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Or that in Europe 2010 there were 200 hundred arrests for all forms of terrorism but the majority of those arrests related to islamist terror with only one recorded arrest for far right terrorism offences? (source Europol)


There were a total of 249 terrorist attacks in the EU in 2010, in which seven people died and scores of others were injured. Most of these were related to violent separatist, nationalist, or anarchist activities. Three attacks were attributed to Islamist terrorist groups, of which two were aimed at causing mass casualties....


....In 2010 611 individuals were arrested for terrorist-related offences, of which 179 were linked to Islamist terrorism, representing a 50% increase on the previous year. Meanwhile Islamist terrorist groups issued 46 threat statements to interests in the EU, which also represents an increase on 2009.

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One does wonder, if people are posting "The vast majority of those arrested for terrorism were muslim" whether they're just a bit ignorant due to the media bias towards highlighting muslim terrorism, and they're just a bit uneducated past reading the sun.

Or if there's a more sinister reason behind it.


Dunno what the case with this blueknowsit fellow is, but I do wonder.

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From Hope Not Hate

Yesterday we published a blog titled " Some strange returns and culinary confusion"


In this blog we described how the EDL's Essex organiser Paul Prodromou had found a new friend, the well known Neo Nazi Eddie Stamton.


As part of the article we published a poor quality black and white photograph with the caption "Stamton ( With Flag) on Brick Lane.


It appears we made a mistake and we apologise.


It wasn't Brick Lane after all, it was however The Bethnal Green road.


So just for Eddie Stamton and his new found friends within the EDL we republish the original photograph.


And while we remember we have also found these photos of a young Stamton at a British Movement summer camp, along with a rather telling one of Stamton in his bedroom.


Next you'll be telling us Eddie that you don't run an online merchandising outfit selling Neo Nazi memorabilia.


the Pictures




For people who "want to save England" why do they worship the Nazi's who have done more damage and killing of English people than the Muslims ever have or will makes me wonder just who's side they would of been on in WW2

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So hold on, we're allowed to protest about weapons fairs but we're not allowed to protest against muslim communities?

God, it's pc gone mad.

No, ALL marches were banned, but they lifted this one, so that's not ALL is it?


As far as I'm aware Stampton is nothing to do with us, if it was up to me I'd have him nowhere near the EDL

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