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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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TNA don't have to release the figures because they are a private company, however I also imagine them not releasing the figures has something to do with the fact that they don't want to advertise that despite having a weekly primetime television show on a pretty major network that draws a viewership of one and a half million people every week, only twenty/thirty thousand of them think the product is worth spending money once a month.


These are the estimate figures...


December 2006: 35,000 buys for Turning Point (Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle)


January 2007: 34,000 buys for Final Resolution (Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle)


February 2007: 23,000 buys for Against All Odds (Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage)


March 2007: 36,000 buys for Destination X (Samoa Joe vs. Sting)


April 2007: 35,000 buys for Lockdown (Team Angle vs. Team Cage)


May 2007: 21,000 buys for Sacrifice (Kurt Angle vs. Sting vs. Christian Cage)


June 2007: 22,000 buys for Slammiversary (King of the Mountain)


July 2007: 15,000 buys for Victory Road (Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle vs. Team 3D)


August 2007: 26,000 buys for Hard Justice (Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle)


September 2007: 17,000 buys for No Surrender (Kurt Angle vs. Abyss)


October 2007: 36,000 buys for Bound For Glory (Sting vs. Kurt Angle)


November 2007: 27,000 buys for Genesis (Sting and Booker T vs. Kurt Angle and Kevin Nash)


January 2008: 20,000 buys for Final Resolution (Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage I)


February 2008: 30,000 buys for Against All Odds (Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage II)


March 2008: 20,000 buys for Destination X (Samoa Joe, Kevin Nash and Christian Cage vs. Angle Alliance)


April 2008: 55,000 buys for Lockdown (Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle)


May 2008: 25,000 buys for Sacrifice (Samoa Joe vs. Scott Steiner vs. Kaz)


June 2008: 20,000 buys for Slammiversary (King Of The Mountain Match)


July 2008: 25,000 buys for Victory Road (Samoa Joe vs. Booker T I)


August 2008: 35,000 buys for Hard Justice (Samoa Joe vs. Booker T II)


September 2008: 20,000 buys for No Surrender (Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage)


October 2008: 35,000 buys for Bound For Glory (Sting vs. Samoa Joe)


November 2008: 30,000 buys for Turning Point (Sting vs. AJ Styles)

Edited by NBT
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Going from those figures, they're doing between 25-40% of the business on pay-per-view that the old ECW used to do, from what I can figure out. 40,000 buys would equal a 0.1 PPV buyrate and ECW used to do around 0.2/0.3 on PPV. However, I'm unsure if the amount of buys for a 1.0 rating (Which I believe is currently 400,000) increases in the same way that the figure for tv ratings does.

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It's crazy to think about the current state of the US wrestling scene with those figures, the current supposed number 2 promotion can barely reach what the former number 3 promotion from the old hierarchy did, and that's with Panda pumping money constantly into it. Jeez.


Yeah, but ECW started running PPVs as the biggest wrestling boom in history was getting rolling. TNA didn't even exist until that boom was well over, and has only existed during the ongoing decline of the industry as a whole.

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It's crazy to think about the current state of the US wrestling scene with those figures, the current supposed number 2 promotion can barely reach what the former number 3 promotion from the old hierarchy did, and that's with Panda pumping money constantly into it. Jeez.


Yeah, but ECW started running PPVs as the biggest wrestling boom in history was getting rolling. TNA didn't even exist until that boom was well over, and has only existed during the ongoing decline of the industry as a whole.

And is booked by ADD-affected chimps with precisely zero understanding of how wrestling should work.

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It's crazy to think about the current state of the US wrestling scene with those figures, the current supposed number 2 promotion can barely reach what the former number 3 promotion from the old hierarchy did, and that's with Panda pumping money constantly into it. Jeez.


Yeah, but ECW started running PPVs as the biggest wrestling boom in history was getting rolling. TNA didn't even exist until that boom was well over, and has only existed during the ongoing decline of the industry as a whole.

And is booked by ADD-affected chimps with precisely zero understanding of how wrestling should work.


I thought that was taken as read...

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Apparently he got called up to do a dark match but turned up so out of shape that nobody was impressed. Most of the heat for it got put on Johnny Ace though, as Tomko was apparently working hurt and hadn't been able to train. I haven't heard anything about him since that though.

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Has the full 30 entrants for this years Royal Rumble been announced yet?

WWE.com only has 21 listed so far.


I hope not. It's so much better when there's a handful of mystery entrants.

I agree but I feel 21 named competitors is too little.

I'd have expected at least 25.


Come on don't you love a surprise

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This is potentially unanswerable but none the less here goes.


Looking back at the recent VHS topic on here and also the figure threads got me thinking back. Even now when you go to car boot sales and the like you ALWAYS see the old Hasbro figures and some token tape from the original 'boom' period of the late 80's and early 90's. Even at primary school before people lost interest or grew out of wrestling it was always an absolute stick on that if you were round at someones house they had the Real American or Ultimate Warrior tape plus some figures.


Are there any figures available or anyone know just to how many Hasbros were actually produced / sold and likewise with the Collisseum/Silvervision videos from the late 80's.

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