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That's ignoring the fact that planning permission was given for half of the site in the 70s, and static caravans/homes have been erected there without incident ever since. It's the illegal building on the adjacent land, bought in 2006, that is the bone of contention.


That whole area is now green belt, and as such is subject to much stricter planning regs than it was back in the 70s. Nobody is allowed to build that density of housing on that type of land - gypsies, locals or anyone else.


It's a sad situation, but one that the traveller population have been deliberately steering a course towards for many years.

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Not just the travellers though, the council in basilon and nigh on all the other councils around the country have to share some of the blame. The fact is planning permission is virtually never granted to travellers anymore, despite government legislation telling them they need to.

The fact is the councils are ignoring laws meant to help travellers settle down in exactly the same way as travellers are ignoring laws aimed at not letting them. There's fault on both sides but one side has the weight of authority behind it and one side has nothing.

So the travellers lose, get upended, kids taken out of school, you breed more chips on shoulders for the next generation and it's a vicous circle.

Granted the lands greenbelt but pre the travellers building houses it was a scrap yard, so they're hardly fucking up the natural beauty of the place.

I really don't see what benefit moving them on has, to them or to society as a whole

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I wasn't going to get into any discussion since I'm not feeling very well today, just browse to see what the opinions were on this Gypsy topic but felt compelled to post since I find myself agreeing with my nemesis Loki! An occasion to rejoice I feel :cool: it's cheered me up :)


Was checking out the story on the news and see 34 of the of the pitches for the caravans are legal, the additional 51 are illegal, with 400 people crammed in there. Why do they want live like that, especially when offered council housing? I don't get it personally.

Edited by Dynamite Duane
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I have Gypsy's in my family not new age ones either my great grandparents were ones who settles down but the rest of the family didn't and TBH they are probably the only members of my family (except my mum and brothers) who I like.


However if these travelers broke the law they broke the law the law is above nobody.

Agreed! There's good and bad in all types of people, I've worked with Gypsies when I worked for Guildford Borough Council. I recall working with one when a team of us had to clear up after some Irish Tinkers who pitched on common land, and it's true they don't shit in their caravans! The gypsy bloke I worked with wasn't keen on them, not that he was an angel himself, he was the go to man for your contraband!

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I have Gypsy's in my family not new age ones either my great grandparents were ones who settles down but the rest of the family didn't and TBH they are probably the only members of my family (except my mum and brothers) who I like.


However if these travelers broke the law they broke the law the law is above nobody.

Agreed! There's good and bad in all types of people, I've worked with Gypsies when I worked for Guildford Borough Council. I recall working with one when a team of us had to clear up after some Irish Tinkers who pitched on common land, and it's true they don't shit in their caravans! The gypsy bloke I worked with wasn't keen on them, not that he was an angel himself, he was the go to man for your contraband!


Maybe he was trying to abduct you. Did you check in case their skin was fake?

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The fact is planning permission is virtually never granted to travellers anymore, despite government legislation telling them they need to.

Is that a fact with some evidence to back it up?


Planning permission for settled folk has around a 95% success rate, for travellers it's more like 25%.

The vast majority of councils don't want traveller sites there, most residents don't, so they're far more lilkely to get refused.

It's really not a level playing field.

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Maybe travellers should ask themselves why people don't want them there? It's not like people are being unreasonable, is it?


If travellers settled down into normal houses and stopped acting like cretins, people wouldn't even know they were travellers unless they told them.


I don't see the problem with them really as long as they don't brake the law if they want to travel or live in caravans it's up to them and some I've been in are a lot better than a lot of hoses I've been in or lived in.

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Maybe travellers should ask themselves why people don't want them there? It's not like people are being unreasonable, is it?


If travellers settled down into normal houses and stopped acting like cretins, people wouldn't even know they were travellers unless they told them.


I feel the same way about black people, whenever one of them suggests it's unfair they get stereoptyped as criminals and drug dealers I have to explain it's high time they stopped being drug dealers and criminals and then the stereotype would stop.

Same thing with muslims, end of the day they need to ask themselves why people assume they're all terrorists.


I mean granted, there are equally as much, if not more, of all three groups who don't do anything wrong. But really, why would I care about that?

I like to judge everyone by the worst behaviour they exhibit, and judge em all by it.


(Note, this isn't true, as I have a brain and don't read the daily mail).

Edited by Kiffy
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I never met a Traveller who was anything other than a scumbag (or at least doing a good impression of one), and that makes me feel guilty to say as I know that it cant be them all, just I have had bad experiences with them. I dont want to view them all based on the impressions given by a few, but its hard sometimes to avoid that feeling.


Not sure what the point of this post is really.

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