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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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Yes I did. I told you I hadn't bothered reading into any independent research because I'm not a total mongoloid and I don't want to waste my time.


No you didn't answer all of the questions I previously posed directly to you. I refer to you post #1079 in this thread.

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I accept the official 9/11 stories but I havent ever really looked into the JFK one, so I accept the offiical story there until I do.


I can't say that I've spent much time looking at the JFK assassination but from the little I've seen (and I'm not just talking about the Oliver Stone movie) about it and the Bobby Kennedy murder both seem a wee bit suspicious.

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I'm not sure what really happened on 9/11. There's so much contrary evidence out there. Some people refuse to spend even five minutes questioning the official story just as some have come out with extremely wacky conspiracies. I've never really been overly concerned about how 9/11 went down. What I can't get away from though is how the U.S. and her allies have behaved since that fateful day and how they have gained in many ways from 9/11. It's hard for me personally to just put that down to "opportunism" on our governments parts.


Out of interest, is there anyone out there who accepts the official 9/11 story but believes that the JFK assassination was an inside job?


This will break you, but is was total opportunism. I know Georgey and the secret service can be a bit mentalist at times but to KILL 3,000 members of their public which also included cops and firefighters so George could have a play fight with his mate Osama is insane. The theory on the planes is insane. Any Nathan who watches Loose Change is insane and Alex Jones is a cunt, insane is a bit nice for him.


Honestly NOT EVERYTHING IS WELL PLANNED, sometimes the world can be purely coincidental. Did they have prior knowledge, YES... every country is more than aware they might be coming under any attack (The US especially). But fuck it , me saying this obviously shows that I AS A PERSON do not listen to the real truth and I should spend another 6 hours watching the twin towers fall repeatedly saying "you see that, damn building shouldn't fall like that man" even though the buildings when inspected in 1995 were found to be absolutely shit. I'm just a realist, we must be despised.


Either way Kennedy was gonna get fucked down the road for something, at least that's what Red Dwarf said.

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I can't say that I've spent much time looking at the JFK assassination but from the little I've seen (and I'm not just talking about the Oliver Stone movie) about it and the Bobby Kennedy murder both seem a wee bit suspicious.



Look into most events and you'll find something you could call suspicious, the way I see it is it doesnt mean that theres anything dodgy happening.

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Look into most events and you'll find something you could call suspicious, the way I see it is it doesnt mean that theres anything dodgy happening.


last night a bloke was stood near a drink and I swore he was gonna nick it, but he didn't, but look at it the other way it was proper fucking suspish... see anything can be scrutinised. Of course this drink didn't lead to a war mind you.

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last night a bloke was stood near a drink and I swore he was gonna nick it, but he didn't, but look at it the other way it was proper fucking suspish... see anything can be scrutinised. Of course this drink didn't lead to a war mind you.



Thats pretty much what I mean. Theres almost always something you could consider to be dodgy in world events, things rarely fit in to easy little boxes.

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Look into most events and you'll find something you could call suspicious, the way I see it is it doesnt mean that theres anything dodgy happening.


Absolutely. But equally that doesn't mean that certain events - particularly ones of global importance - shouldn't be scrutinised beyond what the media or government tells us.


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Absolutely. But equally that doesn't mean that certain events - particularly ones of global importance - shouldn't be scrutinised beyond what the media or government tells us.


Of course, and I doubt anybody would really disagree. What we tend to disgaree with is the way that the majority of 'truthseekers', or whatever they call themselves, start with an assumption and find facts to back that up while discarding anything that disagrees with that. They accept 'facts' from others of their ilk without checking the validity of those facts.

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They accept 'facts' from others of their ilk without checking the validity of those facts.


I think that people on both sides of the 9/11 fence are guilty of that. Look at how many people openly admit that they accept the official story of events without considering any form of independent research.


I'm not a "truther" and I don't entertain ideas about lizard men. I do believe though that some powerful politicians/industrialists/bankers/corporations etc don't have the best interests of the people at heart and for that reason we ought to look carefully at political events that have a major impact.


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I do believe though that some powerful politicians/industrialists/bankers/corporations etc don't have the best interests of the people at heart

And of course, if they're not lovely, egalitarian saints, they must be evil, scheming tyrants cackling at their latest plans to kill off 90% of the world's population.

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