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Posts posted by stewdogg

  1. I’ve seen snippets of all his bad stuff and that’s enough to know he was obviously a horrible little cunt. 

  2. Fucking hell, you’re gonna win the league again. Stop being so salty that you’re second at the moment. Your opinion that Salah and Mane are workhorses is fine, I don’t agree that they work harder than Kane, but I don’t watch every Liverpool game. If you watch every Spurs game, which you obviously don’t, you will see Kane making important tackles on the edge of his box, defending like his life depended on it, making last ditch tackles that no other striker does. I bet he covers more ground than Salah and Mane too.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Suplex Sinner said:

    Cheers buddy. Unfortunately my cousin, who was extremely close to my grandpa, didn't deal with the news well and took her own life so I've been checked out completely last few days. Family is struggling big time.

    And, as with any of our heroes, all wasn't as it seemed. The "Olympic' medals (which I hadn't seen for about 25 years) aren't Olympic at all. They're medals from Army and Highland games throughout the late 30s, 40s and 50s. All predominantly tug of war and strength sports. Eugh. Still, it's been cool to look through the old photos and stuff. 

    Anyway, I really appreciate the messages folks, it's another example of the community and care on here that enticed me to eventually sign up and start posting after a decade of lurking around.

    Funerals are Thursday and Friday this week. Grandpa's is going to be tough because due to COVID there's no embalming, body won't be dressed, didn't get to see him other than by video call and casket won't leave the hearse basically as it's minimal contact. Hard to think that it'll be less than 20 folk allowed considering the whole community would ordinarily have turned out. 

    Numb is the best way I can describe my current feeling. Clichéd I know but it's just a bit strange at the moment.

    I wish you and your family all the best in this tough time mate 

  4. I notice that he directed the episode too, really good episode.

    It's weird cause I hated the Mandalorian when it first started, I think it took me about three tries over the space of 8 months to get past the 3rd episode. I love it now.

    They seem to have made the child a bit more likeable after his frog egg eating exploits. It was funny watching him like he was on a rollercoaster, and using the force to get the sweets off the older kid :)

    It was an episode with some intrigue, the marshall lady being from Alderon, I was half expecting that she'd be related to Leia somehow but that might be a bit too cute, the darth vader army looks absolutely mental too, we know that it doesn't happen cause they're not around in the force awakens. The only slight let down was the alien that fixed the ship, even before the weird look as Mando was walking away, I had a sense they were up to no good, but that is really minor and didn't spoil another great episode.

  5. 1 hour ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

    He announced it during his AEW before Renee released the news just FYI

    Ah, I don't watch it, although oddly I've just (about an hour ago) seen an interview from AEW where he mentions about having a pregnant wife at home.

  6. Saw on Renee Young's instagram that she and Jon Moxley are expecting. She seems like such a nice person whenever she's on telly or social media. She is obviously massively in love with Jon and although he doesnt get involved much if at all with her social media it's obvious they're very much a loving married couple and should be great parents. Some good news in 2020.

  7. 3 hours ago, KingofSports said:

    With further discussion over links to dementia as a possible outcome of heading footballs, there's something I haven't personally heard mentioned (perhaps that's just me). I would have thought it an imperative that some comparisons be made between footballs these chaps would have been playing with, probably from childhood in the 40's & 50's and the far lighter modern ball.
    These things weren't poly...whatever coated, aero-dynamically state of the art sports equipment. They were lumps of inflated pig, sometimes with laces. They weighed a tonne by comparison. Look at the boots they wore. Matchday balls would've obviously been the best available, but what did they train with during the week? I have some idea, because as a kid I ended up being given a ball that had come straight from Preston's old, Willow Farm training ground. It had heavy leather padding, but was thinly coated in a paint-like substance, which gradually peeled or wore off. That's when water would get in & make the thing exponentially heavier. You could waterproof to some degree with Dubbin (that was a greasy mess), but often as not you ended up with a soggy, heavy football. The ball was in nothing like pristine condition when I got it, but had been used just prior for training purposes.

    Even when I was at junior school in the 70's, a teacher brought out this bag of footballs & I thought WTF? They were maybe half-two-thirds the size of a normal ball, with fucking nasty thick, criss-cross laces. Looked like they were from WW1. The other point being, that unless we regress, heading is a far less integral part of the game than it once was (does that factor in?) and lots of old people sadly suffer with dementia. Old bodies can be repaired, old minds can't. I've no skin in the game, having done all the heading I'm likely to do and I'd never suggest that heading anything is necessarily a good idea, but let there not be hasty decisions made, on the back of some recent unfortunate news. The scenario today would appear to be more than somewhat different. Does the science take into account the history? I don't know. Do you know? If so, contact me via CB Radio or Fax.

