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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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I remember reading that the Undertaker was looking frantically about getting out of his contract in 1996 and had sounded out Bischoff to see if he'd be interested. Bischoff allegedly said to him that the Undertaker would be useless without the "Dead Man, Undertaker" gimmick and he'd be sued all ways from Sunday if he ever used him in that way.


That's pretty interesting if true. Considering he went on to move away from the full-on Dead Man character a fair bit with the Amercian Badass stuff. Although i'm glad he remained with WWE, 'Taker rolling up in WCW American Badass style would have likely been fascinating viewing.



How come no big national Japanese or Mexican promotions have really tried to expand beyond their territories and ever attempt to go global and potentially compete with the WWE Juggernaught?

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I remember reading that the Undertaker was looking frantically about getting out of his contract in 1996 and had sounded out Bischoff to see if he'd be interested. Bischoff allegedly said to him that the Undertaker would be useless without the "Dead Man, Undertaker" gimmick and he'd be sued all ways from Sunday if he ever used him in that way.


That's pretty interesting if true. Considering he went on to move away from the full-on Dead Man character a fair bit with the Amercian Badass stuff. Although i'm glad he remained with WWE, 'Taker rolling up in WCW American Badass style would have likely been fascinating viewing.



How come no big national Japanese or Mexican promotions have really tried to expand beyond their territories and ever attempt to go global and potentially compete with the WWE Juggernaught?


Most likely the office or the majority of the workers not speaking English would be a stumbling block?


AAA ran LA and Chicago in the early 90's but primarily were appealing to the Hispanic market.

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You have an obcession of finding out my latest posts to take the mick out of me to get yourself over & I still cant afford it just curious how much the prices were, I didnt check the Observer website to start off with because I didnt think they would tell you the price of the membership untill you registered, I feel stupid now so hope you feel smarter for pointing out how stupid Ive been, Kudos to you all.

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You have an obcession of finding out my latest posts to take the mick out of me to get yourself over & I still cant afford it just curious how much the prices were, I didnt check the Observer website to start off with because I didnt think they would tell you the price of the membership untill you registered, I feel stupid now so hope you feel smarter for pointing out how stupid Ive been, Kudos to you all.


I've done nothing of the sort. I just find it amusing that you didn't think you'd find all the WO info on the WO site. Do you walk around stores not knowing the prices and just waiting to pay to find out?

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You have an obcession of finding out my latest posts to take the mick out of me to get yourself over


Get yourself over? It's not bloody Georgia Championship Wrestling and i'm hoping we can pack the houses on our next loop. You asked a stupid bloody question in two places on a forum, you weren't STALKED and nobody has an obsession with you. If you ask a dickhead question in a question thread then you deserve to be mocked. Even in this thread I try to help when I can and i'm an arse.

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You have an obcession of finding out my latest posts to take the mick out of me to get yourself over & I still cant afford it just curious how much the prices were, I didnt check the Observer website to start off with because I didnt think they would tell you the price of the membership untill you registered, I feel stupid now so hope you feel smarter for pointing out how stupid Ive been, Kudos to you all.

If you can't afford

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So I've been asked to do a few wrestling DVD's for my Aunties friends 7 year old kid but I have no idea whats any good, any recommendations for PPV's? the only show I've seen the past couple of years is Wrestlemania and none of them were much kop tbh

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