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Posts posted by neil

  1. Read a thing today about there being a bug with cars disappearing from your garage. Made me think about one of the features in this, the whole "save a car here and upgrade it". Is there any real point to that? I feel like most missions have you driving a specific car, and pretty much just driving around is going to have you wreck a car sooner or later. I'm not seeing the point in it right now.


    In other news, I just bought my first property (the airport natch), and am quite excited by the thought of buying up all the properties....but holy shit are some expensive.

  2. Using the rudder is key to flying (L1/R1). If you're just using the ailerons (left stick) you're going to be making too big of a change in your flight profile to maintain a smooth approach to any target/landing.

  3. Re: costumes - no matter what I buy them, they all seem to default to shit clothing whenever I jump out of them to other characters. It's too much of a ballache to traipse back to a safehouse and get changed every time. Not impressed. Also, my garage is often empty of any of the decent cars I've boosted.

    Yeah I've noticed this too. It's quite annoying.

  4. it is a really sad and tragic thing that happened in america 12 years ago but do we really need to keep hearing about it? we are british not american. i dont see americans throwing a memorial parade for anything tragic that ever happened in the uk


    Christ. Great timing, love.

    You only really come to appreciate the misplaced snobbery that the British provide when you live in another country.


    This is after several photos and statuses from "The Mind Unleashed" he's shared over the last week or two on Facebook. Like, how do you go from finding it interesting or being curious to suddenly talking like a Bray Wyatt promo? What a mong.


  5. Neil was taking the piss though, wasn't he?


    Oh :( Well, might explain why TDU wasn't a massive success. Personally I find cruising (not the mikey type) a lot of fun in sandbox games.


    The bit in San Andreas when you complete Truth's final mission and have to drive him to San Fierro along those gorgeous mountain roads in his psychedelic van whilst Horse With No Name plays in the background was a seminal GTA moment for me. Actually it's just occured to me this is going to be my first GTA experience not under the influence of a dustbin sack full of grass. Even with a big fuck off HDTV, it won't be the same I fear...

    Yeah I was only somewhat joking. Long drives can be annoying, but they're also great. Hopefully with these distances nicking a plane/helicopter and then just parachuting out will be relatively easy.


    Along the same lines as Ralphy, all the people that couldn't complete the flying missions. LOL @ u. Flightsim nerds own.


    I also remember being so disappointed in the music in GTA4. So many awful stations. That russian radio station was so so bad. GTA4 was kind of shit in retrospect.




    I had to get someone to do the missions where you had to fly a plane through rings at an airfield for me, did the first level or two but could never complete it.

    Button masher spotted

  6. While I am excited for this game I will be buying it in a few weeks rather than at release. I'll also stop reading about it online. I cannot stand the long, aspergers driven, posts about it immediately after release.

  7. I saw this the other day:


    "Every time you trip on your ego, it brings you to your knees. Every time you embrace kindness, you stand tall."


    Said with a little frustration and a lot of Love


    "~A~" is the person who wrote that status too. Yes, they self-quoted themselves.

  8. This guy is a bit of a cheesedick, but has easy to follow videos for very basic brewing. He uses some adjuncts, but does have other videos on better brewing techniques, but this is a decent coverage of easy home brewing.


  9. Can anyone recommend a good home brewing kit? Going to get one started next week. How long does it take etc?

    I started off with a Cooper's kit and it's pretty sound. The one thing you want to really focus on when first starting to brew is temperature and ingredients. A lot of "easy" kits have you brewing too high a temp and a lot of adjunct ingredients like dextrose or even, shudder, table sugar. This just leads to a really shit tasting beer that will make you give up on the whole thing.


    Good ale brewing temps are in the 60-65F area for most ale yeasts and you want a brewing kit that is all malt ideally. A lot of people really stress about cleaning, but to be honest, you'd be amazed what you can get away with in my experience.

  10. Boardwalk was my #9 pick, but by the time it ends, I think it'll be regarded as one of the best ever. Every season opens it out further and further, and they're not afraid to go in some really bold, unexpected directions, subverting shit the live-long day like Game of Thrones does.


    I loved the first season, but then when starting the second just found myself desperately trying to finish episodes. I got about 3 in and haven't watched any since. I just started to find it immensely boring.

  11. Yeah, that #1 pick for Spartacus was mine. The irritating thing is, Brooker was right. This is always going to be a hard show to get people into, because you have to start with the caveat of "It's the greatest show ever, but... the first three episodes are very, very silly." But in episode 4, you're left thinking "Hang on. Was it me, or was that actually quite brilliant?" and from thereon out, it's perfect television right up to the final episode.


    I got my roommate into Spartacus, but those first couple episodes made it hard. He wasn't that impressed, but I'm telling him to stick with it, without spoiling what is about to happen. Once that episode ended he was like "we need to watch the next one now" and I knew he was hooked.


    We're currently watching the final season now. It's not as good as the first season and the prequal season, but it's still a great show.

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