    I do know about this, can I send you a telegram (not the app, via a telegraph) with the details?

  8. That episode flew by, 

    Interesting with the split of the Mandalorians revealed this week, I think that could be something that could play out later on in the series/going forward. It appears all the Mandalorians hate the Empire, but the lot in it this week didn't seem to have the dislike of the Jedi that the cult group from season 1 have.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Jacko said:

    Oh he could of fell to pieces but that’s what worries me is he’s had a bad round for him now can only see him getting closer to the top of leaderboard 

    He mentioned in his interview that he didnt have his best round and was still 2 under, it's gonna be interesting what he can do with the extra length if the fairways firm up. I'm still sticking with Rahm or Thomas :)

  10. 13 hours ago, Jacko said:

    I really fancy Wolff or morikawa to go close this week.

    hope Bryson doesn’t win hate his swing and slow play

    Bryson is very frustrating to watch. The pure brutality of how he swings the driver and 3 wood is something else, I swear one of his practice swings yesterday blew me off my chair :). He will be slower than normal at this tournament especially given no green books are allowed. I mentioned in my post above how he likes to try to bash himself out of trouble and he didn't let me down, he still ended up with a 7 on the par 5 but could've been a lot worse.

  11. I assume you guys are golf watchers as well as players. It is time for some proper golf, the second best tournament in the world, and the best of 2020.

    Who does everyone think will win this weekend? I wish I'd done some sort of countdown and preview like @Egg Shen does in the MMA forum, but that boat has sailed.

    I'd love Rory to get the grand slam, unbelievably he hasn't won a major since 2014.

    I think Bryson will struggle if he gets out of shape, I watched him in a tournament earlier this year and he ended up taking an 9 or 10 on a Par 5 cause he continued to try to bash himself out of trouble. If he can get his mental side sorted then he will have an amazing chance and his commitment to improvement and search of perfection is very cool, even if a bit 'modern'.

    Jon Rahm has done himself in by hitting that amazing shot in the practice round, the only thing that can top that is now winning the Masters. I'd love to see him win though, been one of the most consistent for the last couple of years and his final round with DJ at one of the FedEx events earlier was phenomenal.

    DJ played phenomenally in parts during the FedEx, deserved winner of the FedEx and also a second place in the PGA championship.

    Some outsiders though in with a shout, Xander Schauffle, a consistent performer often finishing top 10 in most tournaments he plays. Brooks Koepka, struggled terribly with injuries this year, but a proven major winner, a tidy 5th place last week. Tyrell Hatton, playing the golf of his life at the moment, probably the best chance of a Brit, another one with a delicate mindset. Patrick Reed, Tiger, Danny Willett, Jordan Spieth, Bubba all previous winners however some struggling with form.

    Anyway, for my pick I'm going for Justin Thomas, or Jon Rahm.

    Now I've posted this none of these will be anywhere near winning come Sunday :)


  12. 30 minutes ago, John Matrix said:

    My concern re a vaccine is just how quickly they’ve come up with it and what if any, the long term effects may be?  

    I’m showing my ignorance here and would love nothing more than to have it refuted, buT aren’t vaccines, like the ones our kids have for example, tested over extensive periods of time?  And isn’t that in part to understand the longer term implications?  Is there a risk of another thalidomide scenario?

    Reading that back, I’m coming off awfully anti-vaxxer, tin foil hat prick, which couldn’t be further from the case - but that’s because I know the jabs my kids are getting today are practically bulletproof and were tested rigorously over time.  

    One they’ve come up with in less than 8 months?  Someone please tell me how that will be fine?

    Yes, they are tested over a longer period of time, I saw an interesting article on the BBC that indicated that a vaccine would normally take about 10 years to go through processes of testing, assurance, governance, production, further governance and sign off.



  13. 5 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

    I guess we get 3-4 more weeks of it yet while they do their investigations. 


    What happens if in spite of evidence showing that there was nothing untowards happening Trump still refuses to concede? 

    If the courts don’t change anything he will cease to be president in January. 

  14. 12 minutes ago, David said:

    Hasn't someone from the WHO actually said lockdowns aren't all that effective? Or did I dream that? There's so much info flying around it's hard to know what's true, and even what wasn't imagined. I may be losing the plot, mind you.

    I've certainly seen this spouted on facebook but didn't have the urge to go and check it out. I assume that a lockdown is not considered a solution in the long term, it's a means to an end to bring down the numbers so that other preventative measures have a good chance of succeeding.

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