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Posts posted by stewdogg

  1. 10 minutes ago, quote the raven said:

    Ok that went nuclear.

    The response is in, they lied to PHE. Seems they reported that the staff never removed their mask. I know that a lie as i witnessed everyone removing them at some point.

    The result is i just quit i cant work for a company that would do that.

    Fucking hell, that's absolutely shocking. Who did you work for? Not that it's any of my business.

  2. 1 hour ago, Nexus said:

    Any lost learning can be caught up with, though. The school system in the UK needs a change anyway. 

    I mean I'm not an expert in children growing up, but lost learning can be caught up with doesn't entirely seem true, at least to me. Yes, I can learn my times tables later, but I will almost certainly lose out on the basic skills that children need, i.e. handling a knife and fork, interaction with people etc. Those things cannot be taught, possibly caught up on but then it's just going to create a whole other world of problems including some children being held back or worse pushed on when they're not ready. Again personal opinion wouldn't this just show a bigger divide between children from wealthy and poor backgrounds?

  3. It depends what is on Star as to whether people think the cost is justified. I mean I think that just the Disney/Marvel/Star Wars stuff for 7.99 would be great value, but when you think that families might already be shelling out £100 for Sky, 8.99 a month for Netflix, 8.99 a month for Prime, 5.99 for BritBox, a little increase where you may be able to get things on existing subscription platforms could be taking the piss.

    Looking at the trailer above I didn't recognise anything apart from Family Guy which I've never watched, and 24 which I watched the first 3 seasons. So for me, I won't be paying any extra for this content as I probably won't watch it, but I am happy to pay an increase to have access to the Disney/Marvel/Star Wars stuff.

  4. Yeah I agree for sure about the dartitis. His throw looks like so many things can go wrong with it. A few times this year I’ve seen him actually not grip his dart properly and it going so far off course. 

  5. 25 minutes ago, garynysmon said:

    Darts is our national sport, I've decided.

    Not surprised if the PDC are praying for a Barnie comeback, a bit low on big names right now.

    Rob Cross is still dining out on that Championship win isn't he? Its like how Greece were still seeded for everything 10 years on from shithousing their way through Euro 2004, despite being total dogshit.

    He’s still the 4th best player in the world over the last 2 years. He had a BIG 2019 but he’s been pretty poor this year. Gerwyn Price aside I’m not sure anyone’s had a great year this year. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Your Fight Site said:

    I’m getting fed up now. I just feel the UK must be the laughing stock of the developed world. Some countries are getting back to some form of normality and we’re still in essentially a nationwide lockdown, that isn’t working, and with no end in sight. I’m just absolutely fed up and want to be anywhere but here.

    I’m not sure that’s entirely true. ‘Some’ countries have handled it better from the start. A lot of the East Asian countries are handling things better because they remember things like SARS, they always wear masks. Australia and New Zealand managed things before it got out of hand. 

    Europe is absolutely fucked, and Russia, the US, Brazil are all worse than us. Yes our government has absolutely fucked it but I think the lack of understanding of the general public is what makes us a laughing stock. I mean how many people are still going to Dubai in tier 4 lockdowns? Premiership footballers throwing parties. People breaking into a church and hosting a NYE rave. 

  7. 17 minutes ago, DEF said:

    Well that's odd. Had you imagined it that way?As that would be much shitter than the actual film which does a terrific job of slowly building a discussion of gaslightling.

    Maybe I wasn’t concentrating hard enough to see some things that might’ve been too subtle for me. I didn’t see her walking out with the invisible suit at the end either. I don’t think I’d give it another watch though. I also didn’t understand why the cop didn’t speak to her about why there was paint everywhere in the house and plates smashed, table destroyed etc.  😞

  8. 12 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    What was it?


    I thought she was having a meltdown. I don’t know why I thought that but when it actually turned out to be a real invisible man I was kinda disappointed that we weren’t living her nightmare. 


  9. I just watched The invisible man and boy it was fucking dreadful. I honestly can’t remember the last time I wanted a film to end. It really peaked with that scene in the opening post, that was the only reason I watched it. Maybe I had some pre conceived notion of what to expect going into it and it turned out completely different.

