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New Doctor Who


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When you look at the locations, Bessie, the Who-mobile, and so on, it's clear that the budget and it's standing within the BBC was considerable. However, when I think of Pertwee, I just remember the scene where he's demonstrating how he communicates with aliens who speak with their eyebrows or by blowing raspberries.

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I thought the first Matt Smith series was much better than the second one. I liked tonight's opener to Matt Smith's third series. I'd like to watch it again and see if a second viewing makes me like the episode more, the same or less. The only Doctor Who episodes of Matt Smith's I've watched more than once since the return of the series: The Eleventh Hour, The Time of Angels, The Doctor

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Episode 1's supposed to have every design of Dalek ever, as if that wasn't obvious from the picture.

Fucking prick tease. :angry:


I spotted the special weapons Dalek, and at one point there was an old head on what looked like a Eccleston/Tennant era body, but no signs of Necros Daleks or Daleks with the power dishes on their backs. Why they'd incarcerate them with the vehicle shells anyway, I'm not sure about. Mutants in jars would make more sense.


Zombie Daleks? Fuck that. I'm getting increasingly bored of nano-technology being brought in to cover plot holes or cover lazy writing. It's similar to how John Nathan-Turner got rid of the sonic screwdriver as it could seemingly solve every possible problem the Doctor encountered.


Overall, quite a disappointing. Not enough Dalek action, and too much blubbing from Amy. And from a fucking Dalek. Nobody wants to see a Dalek cry.

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That was the big thing for me. Was convinced it wasn't her til the credits rolled. Amazing that they managed to keep that under wraps and I can't wait to see where it goes!


The Daleks were a bit of a let-down, yes, but I still enjoyed it. It didn't blow me away like the last two openers did but the companion stuff is enough to keep me very, very interested.

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They mentioned Daleks having a psychic network, they mentioned her being a genius, and the asylum had a PA system. She's hacked into *everything* from inside there, it's just that she thought she was tapping away on a keyboard, whereas she was actually just operating with the Dalek psychic network.

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No, I get that.


I get how she was communicating, what doesn't make sense is why they were hearing a female voice when at the final meeting they made clear that whilst she thought she was communicating as a human it was actually a subconscious construct and she was outwardly communicating as a Dalek. There is no logic behind them hearing a womans voice. She was a Dalek.


I usually detest people that pick up on small flaws, but that was pretty huge.


Less so, but another annoyance was five minutes after deriding the Daleks for being scared, The Doctor telling Amy to cling on to the feeling of being scared as it wasn't a Dalek trait.


Other than that, it was a fun episode.


I'm a Moffat mark, though, and as this essentially was an episode that harked back to a time before Moffat I wasn't the best audience. Still tremendously acted, though, and the show will suffer when the core cast are disbanded.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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No, I get that.


I get how she was communicating, what doesn't make sense is why they were hearing a female voice when at the final meeting they made clear that whilst she thought she was communicating as a human it was actually a subconscious construct and she was outwardly communicating as a Dalek. There is no logic behind them hearing a womans voice. She was a Dalek.


I usually detest people that pick up on small flaws, but that was pretty huge.


Less so, but another annoyance was five minutes after deriding the Daleks for being scared, The Doctor telling Amy to cling on to the feeling of being scared as it wasn't a Dalek trait.


Other than that, it was a fun episode.


I'm a Moffat mark, though, and as this essentially was an episode that harked back to a time before Moffat I wasn't the best audience. Still tremendously acted, though, and the show will suffer when the core cast are disbanded.


Meh, plot holes are all the rage, Moffat's Who, Nolan's Batman, everybody knows the 'intelligent' fantasy has plot holes.

Edited by Vamp
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