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Posts posted by neil

  1. 45 minutes ago, stumobir said:

    Trying a dry brine for the turkey this year, apparently it keeps the meat moist and gives extra crispy skin.

    Yes its a total game changer, will be the best turkey you've ever had. I've pleaded with my family to do this, as well a not cook it until its well over the safe temp, in previous years but it falls on deaf ears..."don't want it to be too salty". Wouldn't be Christmas without the traditional overcooked and dry as fuck meat would it?

  2. 1 hour ago, Tamura said:

    In 2012 54% of doctors backed denial of treatment to smokers and the obese. In 2016 the obese were denied treatment, and there were also reports it may be extended to smokers. If it's down to resource management, I'm 100% of the opinion that people who, for no legitimate reason, refuse to be vaccinated should be very much at the back of the queue for for life-saving healthcare should they be hospitalised with COVID. There's been more than enough stories in the press about anti-vaxxers dying from COVID for them to get the message that everyone is potentially vulnerable.

    It's hilarious in the US because you get the same person who has views against COVID (just a cold ain't it, only people who die are old and frail), refuse to get vaccinated, and at the same time proud to have no health care coverage and definitely NONE of that socialist coverage. Of course they have a tendency to then need hospital care (and UP IN ARMS at the scarcity of it) from their "I'M LIVING MY LIFE AND FUCK WEARING A MASK" behaviour and its all rounded off with their families posting online looking for contributions to their gofundme's (covering said medical and in some cases funeral costs).

  3. I don't really subscribe to the whole "if you don't do it then you can't say anything" but its always irked me that Rogan is a colour commentator when having zero MMA experience. I get the history of his involvement and why he was useful at that time and yeah he has experience with BJJ and taekwondo but generally feel like he should really just shut up when talking about what fighters should be doing, he's never trained at that level, never fought, but yet has this huge platform. 

  4. 2 hours ago, stumobir said:


    Look at the absolute state of this. There’s something really creepy about the Daily Express and it’s readers. 

    Ah yes, the opinion piece on the front page...or is it supposed to be a "quote". 

  5. Had a Moderna booster shot yesterday, no time and no options for fast food afterwards, feeling extremely tired today and that general malaise feeling of "am I getting sick?". Absolutely will need to get some KFC in me or else I'm fooked.

  6. 57 minutes ago, wandshogun09 said:

    I felt like Rogan made more of it than it was

    You must be new to Joe Rogan.


    59 minutes ago, wandshogun09 said:

    Genuinely think it’s right on par with Serra knocking out GSP

    I actually think this is more shocking because Serra didn't clown GSP or make him quit with Pena did. He threw a bomb, it landed and GSP went down.


    I forgot about Cody "NO LOVE" Douchebrandt getting starched. That was joyous. What a prick that lad is. Likewise I don't understand all the acclaim and "legend" status that gets thrown his way, sure he won the title at 11-0 and that promptly started a bad trend where he is now 1 and FUCKING SIX*.


    *yeah yeah TJ and EPO and all that but he still got KOd

  7. I was too knackered to stay up for the Nunes/Pena fight and beyond but in seeing the result let out an absolute howl of laughter. I love Nunes but that is absolutely shocking. The finish definitely looked like Nunes just wanted out, not even two hooks in, wild.

    Also shout out to the real star of the night Megan Olivi who looked knock out gorgeous.

  8. 3 hours ago, Your Fight Site said:

    My uneducated take would be that the combination 1 through 7 being drawn is just as likely from a statistical standpoint as any other combination. It’s just seven balls from a pool of whatever the Lottery uses these days.

    So I think there would be two events you’d be looking at the possibilities here. What is the possibility of getting 1–7 (or any other run of numbers)? The same as drawing any other combination. But the chance of drawing a run like that versus the chance of drawing a spaced-out run of numbers is lesser, because there are far more non-sequential combinations as there are sequential combinations.

    If you mean the two events are whether you get 1-7 in any order vs getting 1-7 pulled in sequential order then yes they are two events (permutation and combination). But as far as the probability of getting 1-7 in any order is the same as getting "1,2,3,4,5,6,10" in any order.

    Now if you factor in how lotteries work in terms of a shared jackpot then you'd probably not want to do 1-7 as there are probably more people picking those numbers (as a laff) thus reducing your payout should that rare combination come up.

    Back on topic, one great argument I've had related to the above was after explaining this to an old relative them going "yeah well if thats the case how come its never happened eh?".

  9. 2 hours ago, Philo_Vance said:

    There's two or three that spring to mind..

    Many years ago there was a pub near us that used to do a drink called the pigfucker. Mixed spirits with a touch of fruit juice, horrible and very strong and it made the gaff a destination for the worst kind of student. Like me and my mates. One night we bumped into a girl that we sort of knew...

    I got very nervous this was about to enter Gatso territory.

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