  10. This could go in the shitting thread, but here will do I suppose. The time I followed John Henderson in the shitter.

    About 3 or 4 years ago I was marking on a UK open qualifier held at Robin Park tennis centre at Wigan. Don't know if anyone has been there but the facilities are not great especially when hosting a professional tournament, the toilets were so small and there were over 300 people in the hall if you count players, guests and officials. Anyway I really really needed to have a shit and there was a queue for the toilets (not allowed to use the ladies toilets in the hall), I must've been queuing for about 15 minutes, and the stench in the toilet was dreadful, not in a Vinny Samways cock way, just an absolute stench of indian food, chinese food, kebabs and beer all mixed up. 

    I think there were 3 cubicles and one was out of order, the other seemed to be at a standstill (let's call this trap 1). Trap 2 was moving nicely, and when it was my turn trap 1 became available, even though the doors were not floor to ceiling when the door opened the smell fucking hit everyone, it was fucking awful. Big John stood there looking proud, I then realised it was my turn. I literally couldn't do justice to the smell of what he'd just dropped off. As I sat down the seat was still warm from his bottom and being a bigger guy myself and it being a small toilet my cock brushed along the front of the toilet seat before I tucked it in to the toilet. I then had a monster shit myself. After I cleaned up and flushed, i opened the door to be greeted by Phil Taylor giving me the filthiest fucking look like I needed to sort myself out 😂

    After I washed my hands I went back outside into the hall only to find out because I'd taken so long I'd missed out on marking my board final which was Adie Lewis vs James Wade, at the time both were in the Premier League so was mega gutted. As someone had covered that for me, I had to mark their game which was Ian White vs Mervyn King. Ian White only smashed a nine dart in the first or second leg didn't he. It's still the only 9 darter I've marked but I often think about Big John Henderson and his bowels when I see a 9 darter on the telly.

  11. Harry Ward is a very sensible young man, he put it all on the line that the professional game was seriously affecting his mental health and that it was the right time to put the darts on hold for the time being. Hopefully he keeps playing with his mates and enjoys it when we can get out and about in the pubs again.

  12. I actually cannot stand TSOD, I only had an account when I joined to be a marker. It's actually a disgrace how a forum can allow such constant petulant arguments to derail the entire forum. I mean we have some crossed words here, but there it is beyond immature, can just imagine the saddos sitting there trying to come up with insults for each other.

    I might give the TDF a go, I do like having sensible conversations about the darts.

    I thought it would be MVG vs Price before the tournament. Both are playing pretty special darts, and apart from the shouting both are actually very watchable. Agree with Magnum above that Gurney is playing the best in a long time, maybe he's finding some of his old form again? Gutted for Devon getting walloped by Gary Anderson, he is such a good bloke and always has time to speak to people, just a genuine guy. His scoring never really got going and 4-0 seemed harsh on him, but that's darts.

    Looking at the order of merit after the worlds there are some players in the maddest positions. I think Darren Webster will be about 47 or 48, and Cristo Reyes and Kyle Anderson both in the low 60's which is good enough for them to keep their tour cards. Both of those not played much, if at all this season. I really hope they are both able to get over here next season as they are both top 32 players and would be a travesty if they end up having to go to Q school.

    Speaking of Q school I see the format has changed. Anyone that loses their tour card this year and people in the top 20 from the Challenge Tour order of merit do not have to play all of the days of Q school instead going straight to a final tournament of sorts. Everyone else plays in a sort of prelim tournament over a few days to qualify for the finals. This should mean that quality of competitions on the final days will be higher. I can't imagine there is much worse for a decent player (85+ average) to get paired with someone chancing their arm who's throwing a 65 average.

  13. 41 minutes ago, Tsurutagun said:

    Not sure if this counts but over the top rope disqualifications in mid 90s WCW were stupid. Even stupider when they happened in cruiserweight title matches. 

    Wasn't that 'always' a DQ anywhere other than WWF? I'm sure I remember Jim Cornette saying something similar during a Heavenly Bodies vs Rock N Roll Express match at Survivor Series

  14. 36 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

    A great moment of nostalgia but pinned by an elbow drop! 

    What other "weak" finishes would have us all crying today?

    As an aside, I love that Ax is actively trying to pull Andre off (oh Matron) and the ref counts anyway because he's still pinned. When did it become a thing for the ref to stop counting because someone lightly touched the guy making the cover? It's shite. 

    I don’t think that is a weak finish. Andre headbutted him in the back of the head, choked him and Haku kicked him in the face, then a 500lb man dropped his elbow in his face. 

  15. 1 hour ago, 5pints said:

    The one and the same. Apparently going to be auctioning off the condom from her full on hardcore porn.

    It’s not porn if she’s using a johnny. Proper porn should be bareback all the way.

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