4 seemed to end up shortly before it started. I couldn't make out whether it was supposed to run before, alongside or after the 3rd film. 5 I did find interesting though, I thought it was pretty clever to a degree and has me keen to see the 6th movie ahead of my 3D viewing on Monday!

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'Don't Look Now' might be very difficult depending on what you usually watch. It is quite slow in places and has quite an unconventional narrative. The twist ending is very good and still quite frightening, even today.


Out of curiosity, what kind of DVD is it? Is it a recent one or is it like one you would get free with a Newspaper (which is how I first saw it)? 'Cause 79p is a bargain really mate.


Its a proper DVD release has Studio Canal on the front seems to be from 2002, the Barnardo's I pop into sells all its DVD's for 79p I even picked up Pro Evolution 6 for the Xbox 360 for 99p although I havent played it yet I couldnt let it slip by for that price.

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Another Poundland buy. A double pack of 'Masters of Horror' tv movies.

1st John Carpenter's Cigarette Burns. From imdb With a torrid past that haunts him, a movie-theater director is hired to hunt for the only known print of a film so notorious that its single screening caused the viewers to become homicidally insane. Although a bit slow, very enjoyable and couple of great gore moments! I also enjoyed it a bit more because i used to work as a cinema projectionist and it has lots of cool bits connected with that.


Secondly, Stuart Gordon's Dreams in the Witch House. Imdb A graduate student questions his sanity after he rents a room in an old boarding house which was the residence of a 17th Century witch, and he figures out that the evil forces still roam within the walls. Maybe not as good as CB but still great fun. I loved the scene and moment when

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

he pushes his thumbs into the witches eyes until blood explodes out.


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After looking at these on imdb, i want to try and see all of the other episodes.


...and i've just looked on play and the 4 boxsets are 9.99 each, so i think i will check them out soon.

Edited by lostprophet_y2j
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I noticed that in our Poundland too - fantastic value for a quid, but I had already bought the first series off Amazon. These were shown briefly on Bravo, I think.

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Day: Yesterday

Time: Evening

Audience: me, The Good Lady, her mother and brother

Film: Shutter Island

Rating: 4.5 stars

Comments: Having already seen this at the cinema, I knew where it was heading. Takes nothing away from a fantastic film. highly recommended viewing.

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