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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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It was Jimmy Kahoona's post that set me off when he said that holograms were far fetched, but there's evidence that it was controlled explosives.


I never said `there`s evidence that it was controlled`


My actual quote is,


Evidence shows that the buildings did collapse as they would have if there had been explosives placed throughout the floors.


Unfortunently i`m at work and cant link to any footage to show the comparison between a controlled explosion demolition and the actual collapse of one of the towers which I am reffering too.

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Where's that Loose Change video?


EDIT: Found it.


Horrid video. The people behind it are dolts of the highest kind. Im all for right to free speech and everything but they should have their tongues pulled out.

I linked it for the bit about controlled explosions...


...That is if I actually have the right video...

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Where's that Loose Change video?


EDIT: Found it.


cant link to the youtube but the name rings a bell. I think thats the documentary i`m thinking about.


After a quick search yea, thats the documentary i`m thinking about. I probably seen the 2nd edition of it a good few years ago. Seems its caught on quite a bit since then.


Thanks for finding it for me, think i`ll need to get the 4th edition to catch up on whats happening.

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Where's that Loose Change video?


EDIT: Found it.


Horrid video. The people behind it are dolts of the highest kind. Im all for right to free speech and everything but they should have their tongues pulled out.

I linked it for the bit about controlled explosions...


...That is if I actually have the right video...


The 'final cut' has more on the controlled explosions theory.

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  • Paid Members
Where's that Loose Change video?


EDIT: Found it.


Horrid video. The people behind it are dolts of the highest kind. Im all for right to free speech and everything but they should have their tongues pulled out.

I linked it for the bit about controlled explosions...


...That is if I actually have the right video...


The 'final cut' has more on the controlled explosions theory.

Think that was the one I was thinking of.

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How on earth did they rig up 2 of the biggest skyscrapers on earth with that much explosives without a single person seeing anything or without a single person involved in the whole cover up ever saying a word about it? It would need a cast of thousands of people all of whom had no conscience or sense of right and wrong whatsoever to put that into effect. Now there might possibly be a couple of politicians like that but you'd struggle beyond that.


Not really, all it takes is a plant who is "fixing" the elevators to install them in the carriages for example, that is IMO one of the easiest things that could have been done.


I don't mean any disrespect at all mate but there's a lot more to it than putting some explosives in a lift. There's a lot more to it than wrapping tons of explosives around the interior struts. The amount of preperation that goes into bringing down even a relatively small building is amazing. You need to remove walls, concrete cladding and all sorts. You can't just blow up a strut and expect the biggest building in the US to fall down.


Loose Change have been clutching at straws for years along with all the other Truthers. It's horrible to think that there are people out there who are prepared to fly a passenger jet into a skyscraper but unfortunately there are.

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My old man is quite the expert on construction and engineering, being that he worked in the insurance industry for years as an underwriter and a broker specialising in bridges, tunnels and skyscrapers. He said the Twin Towers were built using a fast-tracking system making them weaker than they should have been. Like the levees breaking in New Orleans, it was negligence by the builders not a conspiracy that was the issue.

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I can't believe that anyone would deny 9/11. Seriously, get some fucking brain cells. Holograms, and controlled explosives? Planes flew the fuck into the towers! There's footage of it happening for fuck sake. This thread is full of absolute cretins. I bet half of you deny the holocaust too.

You're the fucking cretin, believing in anything just because 'there's footage of it'. I suppose all the footage of UFOs means they're definitely aliens yeah?


No offense there dude, i know footage isnt always the be-all-end-all in proving something, but for some reason i found you post highly idiotic. Just about the "Believe anything just because theres footage of it" bit.


Because for the most part (although we do all know in conspiracies its not always the case), that it normally is good enough proof.


Just me?

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There were some good points made in that video in my opinion. One thing that has been overlooked though is the report that the intense heat from the burning fuel melted the struts causing the building to collapse, but if the planes hit one side of the building then the melted struts would have caused the top part of the building to topple to one side instead of crumble out equally the way it did.


I'm no expert but this just seemed obvious to me.

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There were some good points made in that video in my opinion. One thing that has been overlooked though is the report that the intense heat from the burning fuel melted the struts causing the building to collapse, but if the planes hit one side of the building then the melted struts would have caused the top part of the building to topple to one side instead of crumble out equally the way it did.


I'm no expert but this just seemed obvious to me.


The plane didn't stop dead as soon as it hit the building nor did the fuel inside it. Inertia alone would shoot the fuel forward over the full area of the building. Surely that's basic physics?

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I'm amazed people still take Loose Change seriously. I mean, come on.


I agree. Dylan Avery & Jason Burmas are the worst types of human beings. Im amazed they havent been beaten or shot when theyve hijacked 9/11 memorial events.




Here's a counter video, Screw Loose Change.



Edited by KJHenley
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