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New Doctor Who


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The ending was underdeveloped, sure, but so was the whole story really. I liked it, but the story was bolted on to to a project designed to highlight the relationship between Amy and the Doctor. And it was successful in that regard. Matthew Smith and Karen Gillan are incredible. Truly incredible.


Matthew Smith has such a bright future ahead of him. His control of emotion and ability to bounce between them is flawless. He's one of the very few actors who ha me completely in the palm of his hands. If he wants me to laugh I'll laugh, if he wants me to cry ill cry.


He's massively outgrown the Doctor and British tele. I just hope he doesn't realise.


I've got two out there theories for next week and/or Christmas which I don't think will happen, but I want to put him them, erm, out there?


- Amy gets sent back by the Weeping Angels to Pompeii. I'm not fleshing that one out. You either know or you don't.


- We see the end of the Doctor and in in the ultimate Moffatt slight of hand, we have a brand new doctor heading n to next year. Maybe even Jenna Louise Coleman.

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Could have done with being a two-parter


I keep seeing people saying that, it really wouldn't have helped. I can't think of anything less the episode needed than a whole extra 45 minutes. It was a much shorter concept stretched out to breaking point as it was. I think people are seeing an untouched depth to the cubes and the shakri that really isn't there. Overall I've really loved this series, even with the odd decision to revist a theme that happened in Tennant's final year, but this episode was a real mixed bag. It had nice moments and the emotional crux of the episode, the conversation between Amy and the Doctor, was well realised but there was nothing else with it. The ending was stupidly lame, not even n a Doctor Who trademark lame ending kind of way but in a shit kind of way. And the decision to actually giv Amy and Rory some real character growth, by having them realise that their real life should come first and its time they grew up, only in the end to go back to running off with the Doctor was poor handling of two characters who really deserved a little more. That was the thing that pissed me off about this episode, they disguised it as a character episode which would have made up for how shit the actual plot was, but then it ultimately wasn't even that.


That said, the actors all met the emotional beats.

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I'm in the minority who couldn't get into the second episode of the series. I liked the third episode more continuing with the how far should one go theme and the setting as a fan of Westerns. I liked the episode on Saturday mainly for showing what life is like outside of the TARDIS for companions. The frequent criticism I

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I think that's well harsh.


That reading would be fair if Rory's dad didn't exist, or without the Doctor's reaction to them having jobs.


I think what this episode was supposed to show was that Amy/Rory had been without the Doctor long enough to believe that growing up is something they should do but weren't that convinced. Everytime they made a commitment in the way of real life something would happen, like the sound of the tardis, and they'd act like excited children. Karen's smile when she took the doctors hand in the hospital lift showed what they really wanted to do.


They'd convinced themselves growing up was something they should do, but it took a real grown up (I.e. Rory's dad) to weigh up the pros and cons (I.e. death) and tell them they should go and travel with the doctor. It was cleverly written.

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They'd convinced themselves growing up was something they should do, but it took a real grown up (I.e. Rory's dad) to weigh up the pros and cons (I.e. death) and tell them they should go and travel with the doctor. It was cleverly written.


Even if you accept that, which I don't, it's still not clever writing. It's just a rehash of Wilf and Donna. And the bit about the Doctor's reaction is such utter bollocks that again points to their decision to get rid of any actual growth for the characters, they moved on past the Doctor, accepted growing up which they've clearly wanted to do all series and then suddenly the Doctor pulls a face abotu them having jobs and they turn into his groupies again.

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Bit of a weird episode, I thought.


I enjoyed the stuff with the main three and Rory's Dad but the main plot seemed, well, crap. I just couldn't understand why people would take the Cubes into their homes, carry them about with them, etc? It isn't like they DID anything until they were triggered.


Also did I miss some dialogue about the other people on the ship being dead by the time the Doctor got there? It felt really odd that they were just left on the ship when it exploded.


Also (spoiler regarding the teaser for next week. Just in case someone didn't see it)


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Am I the only one who doesn't want to see the Weeping Angels again? Blink is one of my favourite episodes of any TV show ever and, while I know they haven't been used that much, they don't exactly have a lot of depth to them. If they try and turn them into recurring Dr Who villians they're going to get boring really quickly .


[close spoiler]

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SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Blink is still one of my favourite episodes, and I'm not against the Weeping Angels being used repeatedly, per se. It's just that the second Weeping Angels episode was a bit on the crap side.

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I'm in between on that. I liked the episodes, but there were some naff bits, like the angel moving. And while I liked the idea of the angels turning humans into angels to survive, I thought it was waaaaay too early in the game to introduce it. That's the kind of thing you trot out after the monsters' main threat runs its course, for me.


And Daz, I've been mulling over that Pompeii idea in my head. After all, Rory spent 2000 years as a Roman. If they end up in the right era, might as well aim for the familiar.

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Fuck Rory. No happy endings this time.


She'll have been erased from history, her memories wiped and the Doctor/Rory have no clue who she is. She'd end up as the soothsayer in the Fire's of Pompeii episode that she played way back when.


It'll be brutal. The 'everything on tele should be nicey, nice' brigade will shit blood.

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I'm not even kidding, actually.


I love the chemistry between Smith and Gillan, but they've been so effective in creating a symbiotic partnership that I won't ever accept another companion without good reason.


If she's still alive and well, and they part on good terms, then I can't see the motivation for Smith's Doctor to replace her or travel with anyone else. He'd pine after her and find reasons to come back to earth. The relationship, unfortunately, needs to be severed.


I'm not sure i'll be able to handle it, but its necessary.

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