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But John Simms was shit. The Master has always been so much more than a cocky wannabe gangster. Dalton would have been an ideal successor to Delgado and Ainley, able to deliver his lines with believable menace.

This is such bollocks. I'm sick of reading Doctor Who fans acting like The Master was ever more than a campy beard-stroking villain by numbers. Alright, so Eric Roberts was taking it a bit too far, but he certainly wasn't miles away from his predecessors.


Regarding John Simm, my feeling is that he was chosen to be a great counterpart to Tennant's Doctor, which is what the Master should really be. That's exactly why people are suggesting Benedict Cumberbatch for the role of late - someone who can be an effective parallel to Matt Smith.

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How is saying that the Simm version of The Master lacked the presence of what is supposed to be one of The Doctor's most dangerous enemies even a suggestion that I'm pretending everything in the RTD era is shit?


I'd sooner have beard stroking pantomime villain 101, than lary Danny Dyer yob 101.

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Mostly because it followed your whiny "but if we go to Uncle Rusty's he'll abuse me mummy where as Uncle Stevie loves me and will give me sweeties and I wub him" crap. That and Simm's Master wasn't really played like a gangster at all was he? He played a Prime Minister in a Tony Blair vibe and then played a desperate man living on the edge. If you'd have had him written as a pompous tit it would have rather ruined the effect of Dalton's performance.

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Well his presence there would cause a paradox as he existed in another time at that stage. Handy way to get him out of there.

Would that,(in Theory), also undo the time lock? Or at least bring Gallifrey back from where-ever it was previously?


I haven't watched previous episodes, bit I am aware on occasion The previous Doctors had returned to Gallifrey for something. Would be interesting if he was "arrested" and tried for stealing the Tardis or something similar.

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Well Troughton was put on trial for that really.


I think it could break the Time Lock, a paradox can mean such a thing having not happened. Interesting to see Skaro was in the new series, as you would have assumed it too was destroyed in the Time War. Perhaps that's a hint of what's to come.

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Well Troughton was put on trial for that really.


I think it could break the Time Lock, a paradox can mean such a thing having not happened. Interesting to see Skaro was in the new series, as you would have assumed it too was destroyed in the Time War. Perhaps that's a hint of what's to come.


Skaro gets restored by the new generations of Daleks, by using the "Eye of Time" which they stole off the Time Lords.

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What happened to Brian and the ponds to be revealed tomorrow

Rory’s dad, Brian Williams, only appeared in two episodes but swiftly established himself as a favourite amongst Doctor Who’s audience. After Amy and Rory’s heart-breaking departure in The Angels Take Manhattan we received many emails asking what happened next to Brian. Did he ever find out what took his son and daughter-in-law? If so, how? And would Brian – and viewers - ever learn more about Amy and Rory’s life after the Doctor?A special scene was written by Chris Chibnall that revealed some of the answers but sadly, the sequence was never shot. However, we’re happy to announce that we’ll be bringing you the scene tomorrow. Using animated storyboards and a voice-over specially recorded by Arthur Darvill, we’ll discover more about Brian and the Ponds, post-Angels.It begins with Brian alone, doing what he once told the Doctor must be done – watering the plants. But his life is about to change forever…Doctor Who’s Executive Producer, Caro Skinner, said, ‘We’re delighted we can present this lovely scene written by Chris Chibnall. People took Rory’s dad, Brian, to their hearts very quickly, so it’s fitting we can give the character a degree of closure in this poignant piece.’P.S. is a short video written by Chris Chibnall and will be essential viewing for anyone who wants to know more about what happened to Brian, Amy and Rory. It will be available to watch on this site tomorrow, Friday, 12th October.

tumblr_mb4meq8Auq1qfe7z2o1_500.jpgWelling up now, this will be gutting Edited by iamtheman
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But no matter how he played it, he was a rubbish Master.

That sentence makes no sense. You can't seperate how someone plays it from the quality of their performance. Ergo we can assume your entire sentence is dribble and he was great.
Of course it makes sense, in context of replying to how Simms played the Master. Digby made one comment about RTD and you used it to shout down his criticism of Simm, and then Galaxy's comment is invalid because of syntax? How about accepting the fact that Simm's performance much like Tennant's and RTD's style is very polarising and while some people like you enjoy it, some found it rather ham-fisted? People in 'having different opinions' shocker.
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