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The Cutting Edge

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Posts posted by The Cutting Edge

  1. Length of matches seems to be a problem in all of wrestling these days, nothing wrong with a fast paced 10min match.

    I think War Games could be more affective if they did eliminations instead of waiting til all 8 are in cos even then it goes another 20mins, gives them more stories to tell and stops the end being a cluster.

    Kross gotta be back on Wednesday or the vulture was a dig at Sting and AEW according to some Muppets online

    Ciampa Vs Thatcher was good but again too long 

    Priest has a ton of upside and looks the part





  2. What do you's reckon will happen with the FTW title? Taz mentioned something about it being for "tough guys" or similar? 

    Do they make it have no rules without calling it hardcore which dates it? Two tough hoses batter each other til there's a winner?

    I think it'll become something soon not sure what but needs to be different so it's not just another title.

  3. I'm a Chef and frequency work long hours with through pain and injuries, Christmas is usually worse with 70+hr weeks, I've had to work with ankle supports and back braces in the past, also a frequent gym goer so that helps and hinders.

    Same reasons as others and "show must go on" 

  4. One thing I thought about with Miro's dodgy debut and run so far, I know Khan said it's about ranking system and guys coming in mid year but that's something they'll have to work on.

    It's good to have long-term plans but new guys are gonna pop up all the time and they need to capitalise on there momentum and slot them in, Miro showed promise in the battle royal, he needs to be a face too, there's plenty monster heels so he'd stand out as a beast face

  5. Got the Sting debut ruined by a YouTube Pop up when I opened my phone "AEW ITS STING" but no Biggie glad it wasn't title match spoiled, hope the stinger is linked with Darby and nothing to do with Cody, I know he's doing. Triple H tribute but everything doesn't need to revolve around him.

    Inner Circle stuff could be interesting but perhaps too soon, should've teased Wardlow and MJF more before Cassidy was known to be in the match.

    Omega winning is 100% the right move, wasn't keen on the "screwjob" type deal but hopefully it was badly worded and more just Callis and KO with a devious plan, working with impact could be interesting and see what it means going forward, but other than Good Brothers dunno who is worth it there.

  6. What was the reason WCW changed logos in 99? Was it simply just going for a more modern look? Seems crazy to rebrand a logo during its hottest period or maybe that's why...or just typical WCW 

  7. I've liked Mox saying someone is gonna beat him at some point, these wars as champion have taken there toll etc, just a different slant rather than a confident unbeatable champion.

    But they have to go with Omega, no more teasing or building, this is it pull the (v) trigger and make him a proper top heel champion.

  8. I'd say NXT has maybe suffered the most with covid crowd issues, Raw/SD did for awhile but thunderdome has helped, AEW always had guys at ringside then limited fans for past few months.

    NXT needs the crowd to help it and make guys a bigger deal, also think if things were normal guys like UE, Gargano etc would've gone to main roster this year, surely for the Era guys War Games should be there last before moving over.

    I thought from sept til Feb it was a great show, Balor heel turn and run was great, Ciampa was back, Lee and Riddle were on the rise, the cross brand survivor series build was exciting to watch too.

    But without crowd it became somewhat lifeless and lacked energy,  I'm a big NXT fan but it needs a few call ups to freshen things up.

    Adam Coles size doesn't bother me too much since he mostly wrestles to his size, but I've said it here before it's pretty unforgivable that anyone especially in NXT has a crap or average build since they have a great gym, coaches, nutritionists and everything else going for them, it's not too hard to pack on some meat under those conditions

  9. I could see the attacker being Kenta, something like more video found of a masked guy doing the deed, probably an aew guy Stand in, then do an edit of Kenta unmasking reveal he was "at" aew etc 

    Not ideal but best that could happen with restrictions and gets wheels moving for it.

    Otherwise in AEW Miro is sinking fast, he was a hot prospect coming in, for all his creative skills him and Jericho said he had, its not showing so far or needs help and a direction.

    He could turn it around but even his matches have been sloppy and pretty shit.

    Can't stand Cody as a face, too much revolves around him and everything he does screams heel to me.

    I like Team Taz but cage is so bland, Hobbs has potential, look is there, cool through back name with Powerhouse, needs to sort his hair out though, they'd be a solid muscle tag team to have in mix of all the flippers 

  10. 1 hour ago, BomberPat said:

    Thing is, why do the fans need to see "Mark the real guy" get his send-off? We don't know him, we know The Undertaker. They can have their hugs and beers after the show.

    Yeah that's true.

    But fans got an Undertaker sendoff and most fans aren't happy with it, I know simple answer is "don't book it" but without fans it wasn't gonna be what people wanted or expected, if he chokeslammed a heel it would always leave the door open when people would moan about.

    Other than what he did I dunno what could've been done and wwe weren't gonna let 30year celebration pass without something.

    He's been "Mark" all this year so makes sense they'd thank him too

  11. For Takers send off I'd have done it pretty much the same as it was.

    But Taker takes off hat and jacket and put it on that pedestal at ringside, then have Metallica play, the other guys come back in and Mark has a beer with the boys and call it a day.

    That way Undertaker is given respect, then Mark the real guy gets his too.

    I think this is his last match but I see no issue with him coming out at a Mania or Summerslam to chokeslam a mouthy midcard heel, said it before but keep the bike and ride down, chokeslam, pose....done 

    He can be a ghost rider/conscience type deal.

  12. He's training/getting ready to start shooting new Thor movie in January.

    I've watched a few videos from fitness guys talking about him having to get Hogan big, but the Hulkster was never ripped he was always thick and stocky so if anything Chris looks too good to play hulk at this point 

  13. Yeah without him and Hall leaving we might've not gotten The Rock since HBK apparently didn't like him or Austin 3:16 since curtain call fucked over HHH, but the idea of The Kliq becoming a group like DX could've been amazing but I'm sure wwe gang warfare stuff in 97 was inspired by nwo so all moot anyway.

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