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Posts posted by stewdogg

  1. 54 minutes ago, Supremo said:

    I’m amazed they seemingly didn’t consider people abusing the fan screens. It was literally the first thing I thought of when it was announced. Although admittedly I just thought someone would have a wank or show a photo of Jimmy Saville, not an actual execution!

    The fact they went a number of shows with no delay or quality control, they’re lucky worse stuff hasn’t been shown.

    They've announced that anyone abusing it will get kicked from now on, but surely they need to do more? Especially now all the weirdos who hadn’t even considered it now know what’s possible? It’s going to be a shit show on Friday.

    It is so odd. Surely you’d have thought they’d try to mitigate this, at the highest cost they could have one ‘moderator’ watching one screen, obviously that will cost a fortune but it’s a basic risk assessment. Even if they had the show on a 5 minute delay. Hope Vince can swallow his pride if it continues to be a shitshow, the costs of fines and possibly losing TV sure outweighs the risk of not putting better mitigation in place. 

  2. On 8/12/2020 at 11:49 PM, Hannibal Scorch said:

    Sorry, I wish I was wearing a vest this day, so hot, but I went to Brighton to see my mate after he split from his Fiancé and our day was eating Vegan Fried Chick’n and playing retro SNES games



    WTF is Vegan Fried Chicken? Is the chicken vegan, or is the fying vegan, but with a real bit of chicken?

  3. Personally I don’t think Ozil is to blame, the club gave him a contract and he’s every right to receive his money. However the ‘rumours’ are Arsenal are after Willian and Coutinho, as well as the money they’re going to pay Aubameyang. It’s a kick in the teeth to the 55 staff being made redundant. 

  4. It does sound odd that cleaning would be halved.

    You could do the cleaning yourself? I don’t really know what that entails but I’ve seen Tesco are now asking their staff to take on extra cleaning responsibility, and it’s not as if you have training to keep your house tidy and clean. I guess though if you hate it that much quit. You shouldn’t have to do something that you don’t feel comfortable doing. Moaning on a forum isn’t going to achieve anything. 

  5. Been a decent first session. Tom Ford looks like a young Randy Orton even though he is probably older. 
    Barry Hearn through is a massive cock. He has just ripped Anthony Hamilton apart for withdrawing, I guess Hamilton’s view was that the there was due to be no crowd when he won the qualifiers, and now there is he can’t take the risk for his health. He’s also sounding so begrudgingly about paying Hamilton the prize money. He’s got to be a Tory.

  6. 4 minutes ago, garynysmon said:

    Well, seeing that he's played all of his club career and most of his international career at left back, not sure what other position he is.

    I have no doubt that Mourinho will improve Spurs' placement next season. The issue is that it'll be turgid to watch and Spurs fans will be having none of it.

    Sorry I should've clarified he's not a wing back. In my opinion his best position is left side of a back 3. He's also a decent left back, just doesn't have the best final product.

  7. It's been a tough season for Spurs, I think we did ok to finish 6th, on squad depth we're miles behind Liverpool and City, and were up to the start of the season probably on a par with Chelsea and Man U. Realistically we should have got 4th or 5th so although disappointing to not win anything again, miss out on Champions League and missing out on signing Bruno Fernandes it could've been a lot worse.

    Hopefully we are able to get some decent wing backs in, Ben Davies is not a wing back so unfair to ask him to play there, not sure what Serge Aurier is in all honesty, but fair play to the bloke for playing after the death of his brother.

    Even though I've said we need wing backs I think Kyle Walker-Peters will leave, along with Juan Foyth. There seems to be little point keeping Gedson Fernandes, I'd put Oliver Skipp out on loan somewhere ideally another prem team.

    We also need another centre back, I'm not sure if Sanchez is good enough, and Dier and Aldewiereld won't play every week. We also either need a creative player or let Dele play a free role, along with at least a world class striker and a back up.

  8. 21 minutes ago, Guy Bifkin said:

    I don't really get too up or down about Chelsea these days but let's just say I was pleasantly surprised by Lampard's first season in charge and the signs seem good in terms of his ability as a manager. He gave a lot of our youngsters a chance and whilst I'd say only Mount and James have maybe nailed down a first team birth, he has a good nucleus of a squad that has come through the ranks which he can supplement with expensive signings from abroad. 

