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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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Not just the collision + weight of the aircraft either. It's the burning of the jet fuel that structurally weakened the steel. Truthers like to point out that jet fuel doesn't burn hurt enough to MELT steel, but that wasn't required. It just needed to burn hot enough to WEAKEN steel, which it does, and when you combine the other combustible materials in that building then their ~~~SMOKING GUN~~~ is pretty much dead in the water.


EDIT: I meant first floor, as in the first floor to collapse.

Wouldnt the fact that a plane hit a really tall building, just generally helped knock it down? i always think that sounds stupid, but surely the weight of the plane must of caused the buildingto tumble also?



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The building was designed to withstand the impact of the Boeing of the time, a smaller, slower version. Obviously the 747s that flew in were going faster and were bigger and heavier so did more damage. Theres a ludicrous part in Loose Change where a supposed designer states that the plane shouldnt have brough the tower down due to its effect being like "a pencil puncturing the mosquito net on your door". This is the level of intelligence used.

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In the ensuing chaos, did the US airforce shoot down a passenger plane full of people?


This is the biggest one for me. Its very possible that the goverment and army in the midst of all the confusion made the grim decision to bring them down.

I think they would have been justified in taking this action had they been forced to do so. However, wasn't the downed plane the one with recorded phone calls from passengers saying they were storming the cockpit? In which case is it not far more likely that the plan just went down pretty much as shown in the film?

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In the ensuing chaos, did the US airforce shoot down a passenger plane full of people?


This is the biggest one for me. Its very possible that the goverment and army in the midst of all the confusion made the grim decision to bring them down.

I think they would have been justified in taking this action had they been forced to do so. However, wasn't the downed plane the one with recorded phone calls from passengers saying they were storming the cockpit? In which case is it not far more likely that the plan just went down pretty much as shown in the film?


Justified from a defense standpoint, probably. From a humanitarian standpoint, no. There would've been outrage from the American public, which would provide the reasoning for making a cover story and painting the passengers as heroes who stormed the cockpit. Im not saying that I believe the US shot the plane down, in fact I believe the passengers of United 93 did storm the cockpit which resulted it the plane slamming into the field, but its certainly an intriguing part of the story of that day.

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I prefer this personally. Who knew the Isle of Wight was the centre of the mafia lizard world http://www.davidicke.com/headlines/37099-d...of-wight-mafia-


Freemasons, Satanists and Paedophiles running the show over there, Icke says it so it must carry gravitas and so on.

I shagged his son.

Edited by Kookoocachu
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I prefer this personally. Who knew the Isle of Wight was the centre of the mafia lizard world http://www.davidicke.com/headlines/37099-d...of-wight-mafia-


Freemasons, Satanists and Paedophiles running the show over there, Icke says it so it must carry gravitas and so on.

No one is saying that everything Icke says is fact, are they? Unless I missed it.


To completely dismiss everything he says is equally as ridiculous as believing everything he says though.

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Obviously my Ike knowledge must be low, so whats he ever said thats worth paying attention to? Everything I know of the guy is totally worth dismissing.

Having scouted his website for ten minutes there i've seen some stuff worth reading, such as;


The banksters create a unit of money out of thin air; lend it to people with interest attached; get them to buy real items; then raise the rates, force people to work harder, hover like a vulture until expected default occurs, and rake in the forfeited assets. Best of all, when the whole Ponzi scheme comes crashing down because they drunkenly gambled with your interest payments, the very people who destroyed you get bailed out by you with tax money. And they call you the thieves when you can't pay them back. The game is rigged for the house and it's always a Win/Win for them and a Lose/Lose for you.


Sure, you get to "rent" a flat-screen TV, a car, or a home from them, making life in the matrix almost worth it. But, ultimately, you only temporarily use that stuff at great expense to you and massive profits to the banks. After years and years of paid interest, you still never truly own anything. The TV is now obsolete and worthless; you still must pay increasing property taxes and insurance on your homes and cars, even when your done paying the bank three times their value, all while they bought your years of servitude with nothing real or tangible.


'No one in authority has had the guts to state the truth about the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 above the Scottish village of Lockerbie on 21 December 1988 in which 270 people were killed. The governments in England and Scotland in effect blackmailed Megrahi into dropping his appeal as a condition of his immediate release. Of course there were oil and arms deals under way with Libya; but had Megrahi proceeded with his appeal, some 600 pages of new and deliberately suppressed evidence would have set the seal on his innocence and given us more than a glimpse of how and why he was stitched up for the benefit of
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For what I understand about Ike is that if you look for it he do's have decent ideas but you have to wade through lizzards and panitoid moons to get there.


I can't remeber who said this, but I remeber somone saying once that you should allways look at Persons individual arguments. A person may talk 80% crap but not allways.


it can work the other way too with somone always seen as being right due to their reputation.

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I prefer this personally. Who knew the Isle of Wight was the centre of the mafia lizard world http://www.davidicke.com/headlines/37099-d...of-wight-mafia-


Freemasons, Satanists and Paedophiles running the show over there, Icke says it so it must carry gravitas and so on.

I shagged his son.

I was deeply dissappointed to see your user name at the side of this post Anne. I was hoping it would be Butch, or Scott Malbranque....one of the swordsmen.

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