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Posts posted by neil

  1. I read something today that cold baths do nothing for muscle soreness after working out.


    To be honest, I don't think you'll be able to avoid it. Warming down to me seems to be more about injury prevention. You're muscles will be sore because you've pushed them in a way they haven't been used before, so they have microtears and are now adapting, growing, and that's what hurts. If you do any activity you'll notice the first time you do it you'll be sore, if you keep on doing it you won't be. This is why when you are on a weightlifting program you increase the weight/reps/etc in order to stimulate that continued growth.

  2. To follow up my own post. A foam roller is a solid investment, it's like giving yourself a massage. Very easy to use.


    Richie- your legs are going to be more sore tomorrow FYI. I would suggest you keep yourself mobile as much as possible and do some stretching throughout the day.

  3. Seeing the gym is in n00b season and the treadmills/trainers are constantly packed on Mondays, I've been finally taking to street running. After a fairly poor (my standards) run last week, last night I successfully completed a 2.2 mile loop (from the gym up several main roads past the house I used to live in, light inclines and a steep drop) for three laps in a shade less than 80 minutes, having reached 10km in @74min.


    I welcomed the rain at the end of the last lap :)

    Running outside is a million times better than a treadmill. Treadmills in my mind are useful for when the weather is shit, or you want to do a strict interval type routine. Otherwise, get the fuck outside.

  4. Bacon and eggs isn't that bad really. At the end of the day it's all calories and then the breakdown of what makes up those calories. Eggs are pretty good, assuming not fried in a load of grease. Bacon isn't great due to the fat content, but it's protein at least. A worse choice would've to have something like toast.


    Post-workout I like to just ingest protein really. Be that a shake maybe right after and then when I get home some chicken/fish with some vegetables. I normally work out at night so it essentially makes up my dinner.

  5. I too have found one of the worst times for it to be when trying to sleep...


    I haven't had it checked out. But I'm quite sure it's the rotator and my brother and my friend have both had repeated rotator injuries in the past and have given me all the stretches and exercises I need to do to get it sorted and that's pretty much all a physio would do anyway!

    Could be tendonitis. I once had my left shoulder be in quite a lot of pain and was convinced it was a rotator cuff injury. Ice, ibuprofen and rest cleared it up.


    Oh and on the topic of deadlifts you should definitely do them. Start out light though until you've got your form well under control. The ego wants you to load those plates up on the bar, but you'll just end up rounding your back.

  6. Not that I'm saying this IS the case, and you should definitely get your back looked at, but a lot of back problems in my experience are caused by being overweight and having a total lack of developed back muscles. Especially if you're one of those who spends most of their day sitting in a chair.

  7. I put on a stunning 8lbs of fat since my return to the UK on the 19th December. Ironically, returning to the USA will result in that going. The two biggest culprits of thost 8lbs, beer and bread. I love the both of them, but bread is shit in the US so I rarely eat it, beer is much more controlled too (once a week rather than one day off a week).


    I'd like to get my arse in gear in terms of bringing lunch to work with me. It's good for the wallet and the waist. The sweet potato is a good idea that I will consider. I think the best thing for me would be to prep all my lunches on a sunday. I never have time in the morning.

  8. I was up in York over Christmas and got to have a couple lovely beers. Centurion Ghost Ale from York Brewery and Battle Axe from Rudgate Brewery. Both really good beers.


    I'd forgotten about Centurion Ghost Ale - I lived in York years back and that was a really nice one. Did any pubs there stand out to you?

    Didn't go to any boozers this time, but I have been to quite a few before. Unfortunately I'm awful with the names so can't really point any out, although I've enjoyed several pubs up there. More so the non-york brewery ones ironically.

  9. I was up in York over Christmas and got to have a couple lovely beers. Centurion Ghost Ale from York Brewery and Battle Axe from Rudgate Brewery. Both really good beers.


    The thing about both these beers are that they aren't doing anything radical, but they are just excellent examples of the style. It's nice these days to just get a straight up solid beer rather than the constant stream of small breweries pushing the envelope.

  10. It seemed like there wasn't any real understanding of how the hops are used within the brewing process. Whilst I'm not a home brewer I am an ale fan and I do have a rudimentary understanding of brewing and the main usage of hops when added to the wort is to add bitterness, but as I said it does depend on the variety used and I forgot to mention when that when the hops are added to the boil makes a difference as well. It was just the fact that he seemed to equate more hops equals more flavour which certainly isn't true.

    No. What hops add to a brew depends on when they are added during the wort boil. Long times, 45 mins or so, extracts the bitterness from the hops, shorter periods like 10-15 mins adds hop flavour, whereas brief additions in the last minute of a boil are purely for aroma. This is why a variety of hops is typically used, as some hop types have more bitterness vs flavour vs aroma.

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