    It's an obvious statement when you look at the table but we're a long way off Liverpool and City but signings like Werner, Ziyach and possibly Havertz (none of whom I've seen much of admittedly) seem to be a move in the right direction but the real issue is conceding goals. Having had some very conservative managers of the past couple of decades it's been novel to see us play at times like Kevin Keegan's Newcastle, but as Mighty Mouse himself would probably attest, you don't win leagues like that

    I hope there is some money left over for a world class goalkeeper and central defender. My choices would be Oblak and Koulibaly, I suspect the reality will be more like Henderson/Pope and Ake. We'll need to find a left back from somewhere too. Good luck to Marina Granovskaia recouping some of the money wasted on the abject Kepa. Along with him and Pedro, I'd show the door to Emerson, Alonso, Rudiger, Christensen, Jorginho, Barkley, Batshuayi, Willian and Giroud (the last two, somewhat reluctantly given their post lockdown heroics). There must be a dozen stiffs out on loan we could fuck off too, but not Ethan Ampadu. Loftus-Cheek and Hudson-Odoi need to get themselves fit and prove themselves otherwise they would follow. 


  9. On 7/10/2020 at 10:01 PM, Tommy! said:

    I love demolition man but it can't just be me that considers its plot generally a bit thin. 

    Having not seen it in a few years I can still remember nearly every scene of that film but couldn't tell you why evil future dude has gone to all the trouble of using snipes to kill someone because it ultimately wasn't that important to enjoying the film or the continuing Spartan & Phoenix showdowns in a fish out of water world. 

    It's also got a gorgeous Sandra Bullock talking about licking ass, so that's a +1.

    It was on TCM the other day and instead of Taco Bell they had dinner at Pizza Hut! Seems like it’s a UK thing, apparently Brits don’t know what Taco Bell is. 

  10. 8 hours ago, johnnyboy said:

    If you get your macho peas and bottomless Diet Coke free would you mind forgetting the 60,000 dead?

    There are 5 Monday’s in August so that’s a lot of discount to use. I think I can console myself in my creamy mash that 60000 died for me to get it half price. Winners and losers. 

  11. 2 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    Whilst I don't think he could thrive at the very top, I think Sean Dyche is a perfect example of complete and utter snobbery* in this country, and that "hilarious" article is a prime example. 

    It's a bit like Roy Hodgson being a "funny little Grandad" when actually, he's one of the smartest managers around.

    Because he looks and sounds the way he does, he gets unfairly maligned as a bit "Brexity", and thick, and to be honest, even though it's very methodical and traditional, I'd rather watch Burnley over the majority of the Premier League at the moment. He's done a fantastic job there.

    I think he'd fit Newcastle well, but perhaps not if they get taken over, although that might be fun.

    *Glass houses and stones, I've been/am guilty of it as well.

    @Mr_Danger I can't agree on Redknapp. I've never liked him, and he's possibly my most hated Spurs manager of my lifetime, and that includes the current cunt and The Man In The Raincoat.

    Is the man in the raincoat George Cuntface Graham? I dislike that man with a passion. Stupid fucking prick. Talked Sol Campbell into going to Arsenal for sure. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, Joe Blog said:

    Yeah the 'Outed' her mind set is ridiculous, even using outed in regards to Covid is stupid. It's not something to have to hide. 

    Calling Tony a prick for telling his fans why their champion is not on shows is stupid. 

    Nobody called him a prick. 

    I think it’s a personal choice as to whether someone chooses to release the information, as Renee has now done. Maybe there was a discussion between Jon and Renee before it was released. My view is that she might have kept it to herself if Tony Khan hadn’t put the statement out. 

  13. 3 minutes ago, Suplex Sinner said:

    Rene Young posted on Twitter that she has Covid-19. 

    Part of me is surprised the WWE was so lax in precautions but as someone else noted, they have a horrible track record so part of me isn't. 

    Wonder if the tapings will be cancelled.

    Tony Khan ‘outed her’ when he said Moxley couldn’t compete at the tapings. 

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