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Yeah, I mean why would a newspaper want to cover important stuff that is happening around the world? Not like there's anything going on worth talking about.....

Some of the CiF stuff is about domestic events in India etc. I've no problem with discussion on major world events such as revolutions in the middle-east etc.


Maybe that stuff interests us UK libruls? I studied Politics in India during 2nd Year at the University of Sussex. :laugh: Do you want to police every aspect of our lives?

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What the fuck are you banging on about now? Which newspaper am I supposedly "exalting" here?


And are you really, really going to trot out the popularity = right argument? Seriously?

No, but I am going to say that if you say " I haven't claimed I know better than "normal people", so don't try and make out you're some hard put-upon working class regular being martyred by the "intellectual elite" - I'm a normal person too." you can't go on to dismiss the views of people who read the 2nd most popular newspaper in the country as being "populist" and not worth listening to.


The newspaper you were exalting was the Guardian. If you don't exalt it, I apologise.


I can, actually. Just as I could dismiss the views of the millions of idiots who think Glenn Beck is the voice of the masses and that Fox Network isn't a den of iniquity.


And I haven't at any point in this thread exalted the Guardian - I haven't even mentioned it. It was Bobbins and Bashar (B&B is the name I've come up with for their arse-kicking new tag-team) who did. As it is, I'm not the biggest fan of the Guardian (Julie Burchill pisses me off), but I think it's got several thousand times more of a right to call itself a newspaper than the Daily Heil has.


And before you try the same tack again - whilst I don't subscribe to right-wing views, I consider the Times and the Financial Times to be much better and more worthwhile right-wing newspapers than the Heil. In fact, for me the only papers worse than the DM are The Sun, The Sport, the News of the World and the Daily Star. It's just about on a par with the Telegraph.

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Yeah, I mean why would a newspaper want to cover important stuff that is happening around the world? Not like there's anything going on worth talking about.....

Some of the CiF stuff is about domestic events in India etc. I've no problem with discussion on major world events such as revolutions in the middle-east etc.


Maybe that stuff interests us UK libruls? I studied Politics in India during 2nd Year at the University of Sussex. :laugh: Do you want to police every aspect of our lives?

No, but I'm just saying that the newspaper no longer seems to represent the people it was set up to represent when it was founded as the Manchester Guardian. It seems to be trying to appeal to the metropolitan liberal elite around the world, rather than British working-class people. Makes sense from a financial standpoint at least, but it does seem to lessen any moral high ground they could once claim to have.


Not to mention the fact that GMG practices tax avoidance just as keenly as any bank or department store. Why don't UK Uncut protest against the Guardian?

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Yeah, I mean why would a newspaper want to cover important stuff that is happening around the world? Not like there's anything going on worth talking about.....

Some of the CiF stuff is about domestic events in India etc. I've no problem with discussion on major world events such as revolutions in the middle-east etc.


Maybe that stuff interests us UK libruls? I studied Politics in India during 2nd Year at the University of Sussex. :laugh: Do you want to police every aspect of our lives?

No, but I'm just saying that the newspaper no longer seems to represent the people it was set up to represent when it was founded as the Manchester Guardian. It seems to be trying to appeal to the metropolitan liberal elite around the world, rather than British working-class people. Makes sense from a financial standpoint at least, but it does seem to lessen any moral high ground they could once claim to have.


Not to mention the fact that GMG practices tax avoidance just as keenly as any bank or department store. Why don't UK Uncut protest against the Guardian?


It was founded by traders of textiles and merchants, it's never really been a working-class paper - another cheap accusation that does not stand up to the slightest scrutiny. Besides you're just bitter and increasingly desperate in your search for mud to throw.

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What's the forum's opinion on Ed Miliband renouncing New Labour's open door immigration policy?


Many people (myself included) including many Labour voters knew full well that Labour's immigration policy was a ticking time bomb problem is in my experience when most people down the pub or in work mention immigration what they really mean to say of course is blacks and muslims.

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In the same way that the word "liberal" has been twisted in America to become an insult, the word "immigrant" has somehow been twisted by the red tops to mean "illegal immigrant".


It's so hard to have a genuine public debate about something when half the population seem to be so hugely ill-informed.

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What's the forum's opinion on Ed Miliband renouncing New Labour's open door immigration policy?


Many people (myself included) including many Labour voters knew full well that Labour's immigration policy was a ticking time bomb problem is in my experience when most people down the pub or in work mention immigration what they really mean to say of course is blacks and muslims.

And Polish. And that's because those are the vast majority of immigrants. The few Americans etc coming over to work in highly skilled occupations aren't of concern to the average working British person.

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Can you see why so many people have no time for sancimonious and patronising liberals that want to police every aspect of peoples lives?


This is an assertion that I never understand fully, since it seems contradictory to my understandings of conservatives (not the party). It comes across in the US, as far as I can see as well. I'm not intending to say this is ALL conservatives or ALL liberals. I'm talking about tendencies.


Conservatives tend to criticise liberals for favouring government control in people's lives. But they also tend to be in favour of government control when it comes to women's bodies (pro-life vs pro-choice) and against who should be able to marry/have sex with whom (pro-family values, anti-gay marriage etc).


I'd see those two issues as being enormous examples of government controlling people's lives.

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Re: Immigration and tabloid culture.


I found this to be fascinating reading. Essentially, surveys have shown that UK residents are not only more hostile to immigration than most other countries, but are also more likely to overestimate the amount of immigration.


It's also a blog I generally find interesting, and is worth pimping in here, I feel.

Edited by Chris B
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People overestimating immigration is likely due multiculturalism resulting in people being born here, living here all their lives but not integrating at all into British society. A fair amount of people would regard (for example) Muslim women walking round in full-face Burqas, as being "immigrants" regardless of whether they were born here or not.

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People overestimating immigration is likely due multiculturalism resulting in people being born here, living here all their lives but not integrating at all into British society. A fair amount of people would regard (for example) Muslim women walking round in full-face Burqas, as being "immigrants" regardless of whether they were born here or not.


You don't think it's also got something to do with the constant front pages from the Express, Mail and Star?

Edited by Chris B
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People overestimating immigration is likely due multiculturalism resulting in people being born here, living here all their lives but not integrating at all into British society. A fair amount of people would regard (for example) Muslim women walking round in full-face Burqas, as being "immigrants" regardless of whether they were born here or not.


You don't think it's also got something to do with the constant front pages from the Express, Mail and Star?

I don't think those newspapers are putting ideas in people's heads that weren't there already. Just like the pro-immigration papers aren't changing anyone's mind either. They both just play to their readers prejudices.

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Do you feel that immigrants integrate less in Britain than they do in Spain or the US, or any of the many other countries that experience higher levels of immigration than the UK?


Basically, since we overestimate it more than a number of other countries, AND are more hostile to it, why do you think this is?

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