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Probably should redistribute that wealth or something shouldn't they.

Not at all, but they probably shouldn't be involved in writing government policy on obesity, alcohol and diet-related disease.


As the article said, it's a bit like handing smoking policy over to the tobacco industry.

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Some very cynical people have been dredging up a Times article from 2006.


It begins:


A GENERATION ago, the very idea that a British politician would go to Ireland to see how to run an economy would have been laughable. Ireland was seen as Britain’s poor and troubled country cousin, a rural backwater on the edge of Europe. Today things are different. Ireland stands as a shining example of the art of the possible in long-term economic policymaking, and that is why I am in Dublin: to listen and to learn.


and concludes


The new global economy poses real long-term challenges to Britain, but also real opportunities for us to prosper and succeed. In Ireland they understand this. They have freed their markets, developed the skills of their workforce, encouraged enterprise and innovation and created a dynamic economy. They have much to teach us, if only we are willing to learn.


And the name of the writer who learnt so much from Ireland's economic policies and its subsequent glorious boomtimes?


George Osbourne.

Edited by JNLister
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Did anyone watch the Trillion pound horror shows on C4 last night?


The best show the channel has ever produced, the ridiculous spending policies of successive governments have brought the UK nearly to its knees, 4 million more people than needed in the public sector. The show was just astoundingly correct. It showed up Labour and the Unions immeasurably who everyone with even a modicum of knowledge haven't been listening to anyway.


Our children will suffer for these policies considerably worse than we do now, they're borrowing tens of billions a year just to pay into the public sector pensions, an enormous time bomb of itself. The cuts are exactly like emptying a free flowing bath with an eggcup.

Couldn't agree more with this. Astounding piece of Television and sort of affirms a lot of my views on the current state of the UK as a whole.


Probably should redistribute that wealth or something shouldn't they.

Not at all, but they probably shouldn't be involved in writing government policy on obesity, alcohol and diet-related disease.


As the article said, it's a bit like handing smoking policy over to the tobacco industry.

But that's unlikely to be the reality though. The higher likelihood is to have a mutual agreement between the Gov and the fast food industry, for example "we'll remove the ban on junk food adverts during the daytime as long as you use healthier ingredients in your products (whatever those may be)"


Edit: By the way, for those who didn't see "The Trillion Pound Horror Story" here it is.


Part 1


Part 2


Part 3


Part 4


Part 5

Edited by Steveo2007
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Either California or San Francisco has just passed a law which says you can't include free toys in a fast food meal unless the meal includes fruit or vegetable.


I'm kind of torn on that one. I approve of the idea in practice, but my libertarian principles (which get more and more worn down by government behavior) say that's not for government to decide, but instead the chains should be forced to put up massive signs saying "Our kiddie meals are full of ludicrously unhealthy crap".

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Either California or San Francisco has just passed a law which says you can't include free toys in a fast food meal unless the meal includes fruit or vegetable.


I'm kind of torn on that one. I approve of the idea in practice, but my libertarian principles (which get more and more worn down by government behavior) say that's not for government to decide, but instead the chains should be forced to put up massive signs saying "Our kiddie meals are full of ludicrously unhealthy crap".

It's a parent's responsibility and choice to enquire into what is in the food and whether to buy it for their child. Don't get me wrong, I think ingredients should be printed on all food packaging, but that's as far as any Gov should interfere IMO.

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Oneupmanship to show that the current government is inept, is I take what people are getting at.

You won't find any argument from me about the last Labour Government, Pat. I blame them just as much for allowing a situation that is giving the 'Tories what they always wanted.


As i've said countless times, i'm as far from a Labour man as you'll get. They are basically Tory-lite.

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Oneupmanship to show that the current government is inept, is I take what people are getting at.

You won't find any argument from me about the last Labour Government, Pat. I blame them just as much for allowing a situation that is giving the 'Tories what they always wanted.


As i've said countless times, i'm as far from a Labour man as you'll get. They are basically Tory-lite.


Wasn't aimed at you, was more in the seemingly prevalent.. get the tories and the coalition at any cost type of attitude which seems to be on the increase amongst the press and various other sources.

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Wasn't aimed at you, was more in the seemingly prevalent.. get the tories and the coalition at any cost type of attitude which seems to be on the increase amongst the press and various other sources.

I'm not so sure about the press, but there will be an attitude of that type developing if the 'Tories continue down the path they are going down.

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Wasn't aimed at you, was more in the seemingly prevalent.. get the tories and the coalition at any cost type of attitude which seems to be on the increase amongst the press and various other sources.

I'm not so sure about the press, but there will be an attitude of that type developing if the 'Tories continue down the path they are going down.

Aiming towards responsible spending really is a bitch isn't it.

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